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Now Indian Army has started killing Muslim women in JK: This time 18 years old girl

Women Fidayeen being Trained to Infiltrate into J&K - Army

New Delhi, Apr 15: India is already grappling with a new enemy at the gate in the shape of much better-trained and equipped jihadis trying to infiltrate into Jammu & Kashmir with a new-found determination.

And now, it may have to tackle women militants or fidayeen as well. After recent intelligence reports that outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba, with some support from the al-Qaida-Taliban combine, were trying to dispatch women suicide bombers to India after initial reconnaissance missions, it's now Army chief General Deepak Kapoor's turn to sound a warning.

"We have information that women are being trained on the other side of the border to infiltrate into J&K," said Gen Kapoor, on the sidelines of a seminar on Tuesday. Coming as this does soon after security forces intercepted mobile phone conversations between the two Jaish-e-Mohammad militants killed in the Pulwama encounter over the weekend and "a woman handler", it could well mark a startling new shift in the jihadi strategy against India.

"It is possible women may even be involved in giving directions to terrorists," said Gen Kapoor, holding that security forces were "ready to neutralise" anybody who tried to disrupt peace or the coming general elections.

Unlike Sri Lanka, Gaza, Iraq or Chechnya, women suicide bombers have remained largely an unknown phenomenon in India, except of course for the infamous belt-bomb assassin Dhanu who killed former PM Rajiv Gandhi at Sriperumbudur in May 1991.

Though home minister P Chidambaram earlier this month directed the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security to withdraw the security alert about trained pilots and a women fidayeen squad having infiltrated into India, intelligence reports of women being roped in to spread terror in India are beginning to pile up like never before.

Recent inputs shared among J&K Police, Army and other security forces as well as the nodal channel for all terror-related intelligence, the Multi-Agency Centre under the home ministry, show that 100 to 150 women, in their early-20s, "had been trained in terror tactics" at the Lal Masjid in Islamabad. "A woman identified as Ashama, the wife of a slain terrorist, was also involved in the training programme. The young women were trained to use weapons, speak Hindi and carry out propaganda," said an official.

"Earlier, we had inputs that some women were trained at a camp near Kotli in Azad Kashmir in weapons, radio communication and field-craft. Some have even undergone marine training," he added.

Then there are also interrogation reports of a 24-year-old woman, Ashiya Malik, arrested by BSF personnel from the Sunderbani sector near the Line of Control on November 12 last year.

Ashiya, wife of a Pakistani Army havildar Sajjad Ahmed, has reportedly disclosed that many women were undergoing training in the handling of weapons and explosives as well as jungle warfare in camps located at Bhimber, Muridke and Sensa across the border. Gen Kapoor, on his part, said Army was "fully prepared" to deal with any contingency.

"Whether it is LeT, JeM or HuJI, whosoever tries to disturb peace and stability of the region, they will be dealt with in the same fashion and will be neutralised," he said.

While holding that there was no concrete evidence of Taliban having made inroads into J&K till now, he said Army had "foreseen" the spurt in cross-border infiltration with elections around the corner.

"We were quite well prepared for it. We did expect there would be a certain amount of calibration from the other side to push in infiltrators. Our troops are deployed in three tiers along the LoC to be able to check infiltration," he said.

"We are quite confident and sure people will be able to exercise their franchise in a peaceful and stable environment as had happened for the assembly polls," he added.
Communist. Thou art misinformation personified. Take a bow to your poweress of manipulation and misinformation.

PS: I am looking forward to how you will manage to associate Hinduism its ideology and Chanakya neeti and Akhand Bharat with it. Will be fun.

I dont think asking Mods to change the Title of thread will do any good. As all the parties involved know the reality.

For those who need the details:

The Statesman

JAMMU, April 19: Close on the heels of the revelations made by the Army chief General Deepak Kapoor recently that women terrorists were being given training on the other side of the Line-of-Control in Kashmir to infiltrate into India for destabilizing the country during the general elections 2009,a women militant belonging to Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) militant outfit was killed in a joint operation by police, Army and para-military inside a house at village Bagla in Bharat area of Doda district in Jammu yesterday.
Identified as Zahida Bano, 22, daughter of Ahmedu, a resident of Bagla, this woman militant was an operative-cum-paramour of LeT militants operating in the area and was seriously injured in an encounter with police and security forces at Bagla. In this operation, two Lashkar commanders Nisar alias Shehbaz and Khubair were also killed.
“On the basis of informtion provided by two over ground workers including a brother of this female militant, an operation was launched and two LeT militants involved in a series of terror activities across Doda district were killed.But this women operative was seriously injured in the encounter. She later succumbed to her injuries in District Hospital, Doda where she was evacuated after the gun-battle,” said Mr Hemant Kumar Lohia, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Doda.
Through all these years, there were reports that Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e-Mohammed have recruited women cadres and giving them proper training in the terrorist training camps in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.
Though the role of women in political and public life in Kashmir has almost been negligible, yet during the initial phase of militancy (1989-94) when there was a mass uprising, women would lead the protest demonstrations against the Union government and were often seen leading the mass agitations.
Though in the past 19 years of conflict in Jammu and Kashmir, the women never picked up gun actively like men,yet in the past couple of years, there has been an increase in the number of women helping terrorists.
Many women have been arrested by security forces for transporting arms and explosives, hawala money and providing information to the militants about movement of security forces. General Kapoor recently apprehended that these women were being trained on the other side to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir and it was quite possible that women may be involved in giving directions to the terrorists.

