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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

i dont know but this whole shooting episode and him saying " deeds "atrocious" yet "necessary"somehow reminds of dejavu......only wish some 1 can go back the time and save all those innocent people...:cry:
So Norwegians are Islam hating and China hating. This attack shows Norway's true face.
So Norwegians are Islam hating and China hating. This attack shows Norway's true face.

no, the only thing that is shown is that you cant read. and that you should know that norway is probably the most muslim friendly nation in europe. go read some news before writing idiotic statements.
There are lots of people in Norway, some may hate Muslims/China, others may be friendly. Its always counterproductive to paint the whole nation with one brush.
1. How easy was it for this guy to buy tonnes of raw material to build a bomb without being checked?
He used fertilizer as one of the main component. The company that he brought it from reported it to the police after they realized he was responsible for the attack. The reason it didn't ring any bells is that he owns a farm.

2. How has he done this alone and did he in fact have assistance?
As of right now, officials think he was a lone wolf. As for how he could have done it, it's simple: no one would expect a peaceful, ethnic Norwegian with no criminal history to be busy making a bomb and learning how to use assault rifles.

3. How has he got on a boat with enough ammunition to supply an army?
No idea, but I do know one thing: in Afghanistan, the average Humvee has to carry about 1200 rounds, (bullets), to resupply troops. A boat has much more space than a Humvee to carry ammunition.

4. How easy was it for him to buy guns and weapons to carry this outrageous attack?
Probably got them legally over a few years. He's clearly been preparing for this thing for a while. How difficult it was to get guns makes no difference; with no criminal history, no one could've legally stopped him anyway.

5. Is this a 1 in a million crackpot and there isnt a load of them hiding in a bunker?
He's a lone wolf and I highly doubt another attack like this will happen soon again in Europe. However, it play up hatred on all sides of the issue and that can lead to violence further down the road.
Never underestimate Norwegian people's disgraceful treatment of other ethnicities. Norway government is already hostile toward China -- a Mongoloid people. It was not surprising to me from this attack to find that probably many Norwegians dislike other ethnicities. You dig a little bit deeper below the surface, I think you might be surprised by the true face of Norway. Not as "Nobel Peace Prize" would make you assume.

You are a disgrace !! You call awarding Nobel peace prize to a Chinese dissident qualifies as being hostile toward Mongoloid people ! What a loser !

Norway was voted the most peaceful nation in 2007

Some facts.

1.He used 9 years to plan this.
2.He was member of FRP which is based on hating forginers. And FRP runs group called ISREALS VENNER meaning FRIENDS OF ISREAL
3.He was empty for ammo when police aarived after almost 1hr and 30min came to UTØYA.
4.After shooting ppl he double checked if person was killed by shooting again in head
5.Not all of his bomb went off
6.He sent 1500 pages by email to anti islam party in Finland and secetry for that party thought this was intersseting thats why he sent to all other parties like in Finalnad in Denmark, Holland, Austria also. I have read some place he has sent e-mail to 7000 ppl.
7.He had a box full off amo which he used on UTØYA. He had automated gun but he shoot 1 and 1 bullet to not waste his amo.
8.Some ppl suggesting that there are 40000 active members on document.no with same thoughst as him and if 10% of them are like him it mean we have 4000 ppl like him in Norway and its bigger problem in Sweden and Danmark.
Why Norway as a Nation doing well compare to Pakistan is because its citizen stand up for there Nation.

No its because their leaders are not thieves and our have been imposed on us externally. We have only been going as a nation for 60 years in time our nations leaders will mature too. There are good and bad people in pakistan and Norway. Just remember the terrorist was Norwegian.
The funny thing is that right up until 22/7, Conservatives were fully supporting racial profiling, since it was mainly Muslims who would be profiled. I remember a particular quote by an anti-Islamic conservative, "I'm sorry, but who's attacking us, the Norwegians?", several years ago. Here's the quote:

"Any profiling is racial profiling."

Who's killing us here, the Norwegians? Just days after the attack, the New York Times had an article saying dozens of extended members of the gazillionaire bin Laden family living in America were afraid of reprisals and left in a huff, never to return to studying at Harvard and using too much Drakkar. I'm crushed. I think we're all crushed. Please come back. With a cherry on top?

But now all the "conservatives" are complaining that the "gubmint" will not be tracking and closing down any white person who belongs to an anti-Islamic group.

