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Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

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police acting like its under a totalitarian govt, is that going to be norm from now on ?
i dont see any change in police, police in most Indian states are corrupt and bow to their masters.
so its more of same.
btw, police is under state govt, so tamil nadu police has different boss from goa police( a bjp govt there)
Well said! People who speak the truth are rarely looked upon favorably.
Yaaa then by your logic SALMAN RUSHDIE should be hailed for uttering muttering only the truth :coffee:

You my friend are sadly mistaken. Hamid Mir and Geo are traitors. Your admiration of them is understandable.

And so is your admiration for ArundhatinRoy ....its verrryyy understandable.

Enemy's enemy is a friend isn't it??
Yaaa then by your logic SALMAN RUSHDIE should be hailed for uttering muttering only the truth :coffee:

And so is your admiration for ArundhatinRoy ....its verrryyy understandable.

Enemy's enemy is a friend isn't it??

Actually I used to admire Arundhaty Roy for her stands. And enjoyed her sticking it to the male egoists both in the intellectual and political landscape in India.

On some aspects of Kashmir and Maoists she is right.

But she comes from the same brand of thought that ensures India remains mired in poverty, mediocrity.
Actually I used to admire Arundhaty Roy for her stands. And enjoyed her sticking it to the male egoists both in the intellectual and political landscape in India.

On some aspects of Kashmir and Maoists she is right.

But she comes from the same brand of thought that ensures India remains mired in poverty, mediocrity.
I am on the same page Ravi.
I admired her once upon a time...
I greatly admire her even to this day. It helps me to brand all far leftists as anti Indians or lunatics (depending on the occasion).

India seems to be blessed with the worst kinds of leftists and they are the most outspoken too.
I greatly admire her even to this day. It helps me to brand all far leftists as anti Indians or lunatics (depending on the occasion).
You wouldn't have been admiring her if god forbid any of your relatives had been in that Jnaneswari express..Hypocrisy at its best.
"Colonise itself"? WTF does that mean?

I know that Ms Arundhati Roy is a talented writer, but even she cannot do this sort of sophistry with words.

Well , Cancer colonizes it's own body ... Doesn't it ?
You wouldn't have been admiring her if god forbid any of your relatives had been in that Jnaneswari express..Hypocrisy at its best.
Read it again. Braindead far leftists = asset we should and will protect.
Well , Cancer colonizes it's own body ... Doesn't it ?
Cancer cells attack and kill the body from within, and that analogy would be appropriate for the seditious groups that Arundhati Roy sympathizes with. I'm not sure how a country can colonize itself, which means establishing colonies within itself, which doesn't seem to make sense. A nation's colony by definiton can only be set up away from home.
Don't bother to lie. This is what you said, exactly, copied from your post:
I told you what it is.She is a terrorist sympathizer and actively supports anti-national activities, making her a terrorist herself. You, on the other hand is fooling none but yourself for taking a pin-hole view on the matter.I couldn't care less if you want to take it otherwise.

You were not, in that post, attacking her, however much you try to pretend otherwise. You made a direct attack on me. The trouble with attacking someone who can retaliate is that it is not half as much fun as saying things about someone who is not present, and is therefore an easy target.

She may or may not be a terrorist sympathiser. That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, and to say it, under the same law that guarantees her her own right to free speech. No trouble with that. But that is not what we have in front of us.

In plain words, you levelled an accusation against me. You have been unable to provide any grounds for it. And all you have to offer is garbled stuff about pinhole views. Whether you care or not, it is my pleasure to expose you and show you to be the poltroon and coward that you are.

Quite obviously, having seen that the game is up, you are now trying to shift your ground. It was not about Arundhati Roy, it was about your foul libels about me that I challenged.

Once again, put up or shut up.
Ohh.. stop patting you own back, will you ? The thread is about Arundhati Roy and her deliberate attempts to undermine the government and thereby the people of India, not about you.
Are you so dense that you assume that supporting an individual's human rights is at the expense of denying the human rights of the victims of terrorist murder?

First, the thread is indeed about Arundhati Roy and her right to free speech. It is you who derailed it and started making personal accusations. If you know so much about how to stick to the subject, why did you deviate?

Second, the dense one is you, for assuming that supporting Arundhati Roy's human rights in any way denies the human rights of the victims of terror. Will not supporting her rights restore the rights of the victims? What is the connection? Are the terrorists doing what they are because of Arundhati Roy? Will they stop if she stops speaking in favour of their causes (their causes, not their actions)? What is it that you are trying to achieve? Retaliation?

I am concerned about her freedom of speech, because of those like you who threaten it.

And I have never, ever failed to speak up for those who were the victims of terror. Read my posts.
Of course not..But one has to see things in the light of the other intertwined events from a holistic point of view, before reaching to a conclusion.I have given it a thought and I will admit, advocating lynching was going a bit too far and that is wrong, I got carried away.But, there is no point denying the fact that her deliberate and repetitive abuse of the freedom extended to her by the constitution is obnoxious and tantamount to sedition.

