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Now, Tibetans-in-exile can start enterprises in India

No need to give unnecessary attention to that guy. He is being a typical Dilliwala (you see how stereotypes work!). Tibetans are amazing people, peaceful and hard working. There is a huuuuuge Tibetan community in my hometown, since our state is just next to Tibet, so a lot of them have migrated since 50's. I sometimes feel sad for them when they hand out pamphlets to us regarding protests and hunger strikes, but then nothing can be done on that front. The least we could do is give them citizenship.

(Plus Tibetan food is amazing)

I think Tibetans need to obtain political power, they are the only people, who truly understand Chinese threat.
Madam ji they ALREADY VOTED in the last general elections. Aap to har India thread me post karti ho, how come you dont know :what:

:)))))))))))))) that made them Indians but whats with exile thingy then. dalai lama's logic getting a hit then
I am all for it.
India gov do a good job to take Tibetans-in-exile in.You should never allow them back to China.
If have read some journey article in BCMTouring such as One Month Family Trip to Xinjiang, China's Central Asia and incredible Tibet,you will know how Tibetans of China live now. Nobody want to be serf under Illegal rule again.

Is it a different way to bring investments from china?;)
Yes delhi is the city of outsider Indians but not of illegal bangladeshis and tibatans.

LOL. Now I understand you better. You want India to play equal equal with Bangladeshi Muslims and Tibetans :lol:

So you are from the "secular" community. Well guess what ? Tibetans are from the Dharmic fold and they are welcome into India. Muslims from BD and pakistan are NOT. Get it ?

Same goes for Tamils from SL, Nepali's from Nepal and people from Bhutan. But it will always remain NO for muslims from BD & Pak. Get it ?
Yes ofcourse there are but they are Indian and not some half a$$ chinese.
You wanna be cheerleader for outsider??
Good for you.But I can't cheerlead for outsider when 33% of our own population is below the poverty line.

Sorry dude, I understand your fustration that 33% of Indians are living below the porverty while Indian gorvernment still using tax payers money to cheerleading & make these exile Tibetans look good in order to mount propaganda against China. Now your gorverment has improve the living condition of these people by offering the possibility to start entreprise, next I think they should be granted to have autonomous state in Dharamsala region as well :lol:

Now Thank you India, we exile Tibetan love you:smitten:you have rising our living standard, India gorverment did a great job

.....and now for these poor people, are India gorverment still do the great jobs?

Because they were stateless. Neither Indian citizens nor Chinese citizens and Tibet was not recognized as a free nation either.

you can alway make a free nation for these Exile Tibetans in India soil, we Chinese don't have problem with that :lol:...how about start with Dharamsala :P

I think Tibetans need to obtain political power, they are the only people, who truly understand Chinese threat.

Indeed I concur that :lol:, the Tibetan politcal power within India is a natural choice :tup:, next Indian Prime minster should be Tibetan since they truly undertand Chinese threat :rofl:
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We gave them land and food when they were in need.
It's just they paid us back with there services.
Why so emotional??
Why not emotional for those poor Indian?
That money we are spending on hosting exiled tibatean government can be used for our people

Now I see the heard of truth nationalist Indian :tup:
Indeed I concur that :lol:, the Tibetan politcal power within India is a natural choice :tup:, next Indian Prime minster should be Tibetan since they truly undertand Chinese threat :rofl:

Why not, as long that person of Indian citizenship, unless you believe Tibetians as an ethnic group are incapable of that ;)
you can alway make a free nation for these Exile Tibetans in India soil, we Chinese don't have problem with that :lol:...how about start with Dharamsala :P

We have already provided them support by helping them preserve their culture and way of life in India. They want to free Tibet. So you need to convince them, not me. :coffee:

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