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NRO finished 34 MQM workers warrants issued

You need to do google. Altaf has two houses on his name in london while being jobless. Why do you think he is facing money laundering charges ?

Funny thing that you have a 'PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST' under your nick an the line above is extremely contradictory to the title. You have come out as an extreme ignorant both in the laws of ML and in property. Perhaps it is best to read about the 2 before you make a further joke out of yourself.

and last I check MQM is party of middle class log. How come they are bearing london expenses ?

Hundreds of thousands of middle class families send their children abroad for higher education and many bear all related costs......how much do you think is needed to live in London? Ever been out of your city?

Court has issued 34 warrants of MQM workers who were involved from Murders to attempted Murders are issued again and Court has asked Police to arrest them soon and present them in front of SC.
@Patriots @rockstar08 @Gazi @KURUMAYA

So will they also arrest TTP scums? Not that you would be posting it anywhere because of apparent reasons.
Funny thing that you have a 'PDF THINK TANK: ANALYST' under your nick an the line above is extremely contradictory to the title. You have come out as an extreme ignorant both in the laws of ML and in property. Perhaps it is best to read about the 2 before you make a further joke out of yourself.

Hundreds of thousands of middle class families send their children abroad for higher education and many bear all related costs......how much do you think is needed to live in London? Ever been out of your city?

So will they also arrest TTP scums? Not that you would be posting it anywhere because of apparent reasons.

Indulge me what do you know about Altaf hussain property that I don't know ? He is jobless, He is living a luxurious life allegedly on the donations sent from Pakistan whose authenticity is extremely suspicious, hence the investigation of money laundering. So a middle class leader living in a posh house driving a posh car based on the so called hard earned donations of it's members while claiming to end feudal system but living like a feudal. Did I miss something ?

With family in london ? you need atleast 3000 pounds. I've been out of city more than you ever been. I guess being MQM'er it's norm for you you have to defend every, what we say in urdu, ichi bichi of taafu and next person ignorant by any mean necessary

Because they collect donations for noble cause in karachi..And people trust MQM that's why they give donations to them.

What noble cause ? Feeding jobless altaf and it's luxurious lifestyle ?
Indulge me what do you know about Altaf hussain property that I don't know ? He is jobless, He is living a luxurious life allegedly on the donations sent from Pakistan whose authenticity is extremely suspicious, hence the investigation of money laundering. So a middle class leader living in a posh house driving a posh car based on the so called hard earned donations of it's members while claiming to end feudal system but living like a feudal. Did I miss something ?

You said that the ML case against AH was because of him owning 2 properties despite being jobless. That was the first ignorant comment, stated matter of factly, which should shame you with my explanation below.

ML is the art of washing dirty money into clean money, usually there is a predicate offence behind ML due to which the money has to be laundered in the first case, as otherwise the money would need not be laundered. To prove ML, one has to prove a predicate offence behind the money and that is usually done by following the trail of money to the source. In case of MQM and AH, all the money comes from donations which have proper paper trail, record and are audited. Hence the failure of Scotland Yard to proceed with prosecution!

Basically, both things are radically different and not related at all, because, if you had actually ever been out of your city and to another country, you would have known that to purchase property outside one has to be tax registered, must have audited financials for the past many years and so on (in case of one attempting to secure a loan, one also needs to show a steady stream of income). Their is 1 property in AH's name, and not 2 unlike your ignorant claim, and that property was purchased probably about 15 years ago! The other property is in the name of the organization MQM, which is registered in UK!

With family in london ? you need atleast 3000 pounds. I've been out of city more than you ever been. I guess being MQM'er it's norm for you you have to defend every, what we say in urdu, ichi bichi of taafu and next person ignorant by any mean necessary

Your attempt to defend your personal image appears to be a façade rather then be a fact, especially since it is not a crime to not have travelled outside one's city or country unless one is extremely ashamed of his inability to actually travel outside.

And thanks for taking the liberty of calculating my trips, from your expertise of the unknown and measuring them against your own 'alleged' trips.

Hope you like that pic ?lolzz

that has nothing to do with NRO genius, NS got the benefit of NRO
that has nothing to do with NRO genius, NS got the benefit of NRO
Well then I must put press conference after charter of damocrazy been drafted?lolzz

Friend , I think accepting is the way to move forward instead of being singer of ours donkey songs ?
I am not going to stuck in past ?lolzz
Here is unrest in Pakistan due to mentality like you.You molvis sold themselves to USA for dollars under the shadow of so called jihad in afganistan. When U.S.A stopped money giving you and put conditions on it.Now ,U.S.A is biggest enemy of you ..Such. hypocrite people. Atleast MQM have same stance against Taliban from first day.
Come on joker , eat imm alive , man we need a dam compitetion ?lolzzz
majir needs to find themself a new leader and get out of terrorism . they are future isolate themselves
Well then I must put press conference after charter of damocrazy been drafted?lolzz

Friend , I think accepting is the way to move forward instead of being singer of ours donkey songs ?
I am not going to stuck in past ?lolzz

OK here I accept NS's fake hijack case was removed as a benefit of NRO along with 200 murder cases on MQM leadership and unimaginable corruption cases on Zardari and toola....fair?

do you still salute your general?
OK here I accept NS's fake hijack case was removed as a benefit of NRO
Atleast MQM don't buy judges like your noora leaders to kill murder cases. Black trade on Rise in Punjab , lol even shahbaz sharif Caught red handed buying the judges. lol
What a shameless leaders.
Atleast MQM don't buy judges like your noora leaders to kill murder cases. Black trade on Rise in Punjab , lol even shahbaz sharif Caught red handed buying the judges. lol
What a shameless leaders.
Yes they simply murder them
Atleast MQM don't buy judges like your noora leaders to kill murder cases. Black trade on Rise in Punjab , lol even shahbaz sharif Caught red handed buying the judges. lol
What a shameless leaders.

thats a good way to start an argument "At least"
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