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Now insult Bangabandhu or spread lies about 1971, get life imprisonment and pay 1 crore taka fine

Well in Algeria, France killed a good number of people. Their population was very low by that time a million may be. so the percentage of Death was higher. You would find dead people in every family.

But In Bengal the population were already 7 crore, So the percentage of Dead people was very low in 1971 and majority of the casualties were Hindus. If you ask any Hindu, I am sure they will have stories of their ordeal in 1971. Many Hindus who took refuge in India never returned.. Today Hindu Muslims may live side by side in urban area. But in 1971 it was easy to locate Hindu villages, towns and Roads. Also primary Job of Rajakar was to identity familiar Hindu locals.

You can believe me, It may not be 30,00,000 but not less than 3,00,000 either.

I understand what your problem is. Bangladeshis who are very vocal about 1971 also conceal Army atrocities that took place during CTG tribal insurgency.
20,000 was the figure given by GHQ, and there is no doubt that the primary target of Op Searchlight was AL and Hindus.
20,000 was the figure given by GHQ, and there is no doubt that the primary target of Op Searchlight was AL and Hindus.

At the end it is upto you. If Asad is asked How many Syrian he killed He will give one answer or if you ask FSA How many Syrians Asad killed You will get another. In the end none of them are true.
20,000 (considered exaggerated by the Hamood Ur Rehman Commission Report)

One person dies it's a tragedy. 20,000 people die than it's just a statistic. The point is not about the number of people who died, but how they died. Genocide happened. War crimes were committed. And Pakistan got away with it.
I don't know where this story comes from?

Biharis were concentrated in city areas and Cities were protected by Pak Army.

Bengalis have killed few after 16 December, because most of them were quickly taken into Geneva camps protected by UN and Indian Army before Bengali guerrillas could arrive in Cities.

Before the war, there were political clashes between Biharis and Awamileague. It was in no way one sided. Pakistan Authorities were running the country remember?
first the 300 biharis killed were the first death of the civil unrest. even if you deny me you can't change the history. they were not taken into protection at that time because it was just a start of civil unrest.
second what ever happened in east pakistan was an internal matter of pakistan. remember there was no bangladesh at that time. every country in todays world and in the history did the same to stop rebellions.
thirdly pakistan freed mujib after bangladesh was formed and didn't went on the way of revenge just like bangladesh is doing now against pakistanis who were patriotic to their country pakistan.
fourth. who killed sheik mujib ur rehman? aren't they the same people working for pakistan's enemy who killed both bengalis and biharis to break pakistan? wasn't he killed for not making bengal for making it a part of india?
first the 300 biharis killed were the first death of the civil unrest. even if you deny me you can't change the history. they were not taken into protection at that time because it was just a start of civil unrest.
second what ever happened in east pakistan was an internal matter of pakistan. remember there was no bangladesh at that time. every country in todays world and in the history did the same to stop rebellions.
thirdly pakistan freed mujib after bangladesh was formed and didn't went on the way of revenge just like bangladesh is doing now against pakistanis who were patriotic to their country pakistan.
fourth. who killed sheik mujib ur rehman? aren't they the same people working for pakistan's enemy who killed both bengalis and biharis to break pakistan? wasn't he killed for not making bengal for making it a part of india?

No No.No and No

1. Show me a source of 300 dead Biharis before 25th March...I bet there is no credible source. Pakistan expelled those western Journalists staying in Dhaka who reported about 25th march. I wonder why they didn't publish anything about Bihari death? Because it did not happen.

2. Kashmir is an Internal matter of India too. Do you play by this logic? You cant kill innocents not even if she is your sister in home like Qandeel Baluch.

3. Pakistan freed Mujib because USA ambassador and Russia asked not to kill him. Yahya signed his death warrant without any date. But Bhutto thought Mujib was the one who could reunite Pakistan So he freed him.

4. No he was not killed for not making BD a part of India. Seriously who taught such stories? Mujib banned democracy as such some disgruntled army officers killed him.
What would be the head money on Haseena 420.
One person dies it's a tragedy. 20,000 people die than it's just a statistic. The point is not about the number of people who died, but how they died. Genocide happened. War crimes were committed. And Pakistan got away with it.
no, it was a terrorist clean up, like the Indian Proxies are being removed in FATA and elsewhere, and i am sure after 10 years or so, it is also going to be called a Genocide by the Evil Pakistan Army

At the end it is upto you. If Asad is asked How many Syrian he killed He will give one answer or if you ask FSA How many Syrians Asad killed You will get another. In the end none of them are true.
in the end, we killed terrorists only, who were also terrorizing the innocent bengalis too
No No.No and No

1. Show me a source of 300 dead Biharis before 25th March...I bet there is no credible source. Pakistan expelled those western Journalists staying in Dhaka who reported about 25th march. I wonder why they didn't publish anything about Bihari death? Because it did not happen.

