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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

Yes, the plane does look intact.
I am no expert so I could probably be wrong, but judging from these photos I think it was a case of not enough altitude to land the aircraft properly. That is when the engine stalled or whatever happened the Plane wasn’t high enough to manoeuvre & get it to land on to the pathway that is visible in the photos.

For me the most touching part of this tragedy is the fact that the Major lost his life over his own village. In a way it’s a perfect way to depart, but at the same time it’s equally tragic as well.


Looks like the plane came down OK--landed okay---but almost at the end it hit the thick brush and dirt mound---while the front of the aircraft came to a stop---the rear of the plane was still moving forward and you can see in crush crumble and fold in the middle---.

One of the owners at the dealerships that I worked at died in a similar manner---not in an aircraft but in a DUNE BUGGY---.

Him and a colleague were travelling at a high speed in desert---the dune buggy had a V8 engine in it----the front of the buggy went into a dip and hit the dirt at pretty high speed---the front of the buggy stopped---but the momentum carried the engine in the back forward---the frame could not take the crushing force of the forward motion of the V8 engine---it crumbled and folded forward---the back of the frame came forward and decapitated the owner and crushed the other person---.

Here is what happens in a first second of a crash---

" The car and everything inside are going at the speed of the vehicle, for the purposes of demonstration we will pick 35 mph. The front bumper strikes a tree and begins to deform. The front center of the car slows to 0 mph; the rest of the car and its occupants continue moving forward at 35 mph.

In the second tenth of a second: The bumper continues to deform as the energy of the crash is being dissipated, the radiator and fan begin to crush, the engine and frame strike the tree and begin to decelerate.

In the third tenth of a second: The frame and body of the car continue to deform, the passenger compartment, front dash and windshield have decelerated to 20 mph. The car’s passengers are still traveling forward at 35 mph.

In the fourth tenth of a second: The frame of the car decelerates to 20 mph and continues to dissipate the energy of the crash. The safety belts and passengers continue forward at 35 mph.

In the fifth tenth of a second: The safety belts begin to deform by stretching to decelerate the passenger in a comparatively gentle manner. Occupants decelerate to 25 mph, the car frame has decelerated to 15 mph. Unbelted occupants continue forward at 35 mph. Loose objects from the back seat and deck continue forward at 35 mph.

The sixth tenth of a second: The safety belts have reached their deformation limits. Belted occupants decelerate to 10 mph, the dashboard and windshield decelerate to 0 mph. The car body, frame and engine continue to absorb the energy from the crash. Unbelted occupants continue forward to strike the dashboard, steering column and windshield at 35 mph. Loose objects from the rear seat and deck come flying forward to strike the front seat passengers at 35 mph. The unsecured objects in the back of the vehicle could strike with enough energy to cause injury or death.

In the seventh tenth of a second: The frame and body have finished deforming and rebound in the opposite direction (reaction to the crash action); the belted occupants rebound from the safety belts, their heads continue back to come into contact with the head restraints. Unbelted occupants reach 0 mph by striking the windshield, steering column and dashboard, they deform and crush. Their internal organs, still going 35 mph, strike their rapidly decelerating body frames ".

May the pilots rest in peace.
Regarding someone thumping their chest for pointing out the fact that WC Nauman's aircraft crash was due to altitude, it has categorically got to be the dumbest f@%&ng shit I have ever heard. Its like saying the person drowned and the cause was water. Just idiotic!
No body has to apologize to anybody for speaking like a d#@b arse. Copy?

You are the dumbest one there is---if you don't know the PHYSICS of the accident then better shut up---.

Exactly a similar accident happened in the past to an F16 in the US---.

So---either put up or shut up---.

I can go in more detail---but then you guys will be screaming murder---.

If you have the courage to read---then I will write the complete analogy of the accident and the frame of mind of the pilot---and I will hear your screams here in the US from pakistan---.

Do you have the guts to hear the truth---?

Here is the video of the F16 crash where the pilot mis-calculated the altitude---.

Another interesting item---a poster once asked about ejection phenomenon.

Here you will see the explosive at the base of the canopy frame blowing the canopy off the aircraft and then the pilot ejecting with his seat

and here is another video of an F18 crashing and the canopy being blown off by the explosives in place---

Are these type of crash happen often?? Here is EFT crash very similar to F-16.

Did PAF have went through these kind of incidents??

Are these type of crash happen often?? Here is EFT crash very similar to F-16.

Did PAF have went through these kind of incidents??

Possible not sure but usually there is cartridge that is fired to push down the load further Inside the pylons to release
Looks like the Mushshak performed a victory roll before the crash and the aerobatic maneuver could have been the contributing factor for the resulting crash. That it was performed over the IPs village as mentioned earlier sheds some color on why the pilot chose to do it perhaps.
It looks like the angle of attack was too high to sustain lift. The only thing left to survive this before the aircraft goes into an unrecoverable spin is to point the nose down and increase speed. I can see that happening also. Alas, not enough altitude to recover. Looks like pilot error.
Looks like the Mushshak performed a victory roll before the crash and the aerobatic maneuver could have been the contributing factor for the resulting crash. That it was performed over the IPs village as mentioned earlier sheds some color on why the pilot chose to do it perhaps.

Yes and he paid the price of such a maneuvere with his life.

There is a book about history of Pakistan army aviation which also info about majority of the air crashes,sadly quite a few planes in the past have crashed because of such maneuvers with loss of life.
Magazine "Second to none"

View attachment 628906
Beautiful cover picture...
Nouman akram incident made mark in my head... I couldn't let it go... Recently I saw video where lady posted transcript of Nauman and ground control in his last unfortunate moments... According to transcript ground controller kept repeating for eject but Nauman answered that he need to avoid populated area... Right now I have two doubts or two questions if someone can kindly answer them.
1st question is that, if this transcript is real?
2nd thing she said in video that last year coas took flight with Nauman and this year coas had same plan... So it looks like it's pre-planned by raw.
If transcript is real then it's clear there is no pilot error no Glock no altitude error... Except it's total mechanical error or bird strike.
Beautiful cover picture...
Nouman akram incident made mark in my head... I couldn't let it go... Recently I saw video where lady posted transcript of Nauman and ground control in his last unfortunate moments... According to transcript ground controller kept repeating for eject but Nauman answered that he need to avoid populated area... Right now I have two doubts or two questions if someone can kindly answer them.
1st question is that, if this transcript is real?

It's not real

2nd thing she said in video that last year coas took flight with Nauman and this year coas had same plan... So it looks like it's pre-planned by raw.
If transcript is real then it's clear there is no pilot error no Glock no altitude error... Except it's total mechanical error or bird strike.

A highly unlikely scenario. An investigation is underway. The results will be out soon hopefully.
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