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Now Ethiopian currency has more value than Pakistani !


Oct 17, 2019
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It's heading to wards the Zimbabwe currency and the Somalia type society.

Well done Military Establishment
First, what you've published is official rate 1USD brings 52 ETB in the bank, but street rate is different. If you've USD in cash you can get 85 ETB per USD. Being a communist nation, Ethiopia controls it's exchange rates. It is still very high compared to 300 PKR per USD.

Ethiopia is a fast rising nation, right now the per capita income is low (940 USD) compared to pakistan's 1400 USD but Ethiopia's growth rate has been 7-9% constantly. Ethiopia has built the largest dam in africa without taking loans.The economy is booming and people are very happy.

In less than 10 years Ethiopians will be richer than Pakistan in per capita terms. When you add the advantage of no major debt crisis, Ethiopia is already much better off compared to Pakistan. Pakistan should actually be compared to neighbouring Somalia(although Pak has better law and order situation).

What really amazes me that Ethiopia, even being a communist ruled nation has managed good relations with China without turning into a simp like Pakistan . Ethiopia ranks 56 on the China index; Pakistan ranks 1

Source : I live in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.

Don't blame PDM or Pak army for it. Things were equally as bad in IK times. The problem is institutional, not political. The day IK wins elections, he'll go back to being on "same page" with the army. Have you forgotten how he defended Papa Johns? in IK's books, corruption is good if it benefits PTI supporters.
Oh **** off Indian.
Look on the bright side, we can export more cheaply and be more competitive internationally. Eventually the demand for PKR due to export increases will raise it back up.

Just look at Ethiopian AIrways.. year upon year of profit and one of largest fleets in the world.

Where is PIA. Do you see any airforce or any general pets there? No interference from any form or shape from the govt.

From the first all women crew several years flying to US etc... even Kenya AIrways just did the first all women crew 787.

Look on the bright side, we can export more cheaply and be more competitive internationally. Eventually the demand for PKR due to export increases will raise it back up.
in which way? Pakistan industries have crumbled to point of non existence - what will you even export?

The malaise these general idiots - numbskulls have thrown this country into; only way out is to lynch your establishment by the poles and make it a lessons for generations to come.

East Pakistan did just that and then their own establishment... look where they are

Even during covid, it remained profitable.
Last edited:
31.10.2022 - 11:24 UTC
Ethiopian Airlines (ET, Addis Ababa) has asked its parent company, sovereign wealth fund Ethiopian Investment Holdings (EIH), to increase its capital from ETB100 billion birr (USD186.2 million) to ETB300 billion (USD558.5 million). The airline's CEO, Mesfin Tasew Bekele, said the additional capital is needed to accommodate expansion plans and to smooth out the carrier's financial affairs.
"We are still importing new planes. At the time of import, the debt-capital ratio should be balanced. Most of the time, aeroplanes are bought with loans, so a higher level of wealth must be reached in order to be accepted by the lenders," he told the Ethiopian Reporter news outlet.
EIH's board will reportedly meet to consider the request. ch-aviation has approached EIH and Ethiopian Airlines for comment but no spokespersons were available before publication.
Under the airline's 15-year Vision 2035 plan, Ethiopian Airlines wants to operate 200 aircraft by 2035 while generating annual revenues exceeding USD25 billion. According to the ch-aviation fleets advanced module, the airline currently operates 126 aircraft. In the 12 months to June 30, 2022, Ethiopian Airlines recorded a net profit of USD937 million on revenues of USD5 billion.

Just read this.... what i highlighted...

their CEO knows more about economics and ROI than your generals and finance ministers.

Not much meaning in these numbers. One doesn't have to go to Ethiopia for that.

Afghanistan and Nepal have 'stronger currencies' though they are poorer:

1 Afghan Afghani = 3.26 Pakistan Rupee
1 Nepalese Rupee = 2.15 Pakistan Rupee

But Iran and Sri Lanka have 'weaker currencies' though they are richer:

1 Pakistani Rupee = 148.15167 Iranian Rials
1 Pakistan Rupee = 1.13 Sri Lankan Rupee
Not much meaning in these numbers. One doesn't have to go to Ethiopia for that.

Afghanistan and Nepal have 'stronger currencies' though they are poorer:

1 Afghan Afghani = 3.26 Pakistan Rupee
1 Nepalese Rupee = 2.15 Pakistan Rupee

But Iran and Sri Lanka have 'weaker currencies' though they are richer:

1 Pakistani Rupee = 148.15167 Iranian Rials
1 Pakistan Rupee = 1.13 Sri Lankan Rupee

Bravo, Sri Lanka is Richer?

Look on the bright side, we can export more cheaply and be more competitive internationally. Eventually the demand for PKR due to export increases will raise it back up.
how? we are dependent of imports to export... its such a fucked up situation and tale of incompetency for 75 years. We have to import cotton for textiles exports. The agreiculture department and the government are so afraid of shortage of wheat, that they have consciously destroyed the crop of cotton so that we can have wheat!!!! numerous other examples are there to see!

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