2. Kashmir is an Internal matter of India too. Do you play by this logic? You cant kill innocents not even if she is your sister in home like Qandeel Baluch.

3. Pakistan freed Mujib because USA ambassador and Russia asked not to kill him. Yahya signed his death warrant without any date. But Bhutto thought Mujib was the one who could reunite Pakistan So he freed him.

4. No he was not killed for not making BD a part of India. Seriously who taught such stories? Mujib banned democracy as such some disgruntled army officers killed him.
kashmir is a dispute between india and pakistan. east pakistan wasn't.
US and russia pressure don't mean anything. if would have then bhutto wouldn't have been hanged or pakistan won't have been nuclear power or we won't have started proxy war with soviets or US.
bhutto never wanted to reunite pakistan.as bhutto didn't wanted to share power with any one just like mujib. both wanted power and broke pakistan. it was just to end the hatred mujib was released.
i know about mujib banning democracy. but why would they kill their hero?


https://books.google.com.pk/books?i...s killed in bangladesh 1971 chittagong&f=true


this incident of 300 biharis killed was used as a justification by pakistan to deploy troops. read it yourself. and the writers aren't pakistanis.
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no, it was a terrorist clean up, like the Indian Proxies are being removed in FATA and elsewhere, and i am sure after 10 years or so, it is also going to be called a Genocide by the Evil Pakistan Army

in the end, we killed terrorists only, who were also terrorizing the innocent bengalis too

It depends.

Zia ur Rahman. Hilal e Jurat of 1965. Before Operation search light sensed something was wrong seeing all the new army faces in the Cant. came for Operation search light. He asked His officers and troops to remain allert for anything. But decided to stay loyal.

In the 25th march when Pakistan Army started deweaponizing the Bengali officers, He defected with his troops and kickstarted the war . If that is terrorism, Its okay. Heroes are born this way
It depends.

Zia ur Rahman. Hilal e Jurat of 1965. Before Operation search light sensed something was wrong seeing all the new army faces in the Cant. came for Operation search light. He asked His officers and troops to remain allert for anything. But decided to stay loyal.

In the 25th march when Pakistan Army started deweaponizing the Bengali officers, He defected with his troops and kickstarted the war . If that is terrorism, Its okay. Heroes are born this way
defections started earlier, even heard of him?

Without Openeing the link, He tried to defect after June. At least 3 months after the war started.
should a Millitary man ever try to defect
many Bengali officers did not defect
It depends.

Zia ur Rahman. Hilal e Jurat of 1965. Before Operation search light sensed something was wrong seeing all the new army faces in the Cant. came for Operation search light. He asked His officers and troops to remain allert for anything. But decided to stay loyal.

In the 25th march when Pakistan Army started deweaponizing the Bengali officers, He defected with his troops and kickstarted the war . If that is terrorism, Its okay. Heroes are born this way

https://books.google.com.pk/books?i...s killed in bangladesh 1971 chittagong&f=true


this incident of 300 biharis killed was used as a justification by pakistan to deploy troops. read it yourself. and the writers aren't pakistanis.

read it to you satisfaction. you will soon realize who started the killings.
did bengalis ever gave proofs of so much crime by pakistanis. the answer is no. they just used their tongues to blame only.
can you tell me how many non bengalis in bangladesh were left alive because as far as i know none was left alive. bengalis raped every non bengali women there. you caanot run from your crimes against humanity.
the whole episode of innocent people killings started after few filthy bengalis slaughtered 300 biharis in chittagong and it was just the start of the civil non obedience. you cannot lie behind the indian media propaganda umbrella. bengalis have to answer for those crimes too. biharis were deprieved of their properties even though the truth is that they were the nationals of east pakistan and specially they were muslims who migrated in 1947. just because they were not from your ethnicity doesn't mean they were not bengalis and need to be killed.
if you think bengalis race is good one among other people i want to tell you that my dog has more better complexion and even more taller than the killers of innocent muslim biharis.
Hey listen millions of Bengalees fought for Pakistan in '71 alongside Biharis, Sylhetis, Chittagonians even though we were no match for RAW trained Mukti terrorists My family fought for Pakistan in '71 under most hostile circumstances becoz we were patriot citizens After the war they were kicked out of Bangladesh and never allowed to return. After making such sacrifice for Pakistan now we have to hear such insulting racist things don't know where you get those from How dare you Comparing Bangladeshis to dogs. There are millions of Bangladeshis getting kicked out of country and hanged for fighting for Pakistan in '71 and you call them dogs You should be ashamed

https://books.google.com.pk/books?i...s killed in bangladesh 1971 chittagong&f=true


this incident of 300 biharis killed was used as a justification by pakistan to deploy troops. read it yourself. and the writers aren't pakistanis.

read it to you satisfaction. you will soon realize who started the killings.

@Anubis Could you please check the credibility of first two links and their writers.
I do not have access to desktop or laptop right now. Better if you can find any source refuting the claim.
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