Zahina Bano has become only the third female militant operative to be killed and second in Doda district in about two decades long militancy in the State.
Prior to this, Samreena Bano, a dental technician and an active LeT militant, was shot dead by police and security forces on 29 May, 2008
Communist. Thou art misinformation personified. Take a bow to your poweress of manipulation and misinformation.

PS: I am looking forward to how you will manage to associate Hinduism its ideology and Chanakya neeti and Akhand Bharat with it. Will be fun.

I dont think asking Mods to change the Title of thread will do any good. As all the parties involved know the reality.

Hinduism is based upon Chankya ideology which is imperialistic as we see in Akhanda Bharata mission.

Well, give me some links of international media regarding supposedly women terrorists in JK.

You cannot. Try for the whole day.
Hinduism is based upon Chankya ideology which is imperialistic as we see in Akhanda Bharata mission.

Well, give me some links of international media regarding supposedly women terrorists in JK.

You cannot. Try for the whole day.

Why do you think that western media is completely impartial and will you accept whatever accusations they levy??

Are you willing to concede whatever they post is correct? If answer is in affermitive Pakistan needs to own upto a lot more than "imperialist Chanakya" whom I am sure you have no clues about apart from some communist propoganda.

Anyways just to feed your requirement for western media. It took less then 1 min:
Militants issue poll threat, two security men killed in Kashmir : India World
Shame on them. Finally they are killing Muslim girls...!!!

are you for real , China executed 2 muslim men recently for conducting terrorist activities - it does not mean that China is anti-Islam or any of that BS.

If a terrorist comes by , you shoot him/ her - no way to justify it .
ooooo Nihat pleaseeee :argh: dont compare incendents in china with the incedents in India.:whistle: China is pakistans beloved friend. :lol: No matter what china does its ok. :disagree: But if india dose the the same then India is killing muslims.

This happens bcoz these kind of ppls never have ever in their life have thaught that there is a huge world other than religion belief. :tsk:
Why do you think that western media is completely impartial and will you accept whatever accusations they levy??

Are you willing to concede whatever they post is correct? If answer is in affermitive Pakistan needs to own upto a lot more than "imperialist Chanakya" whom I am sure you have no clues about apart from some communist propoganda.

Anyways just to feed your requirement for western media. It took less then 1 min:
Militants issue poll threat, two security men killed in Kashmir : India World

Militants issue poll threat, two security men killed in Kashmir : India World

New Delhi - The Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group has issued a warning to people in India-administered Kashmir against voting in the elections as two security men were killed in a gun battle with militants in the insurgency state on Sunday, news reports said. The LeT, among the leading militant groups operating in Indian Kashmir has threatened "action" against people for violation and said it would carry out suicide attacks during elections in the state, the PTI news agency reported.

"We would take action against the people participating in parliamentary elections," Abdullah Gaznavi, spokesman of the LeT which is based in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, was quoted as saying by PTI.

"People should keep away from political rallies and completely boycott the elections. People should restrain from working as polling agents of political leaders," Gaznavi added.

The threat is being taken seriously by the Indian security agencies, particularly since the LeT has been blamed for several daring attacks in the region and parts of India including last November's Mumbai attacks that left more than 170 people dead.

Voting for the staggered month-long Indian general elections will be held in Kashmir from April 30 onwards. The LeT threat comes after a showdown between the main separatist Hurriyat Conference and United Jehad Council, an amalgam of 13 militant outfits based in Pakistan- administered Kashmir.

While Hurriyat has said it would not give a call for boycott of elections, the UJC has asked people to stay away from polls. Despite a boycott call by separatists, a record voter turnout was seen during state elections last year.

Meanwhile, violence continued in the state's Doda district after two LeT militants and a woman operative were shot dead in a gun- battle with security forces on Saturday.

On Sunday, two security personnel including a trooper and policeman were killed in another combat with militants in Doda situated about 180 kilometres north-east of the state's winter capital Jammu.

Local media also reported that LeT militants had abducted two villagers from Doda on Sunday.

The disputed Kashmir region is divided in two parts, one administered by India the other by Pakistan. The neighbours have fought two wars over the disputed region.

More than 45,000 people have died in violence since the secessionist militant movement emerged in the 1980s.

India has repeatedly accused Pakistan of aiding Kashmiri militants. Islamabad denies the charge, calling the insurgents freedom fighters.

Do you know the difference between a terrorist and an operative? Now ask your times news reporter why they did not use the word terrorist.

I asked you to give me reports regarding women terrorists in JK.

By the way there are no terrorists in JK.
Get a life, Communist. If she is a terrorist, she deserves to meet the same fate she is trained to give others. I dont care if she's a muslim or a hindu or a christian or a non-religious person because no religion justifies killing of innocents to make a "point".. The real shame lies in the fact that ISI has begun using women as their potent weapons.
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