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Not so secular India

The BJP and Modi in particular are gaining popularity despite Congress' excellent record in India's economic growth.
I don't know what made you give that comment. UPA and economic growth is an oxymoron and they can not be clubed together.
NDA ruled India for a while and the economic growth and political stature of India grew more than ever at that time.
UPA is full of money minded as$ holes who made the word synanimous with the word India politics in international arena.
Shiv Sena is only one of a group of Hindu nationalist parties and third parties are notoriously irrelevant in most democracies.
List of Hindu political parties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RSS claims to be recruiting 100000 youths/year -- not a big number by itself, but significant in terms of percentage growth.

The BJP and Modi in particular are gaining popularity despite Congress' excellent record in India's economic growth.

Also, here's an apropos thread:

Chicha...Please don think much about our country , not at all required...we are capable enough to take care of our country...Think of PAKISTAN.
they bear the sole responsibility.if they give their child an education then they did a good thing.,,if not they did a bad thing....responsibility starts and ends with them...

Yeah sure. This whitewash may work with Indians but I am quite familiar with similar debates in the West about their minorities. Nobody buys this shallow and callous dismissal of a complex situation. Since you are not even willing to admit there;s a problem -- dismissing Sachar as a liar, etc. -- there's no point arguing this point. We (I and the Indian government) disagree with your analysis.

west bengali muslims better than gujrati muslims...roflmao..


The Hindu : Opinion / Leader Page Articles : Status of Muslims in West Bengal

According to the NUEPA report, in the last three years (2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10), respectively 28.13, 28.28 and 32.30 of every 100 primary school children in West Bengal were Muslims, while 25.25 per cent of the State's population is Muslim. West Bengal's figures for Muslim students' enrolment at the primary level are better than the national average of 10.49 per cent (in 2007-08), 11.03 per cent (in 2008-09) and 13.48 per cent (in 2009-10) respectively, while Muslims form 13.43 per cent of India's population. West Bengal's record is far better than that of Gujarat. There, Muslim students' enrolment at the primary level was 4.57 per cent (2007-08), 4.73 per cent (2008-09) and 6.45 per cent (2009-10).

still it does not chnage the fact that there are dozens of muslim parties working in india...and bjp stands for nationalism...the hindu part is a figment of your paranoid imaginations....

Yes, all the foreigners, secularists, communalists, Marxists and everybody are all just paranoid...

btw let not this incurable obsession with india damage your mental stability....

No obsession. Thia forum has a lot of topics and we all join many threads, including those about Pakistan, China, US, etc.

That's how an open forum works. Deal with it!

BTW i would like to ask one thing to all crying heart pakistanis...if you feel so bad for your muslim bros slugging it out in the hindutva badlands why did you leave them (mostly poor and illiterate muslims) back in 1947 to fend for themselves ? was it not your responsibility...your qaid's responsibility to take them with you and take care all of them...or was everythin just a quest for power by the rich lucknow and aligarh muslims using the masses as pawns in their power game and deserting them when it was achieved?

so you (islamic nation) rejected them and we (hindutva nation) accepted them....so better not talk **** here and shed crocodile tears...

Once again, how hard is it to stick to the topic without bringing Pakistan?

Focus on the topic, not the poster.

btw this cracked me up....

somebody is comparing modi's administration in gujarat with upa govt....:rofl:

The comment was about India as a whole, not any specific state. Congress has led the country to its current position. Modi can only take credit for Gujarat at best.

basically what the sc judgement said is "basic structure of constitution is immutable"...period....does not matter if its 7-6 or 13-0.no ifs and buts...

and see this post shows your approach right from beginning...you dont know about india..but you know a bit about US/some other... you then superimpose what you know about the US on whatever little you know about india and talk as if you know everything.....

Try reading my post again. About how the composition of the SC can be manipulated for ideological reasons.
RSS didn't win a single seat in the elections. That means they are getting popular right? Ditto with the other so called parties in the list.

