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Now Nepali Woman Gang Raped And Dumped

Seems Indians have developed uncontrollable libidos of late!! There must be something in the heavens. Probably since the Earth is crossing the Galactic plane of the Milky Way it is creating electromagnetic pulses that have started affecting the brains of the sane to become insane in India! :cheesy:
It is simply disgusting that such a sickening crime is happening in the capital of India. We can talk education , punishment etc but the the fact of the matter is that previous high profile matters where culprits are being quickly apprehended are having no deterrent effect on these scum. Mandatory death penalty should be applied to any person found guilty of gang rape
So your claim to fame is that honor of foreigners is safe in Pakistan even though a Pakistani woman in Pakistan has a significant higher chance of getting raped than an Indian woman in India.. ? hmm....

However, I think that's more to do with foreigners not wanting to visit Pakistan in the first place (given the recent militancy related issues) than a special consideration in the minds of Pakistani rapists for foreigners. :)
You can generate all the statistics and banter to comfort your self, Islamabad certainly doesn't have the same distinction as Delhi does... the bottom line is rapes happen even in the most developed world as well but that's not the psyche of the subject. Some local rapes get reported while many don't but as i said before, if say an Indian female was subjected to the same in Swiss Alps, that would surely make headlines. !!
Just out of curosity Windy have you ever posted a thread that has anything positive about india?
Just out of curosity Windy have you ever posted a thread that has anything positive about india?

First tell us what was your previous ID....surely after two months and one post, you can't make a conclusion. !!
You can generate all the statistics and banter to comfort your self, Islamabad certainly doesn't have the same distinction as Delhi does... the bottom line is rapes happen even in the most developed world as well but that's not the psyche of the subject. Some local rapes get reported while many don't but as i said before, if say an Indian female was subjected to the same in Swiss Alps, that would surely make headlines. !!

Now you are just using a lame cop out.. Your previous post just shows that you are happy about a foreigner not raped in Pakistan irrespective of the fact that Pakistani women are subject to higher instances of rape than India..

And you are right.. Islamabad has a totally different distinction than Delhi.. More to do with its proximity to abottabad.. :)
Well i am lurker for the past 3 years joined recently.i do not like to post much but want to observe.
Now you are just using a lame cop out.. Your previous post just shows that you are happy about a foreigner not raped in Pakistan irrespective of the fact that Pakistani women are subject to higher instances of rape than India..

And you are right.. Islamabad has a totally different distinction than Delhi.. More to do with its proximity to abottabad.. :)

No cop out but habitual digression is your forte....going by that logic, suffice to conclude then that you are content with the fact that no matter who gets raped in India as long as the overall figurers appear less than Pakistan. :cheers:

Albeit, Abbottabad is no where in the vicinity of Islamabad but again if some logic is applied than Mumbai should win hands down. ;)
No cop out but habitual digression is your forte....going by that logic, suffice to conclude then that you are content with the fact that no matter who gets raped in India as long as the overall figurers appear less than Pakistan. :cheers:
Dude, its you Pakistanis who are commenting on the rape problem in India despite the fact that the same problem exists in Pakistan in higher quantum. And hence the comparison. I have no shame in admitting that its a burning problem in India, but having a Pakistani lecture me on that issue is just insane because you guys have it worse.. As simple as that ..

Albeit, Abbottabad is no where in the vicinity of Islamabad

I would have thought that you would know the geography of your country better than that..31 miles as the crow flies ;)

You can generate all the statistics and banter to comfort your self, Islamabad certainly doesn't have the same distinction as Delhi does... the bottom line is rapes happen even in the most developed world as well but that's not the psyche of the subject. Some local rapes get reported while many don't but as i said before, if say an Indian female was subjected to the same in Swiss Alps, that would surely make headlines. !!

Remember shilpa shitty's big brother hoax......they only called her names and the entire bhaarut burst into flames.
Remember shilpa shitty's big brother hoax......they only called her names and the entire bhaarut burst into flames.

oh and people here said pakistanis dont follow indian movies and much less tv shows !
oh and people here said pakistanis dont follow indian movies and much less tv shows !

I know about it because it took over international media only because an indians feelings were hurt. But apparently its OK if same indians rape foreigners.......BTW BigBrother isnt a bhaarti show.
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