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Now Germany also wants to be a part of CPEC

Why India not withdraw (Unilateral) the MFN status to Pakistan than Pakistan still not allowed MFN status to India because India want the Trade route through Pakistan to Afghanistan and you can imagine when CPEC will functional with its full magnitude than Including India more country will force to join CPEC but without Kashmir solution it is not possible.
The real investment Germany can make in Pakistan is

Audi, Mercedes and BMW manufacturing plants a part from some renewable energy projects of Solar, Wind and Hydro

Nothing much under present circumstances.
And this is just beginning. As i said earlier, this is game-changer. This also means war on Balochistan might be on the card. :confused:
Masha Allah CPEC will do Wonders to Pakistan...


The real investment Germany can make in Pakistan is

Audi, Mercedes and BMW manufacturing plants a part from some renewable energy projects of Solar, Wind and Hydro

Nothing much under present circumstances.

Audi Already signed MoU with Sindh Government will look for market demand till 2 years before any decision
Germans would be well advised to invest heavily into auto/truck industry in Pakistan. CPEC is all about mobility. don't use silly excuses like security as someone else might jump in and establish themselves capturing market before it explodes.
In the end they highlighted that it's the security issue.
Shhhhh careful with your content some of the moderators may not appreciate your sarcasm agaisnt the neighbour next door. Apparently I've been warned. Makes you wounder who exactly runs this forum!

Lol..........But since india's international isolation policy against Pakistan was launched, have you noticed that EVERYTHING has got much much better for Pakistan?
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