From wiki,

RSS has never directly contested elections, but supports parties that are ideologically similar. Although RSS generally endorses the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), yet at times had refused to do so due to difference of opinion with the party

The two main players are the INC and the BJP, and their positions on minority issues are very clear.

BJP is not Hindu Nationalist party, neither is Modi a Hindu nationalist. His growing popularity has got nothing to do with Hindu nationalism, its more to do with development and governance in Gujarat.

Sure, it just so happens that the hardcore Hindutva movements just happen to support BJP and that their electioneering talks up 'minority pandering' to play up Hindu victimization at the expense of minorities.

As for Modi, yes he is running on his economic credentials. The point was about his past and demonstrated bigotry. There was already a thread on him, so I don't want to get into that again. The thread is probably available by searching.

And what has the Ramayana issues got to do with this?

It shows the rising power of militant Hindutva.
Yeah sure. This whitewash may work with Indians but I am quite familiar with similar debates in the West about their minorities. Nobody buys this shallow and callous dismissal of a complex situation. Since you are not even willing to admit there;s a problem -- dismissing Sachar as a liar, etc. -- there's no point arguing this point. We (I and the Indian government) disagree with your analysis.

and we dont buy your awesomeness personified discourse on indian secularism...i guess thats even..

The Hindu : Opinion / Leader Page Articles : Status of Muslims in West Bengal

According to the NUEPA report, in the last three years (2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10), respectively 28.13, 28.28 and 32.30 of every 100 primary school children in West Bengal were Muslims, while 25.25 per cent of the State's population is Muslim. West Bengal's figures for Muslim students' enrolment at the primary level are better than the national average of 10.49 per cent (in 2007-08), 11.03 per cent (in 2008-09) and 13.48 per cent (in 2009-10) respectively, while Muslims form 13.43 per cent of India's population. West Bengal's record is far better than that of Gujarat. There, Muslim students' enrolment at the primary level was 4.57 per cent (2007-08), 4.73 per cent (2008-09) and 6.45 per cent (2009-10).

Good for them.....and i'm happy our muslim bro's are waking up to the reality and enrolling their children in schools...:tup:

Yes, all the foreigners, secularists, communalists, Marxists and everybody are all just paranoid...

i dont know about them...but any one calling india a hindutva state is definitely paranoid and frankly beyond redemption...

No obsession. Thia forum has a lot of topics and we all join many threads, including those about Pakistan, China, US, etc.

That's how an open forum works. Deal with it!

oh i AM dealing with it...just it was a friendly advice on not allowing the obsession to discredit india ruin your mental health..

Once again, how hard is it to stick to the topic without bringing Pakistan?

Focus on the topic, not the poster.

the credibility of every message also depends on the messenger....dont you know this simple axiom ?

Th comment was about India as a whole, not any specific state. Congress has led the country to its current position. Modi can only take credit for Gujarat at best.

becaue they ruled the country barring 5 years...duh...btw that 5 years was wen the economic growth was best and indian influence started improving.....

btw this again shows your credibility and knowledge of indian affairs when you speak like this :rofl:
I don't know what made you give that comment. UPA and economic growth is an oxymoron and they can not be clubed together.
NDA ruled India for a while and the economic growth and political stature of India grew more than ever at that time.
UPA is full of money minded as$ holes who made the word synanimous with the word India politics in international arena.

GDP growth due to liberalism doesn't really solve much. It simply allows foreign companies to get rich off of your work.
I don't know what made you give that comment. UPA and economic growth is an oxymoron and they can not be clubed together.
NDA ruled India for a while and the economic growth and political stature of India grew more than ever at that time.
UPA is full of money minded as$ holes who made the word synanimous with the word India politics in international arena.

Do you have any data points to back this up?
Sure, it just so happens that the hardcore Hindutva movements just happen to support BJP and that their electioneering talks up 'minority pandering' to play up Hindu victimization at the expense of minorities.

and congress/left/ a host of muslim parties go on about muslim victimization at hindu hands.. its the indian politics dummy....