Again, you display your ignorance in huge measure.

Repeatedly using the right of free speech in no way amounts to sedition. There are completely different yardsticks to determine sedition. There are courts of law and entire legal apparatuses to determine what is sedition. Sedition is not something that is taken up by every Tom, Dick or Harry who has heard of the word and of the law for the first time and wants to show off. There are people to take care of that, and considering that we are not discussing a politician, or a rich capitalist here, if there had been any substance to such a charge, of sedition, she would have been arraigned by now.

Someone who speaks her mind about a subject does not become seditious just because people like you don't like what she is saying.

Aren't you being a little obvious?

If you can't answer or are cornered, just compare the other person to Rahul Gandhi and everyone thinks you are the one right. That is infantile; try something better.​
Again.. stop patronizing yourself.I will tell you what is obvious.You being rhetorical, repeating words like freedom of expression and vehemently denying to see the bigger picture is obvious.If each and everyone starts to think like you then there will not be any India the way we see it today, for the diversity is way too much.It is in the very interest of the state that such separatist voices are toned down, for the sake of greater good.It is doing us no benefit..Talk about that if you have to, instead of trying to paint it me vs you,for that is infantile.

Patronizing myself? Why use phrases and expressions that you obviously don't understand?

And what has seeing the big picture got to do with freedom of expression? Have you even read the Constitution? Do you find it telling you that some random jackass who thinks he is an authority on the big picture can overthrow its basics?

If each and every one starts to think like you, then there will not be any India the way we see it today. The India the way we see it today is the India that is defined by the Constitution, and it is that Constitution about which you are so ignorant, it is that Constitution that you want to try and second-guess by stating your own rules and definitions.

As far as toning down separatist voices is concerned, if you think that physically suppressing them is going to serve any purpose, then you are a dunce. The British didn't succeed in suppressing Indian voices with their laws on sedition, and their restrictions on newspapers and on speeches, so what makes you think that you will suppress somebody with contrary thoughts to yours?

Let's hear from you.

Who did the things you assert were done? The portions in bold?​
Come again please ? Pardon my poor comprehension skill.The language has always been foreign to me.

Try not to play the innocent. Passages were marked in bold. Who, according to you, did those things? Go back and read it. Everybody but you must have got it, including those who, like I, are reading and writing a foreign language.

The conscience is clear? Who's talking about conscience? We are discussing your ability to think straight. Unfortunately, from the evidence on display, your ability to think is not clear.

Next, are you really saying that Arundhati Roy is not free to sympathise with terrorists, and should be killed in an encounter because of what she says?

What does that say about your supporting terrorism and murder in your own turn? What is the difference between what you have suggested here, and what terrorists have done in J&K, or what Maoists do in Chhatisgarh?

Why should we not condemn you in the same terms as we have condemned, and will continue to condemn terrorists and Maoists?​
Yes, I see the point there.My apologies.I was wrong.If we start behaving like those henchmen, then there is no difference between us and them.I would rather ask for a civilized way of dealing with the problem, and I do believe she should be brought to justice and should be made to answer in front of we, the people for her actions.

Let us be thankful for small mercies. But let us also know if all this storm and fury is because you watch too many TV shows, and because you think that Arnab Goswami is the court.

Why should anyone answer in front of you? Do you know who set up these courts of we, the people.

The Maoists do.

I know, because I've been put in front of one.

How are you different from the Maoists?
And I find you absurd here, not a little. I was defending the right of an Indian citizen to her constitutional right of free speech, and you think that is anti-national. That is absurd, in the correct sense of the word. Your individual feelings and emotions do not decide who is to be granted her rights, and who is to be deprived of them. There are courts to decide that and you, for instance, are nowhere in the picture

Your freedom ends where its starts and begins for the other. Constitutional rights are not due previledges to be abused, in this case,speech, will be judged in the basis of its implication on a person's thought. Just like my views mattered to you, you came balzing all your guns and told what not.

So a view point is so important that it may revoke emotions of the other and what has been said by Ms Roy affects the national concensus as sensitive. I am sure she can express her rights in her room, but not on national media giving interview to a pakistani news paper. Hence the outrage and if you call that absurd, then I advise please never make such "absurd" remarks.

Second, if you are really in the majority on this, then amend the Constitution; don't just sound off here and think that your views must prevail. There is nothing to distinguish you from any random passer-by. If anything, as @Bang Galore has pointed out - I would not have made that point in my favour, but since he has, I am using it - I have done my share for my country. Who are you, and what have you done? What gives you the right to judge my actions? And what makes you qualified to judge who is for the country and who is against it? How are you equal to me?

Second, please be informed that you are not doing this nation a FAVOR, than doing your job so as I do. That doesnt demand any concession whatsoever. If you dont want to be judged on the basis of your expression on a forum like this, I advise you to stay at home. Nothing is personal here.
She is a lost case. I hate these communists.
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