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Now Balochistan

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Now Balochistan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

AS if the destruction caused by the Americans in FATA was not enough, the US now plans to extend the war formally into Balochistan. The Americans have long been clamouring about the Quetta Shura creating a false hype about the province as yet another alleged militants safe haven, despite knowing very well that the problem existing there concerns the centre-province dispute over the sharing of resources. We know that at least on the face of it, the American demands of launching an aerial warfare in Balochistan alongside the tribal areas have been rebuffed by the government so far.

Given the prevailing political situation with the sense of marginalisation increasing by the hour, drone attacks would literally prove to be the last nail in the coffin of the federation. However, we have also been witness to the degrading manner in which our rulers have invariably bowed before the US dictation and, seen in that perspective, the meeting of the NATO and ISAF officials with Corp Commander Lt General Javed Zia and Chief Minister Balochistan Nawab Aslam Raisani appears to be unnerving. There is no doubt that the Obama Administration’s desire to take the war formally into Balochistan is part of the sinister US designs of destabilising Pakistan and finally taking control of its nuclear arsenal on the ground that they were no longer in safe hands.

Statements to the effect that the cancer is in Pakistan and that the country is the epicentre of terrorism are now frequently heard coming out from the White House and the Pentagon. Precisely for the same reason, the Americans are demanding the army launch an offensive in North Waziristan, which so far General Kayani has been bravely brushing aside. Having said that, at the end of the day, it is anyone’s guess how long the ruling dispensation can actually resist the American demands. It goes without saying that the Americans literally want to turn us into puppets. Hillary Clinton’s latest statement about how we should reform our tax system shows how the US wants to control every sphere of life in Pakistan.

However, the pity is that now the Canadians have also begun to treat Pakistan as an errand boy. After the Canadians were kicked out of UAE, Pakistan is now being asked to provide it with military bases meant as a conduit for military supplies to Canadian forces stationed in Afghanistan. Under no circumstances should such permission be given. Not only their presence would pose a threat to our national security, but also the rank arrogance of the Canadians, manifested for instance by their insulting and highly discriminating visa policy towards Pakistanis, would generate a backlash in the country.
dont worry, americans are soon to pack from afghanistan, and talibans gonna return, pakistan what lost in ten year will to take back from americans, pakistan will not even let americans escape from afghanistan die in the valley of shadow of death
I think Americans are making a mistake by harping on about conducting war on Balochistan, they are guaranteeing that Pakistan remains hesitant about supporting them.
Drones are allowed by Pakistan in FATA but in Balochistan, blood of pashtuns is cheaper than water?
I've always wondered why there is sooo much hue and cry about Drone attacks in certain parts of the country, when there are already parts of Pakistan being bombed on a daily basis. What is the difference?

simple,MNS have no problem when they themselves bash a north Indian but have a problem when an Australian do so,this is nothing more than just politics,a cheap tactic to blame a foreigner for the misfortune to grab headlines,and meanwhile no body like when their countrymen were killed by foreigner's
I've always wondered why there is sooo much hue and cry about Drone attacks in certain parts of the country, when there are already parts of Pakistan being bombed on a daily basis. What is the difference?

well how are we bombed daily?? is that shown daily on your horse crap media??
Indian member dont have other things to do .....
just to find any news against pakistan and start bashing pakistan:tdown:
The Hindu : News / International : Pakistan leaders in a huddle over Balochistan scene

A day after seven bullet-riddled bodies were recovered from various parts of Balochistan even as the Supreme Court has been cracking the whip on the missing persons issue, the civil and military leadership went into a huddle on Tuesday to discuss ways to address grievances of the Baloch people some of whom are demanding independence.

The bodies were found in the Quetta, Khuzdar and Dera Bugti areas. Before being shot dead and stuffed into gunny bags, some of the men had been tortured. Two of them have been missing since 2005 and one person could not be identified as apparently he had been mutilated and dipped into acid, claimed some Baloch activists who are very active on the social media.

What has surprised many is that so many bodies should have surfaced in a day as the restive province has now become rather immune to one or two mutilated bodies turning up every other day. Add to this the fact that these tortured bodies surfaced less than a week after Chief Justice of Pakistan threatened to impose emergency in the province to restore sanity there.

Even as the top leadership was discussing the situation came reports of another Baloch being kidnapped, this time a Hindu Baloch Avinash Bugti. A vice-president of the Jamhoori Watan Party, he went missing from the Quetta airport while returning from Islamabad after attending a conference organised by the Supreme Court Bar Association in the federal capital on the situation in the province.
This attitude is on both side my friend.:coffee:
& wht about, millions of bullet riddled, bodies in Indian held kashmir, of Indian occupation of kashmiris???
Well, reAlly you guys doin great , jobS for americans, btw I just wana know , how much they pay you guys, per/hour?
Yes americans, are trying , to get a base in baluchistan, to launch a attack on IRan , bt can you, imagine, what would happen, if allied became, a sAndwitch , between Iran , pakistan & afghan tAlibAn, they will never find, a hide out, in the lands, even if they use their 1000 drones , non -stop!
Well it, seems americAns are, About to hit another ground zero, after vietnam.
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