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Now you understand why China will not support....

I wonder how many country will come to support india if some thing similar happen to india

I hope Indian policy makers will be matured enough not to cry a river over such trite issues!
I wonder how many country will come to support india if some thing similar happen to india

And it most certaonly will.

Every country has loonies. Yours is Liu, ours is Arundhati.

It's just that, your loony has got more publicity than our loony. :lol:

But the response by Chinese members that India is in trouble or that India is harming the bilateral relationship in an extremely negative manner is just misplaced as nearly all the world is attending the ceremony and singling India out will not be a wise thing to do.

It won't have anymore negative impact on India-China relaionship than it will have on China-US, China-UK or China-Venezuela relationship.

P.S. I personally think India should not attend the ceremoney but the Chinese members are most certainly exaggerating its impact on India-China relationship.

Sarkozy says UN Security Council permanent seat for India possible next year

French President Nicolas Sarkozy today said a reformed UN Secutiry Council with India as a permanent member should come about next year itself and once at the high table, it will need to commit more troops for UN-mandated missions to "defend peace".

Calling the 35-year-long "standstill" over reforming the UN Security Council as "audacious", Sarkozy, a votary of India's bid for a permanent seat, said a reformed UN Security Council could be in place in 2011 itself.

"It is time in 2011, not even in 2012," the French president said during an address to business leaders at the iconic hotel Taj Mahal here today.

Sarkozy said changing the global high table "is not a matter of choice" and added, "If you (India) demand it, no one can resist".

Sarkozy, who while backing India's quest for the UN Security Council permanent membership had earlier said that a rising power with a population of over 1 billion cannot be kept away from the global high table, also reminded India of the increased responsibilities that would come its way.

"You will have to send troops beyond your borders to defend peace," he said, adding, this definitely comes at a cost as precious lives can be lost.

"We (France) have also lost lives, it is painful... that is the price you pay (for being a big power)," he said in his 30-minute extempore address.

"You will have to shoulder responsibilities and we will help you doing so," Sarkozy said.

Lets see what China does next year if it comes up..not withstanding Chinese-Dragon opinion here.
yes,evil bhartis dont deserve this seat:devil:

Not so much for the evil.

India is simply too small and insignificant economically to be a major player yet. When India is bigger we can talk. Google "India" and 90% of the articles are from Indian sources. The hyped up Indian significance drum beating is mostly self boast. For now India accounts for 2% of global trade and its economy is smaller than Brazil.
Not so much for the evil.

India is simply too small and insignificant economically to be a major player yet. When India is bigger we can talk. Google "India" and 90% of the articles are from Indian sources. The hyped up Indian significance drum beating is mostly self boast. For now India accounts for 2% of global trade and its economy is smaller than Brazil.

man ur thinking is just short sighted,i have no offense to say this.
i m giving u an example->

these all leaders which are coming to india and praising india not just for something great.they look for the 1 trillion dollars indian market of next 10 yrs,every body wants a share in this.

under developed india is an oppurtunity for them.so dont make fool of ur self.:coffee:
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