As for Modi, yes he is running on his economic credentials. The point was about his past and demonstrated bigotry. There was already a thread on him, so I don't want to get into that again. The thread is probably available by searching.

there have been so many riots in india post-independence.....guj is nt a unique case..so move on..

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

BTW the crying heart tacitly invaded the question why pakistanis shed crocodile tears for indian muslims...these were the same pakistanis who betrayed te poor and undeveloped indian muslims in 1947...now they are shedding croc tears for them...is their obsession to dis-credit anything good in india so rigid and their inclination to potray the hindus as evil so strong...?
I don't know what made you give that comment. UPA and economic growth is an oxymoron and they can not be clubed together.
NDA ruled India for a while and the economic growth and political stature of India grew more than ever at that time.
UPA is full of money minded as$ holes who made the word synanimous with the word India politics in international arena.

UPA has had a majority since 2004. Are you saying all the good work was done before 2004?
Your family has obvilously been among the lucky few.

On an average, an Indian earns more than a Pakistani (about 40% higher and rising) and ana verage Indian Muslim is richer and better educated and is less likely to be the target of a violent attack than a Paksitani Sunni Muslim (let alone a Pakistani Hindu, especially doctor, or Ahmedis or Shia or Mohajir or tribal in Karachi and so on).

Sounds suspiciously like a state to our West.

Won't you say?

The average Indian may earn more, not the average Indian Muslim.

And the state to your west doesn't claim itself to be secular.. you do.
i dont know about them...but any one calling india a hindutva state is definitely paranoid and frankly beyond redemption...

So you quietly jumped from 'BJP is Hindu nationalist party' to 'India is Hindutva state'.

Desperate much?

becaue they ruled the country barring 5 years...duh...btw that 5 years was wen the economic growth was best and indian influence started improving.....

btw this again shows your credibility and knowledge of indian affairs when you speak like this :rofl:

Sure, that's why the Indian electorate booted them out in 2004 and again gave the majority to UPA in 2009.

How ungrateful. Tsk. tsk...

and congress/left/ a host of muslim parties go on about muslim victimization at hindu hands.. its the indian politics dummy....

there have been so many riots in india post-independence.....guj is nt a unique case..so move on..

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

BTW the crying heart developero tacitly invaded the question why pakistanis shed crocodile tears for indian muslims...these were the same pakistanis who betrayed te poor and undeveloped indian muslims in 1947...now they are shedding croc tears for them...is their obsession to dis-credit anything good in india so rigid and their inclination to potray the hindus as evil so strong...?

So, nothing but more personal attacks, then, eh?

As expected.
Chicha...Please don think much about our country , not at all required...we are capable enough to take care of our country...Think of PAKISTAN.

This is a discussion about India on an open international forum.

Deal with it or get therapy.
So you quietly jumped from 'BJP is Hindu nationalist party' to 'India is Hindutva state'.

Desperate much?

i'm desperate.....any one who can see the thread knows who is desperate to prove something here by plucking things out of thin air here and there.....

no guesses...that's you.

Sure, that's why the Indian electorate booted them out in 2004 and again gave the majority to UPA in 2009.

How ungrateful. Tsk. tsk...

duh...im not going to lecture you about the intricacies of how indian democracy works...unless you become desperate again and open a thread titled..."india..not so democratic.."

So, nothing but more personal attacks, then, eh?

meh..nothing much in your posts mate..same re-hashed non-existent hindutva boogeyman for the last 30 pages to satisfy your pre-conceived notions..
So you quietly jumped from 'BJP is Hindu nationalist party' to 'India is Hindutva state'.

Desperate much?

Sure, that's why the Indian electorate booted them out in 2004 and again gave the majority to UPA in 2009.

How ungrateful. Tsk. tsk...

So, nothing but more personal attacks, then, eh?

As expected.

It begins when the ability to debate with logic runs out of steam but the need to win over the point does not.
The poster then finds no cork for his/her frustration and in desperation pelts out both personal attacks and off topic references.
Its fairly common here.

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