Conservatives are worst hypocrites in the world. They make me vomit.
1.Let us consider the technical details which are v interesting. The time it took the small Norwegian police force and an SF team to respond to the report of shooting is now estimated at nearer 60 minutes rather than the the initial estimate of 90 minutes. The Norwegian police had only an observation helicopter available. They could not get a RNoAF troop carrier anytime soon, so they set off by road for the 45-km trip. Once there they couldn't find a boat. One they commandeered sank. They took 60-minutes to arrive after being alerted; more time was lost before they got on to the island. An off-duty policeman on the island was among those killed. Norwagian police do not carry their service handguns. These are kept in the car hold, and requires permission of higher authorities to take out. It was ill luck for the security services all through.

2.Now this is important for our cops and security services in SA - although the two conditions are different. The Norwegian police and troops did not kill the gunman. They surrounded him and asked him to throw down his weapons. He complied. No doubt they read him rights. Again, this is Norway and its for the Norwegians to decide how to approach/handle a gunman. On this account kudos to Norway. In most other places like USA, UK,Russia, etc the gunman would have been shot as soon as he was sighted.
found this interesting:

Killings in Norway spotlight Anti-Muslim thought in US: Report

The man accused of the killing spree in Norway was deeply influenced by a small group of American bloggers and writers who have warned for years about the threat from Islam, lacing his 1,500-page manifesto with quotations from them, as well as copying multiple passages from the tract of the Unabomber.

In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing scores of young people at a Labor Party camp, showed that he had closely followed the acrimonious American debate over Islam.

His manifesto, which denounced Norwegian politicians as failing to defend the country from Islamic influence, quoted Robert Spencer, who operates the Jihad Watch Web site, 64 times, and cited other Western writers who shared his view that Muslim immigrants pose a grave danger to Western culture.

More broadly, the mass killings in Norway, with their echo of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by an antigovernment militant, have focused new attention around the world on the subculture of anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists and renewed a debate over the focus of counterterrorism efforts.
In the United States, critics have asserted that the intense spotlight on the threat from Islamic militants has unfairly vilified Muslim Americans while dangerously playing down the threat of attacks from other domestic radicals. The author of a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism withdrawn by the department after criticism from conservatives repeated on Sunday his claim that the department had tilted too heavily toward the threat from Islamic militants.

The revelations about Mr. Breivik's American influences exploded on the blogs over the weekend, putting Mr. Spencer and other self-described "counterjihad" activists on the defensive, as their critics suggested that their portrayal of Islam as a threat to the West indirectly fostered the crimes in Norway.

Mr. Spencer wrote on his Web site, jihadwatch.org, that "the blame game" had begun, "as if killing a lot of children aids the defense against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism, or has anything remotely to do with anything we have ever advocated." He did not mention Mr. Breivik's voluminous quotations from his writings.

Mr. Breivik also quoted European blogs and writers with similar themes, notably a Norwegian blogger who writes under the name "Fjordman." Immigration from Muslim countries to Scandinavia and the rest of Europe has set off a deep political debate across the continent and strengthened a number of right-wing anti-immigrant parties.

In 2009, when the Department of Homeland Security produced a report, "Rightwing Extremism," suggesting that the recession and the election of an African-American president might increase the threat from white supremacists, conservatives in Congress strongly objected. Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary, quickly withdrew the report and apologized for what she said were its flaws.

Killings in Norway spotlight Anti-Muslim thought in US: Report | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

author here brings up some good points:

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—In the first few hours after a Christian terrorist killed tens of Norwegians, the New York Times published a report claiming an unknown Muslim group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Aalami [Supporters of Global Jihad] has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Within a couple of hours of the attack, an online report warned that CIA and its broadsheets in the US media will exploit the attack to garner European support for the failing Afghan war.

This is exactly what many CIA-affiliated websites and ‘translation companies’ have been doing for the past decade, translating claims of responsibility after every terrorist attack anywhere in the world.

As expected, the New York Times published this claim quoting an unknown American analyst who said he saw the claim of responsibility on a website in Arabic and that he translated it into English.

The truth is that an ordinary discussion forum in Arabic, like millions of similar online forums, published what appears to be a celebratory note on the Norway attack arguing the attack was punishment for all the wrong done in Libya and Afghanistan, the two wars where Norway is a participant by default because of its NATO membership.

But nowhere in the Arabic was text there a claim of responsibility. Also, the person who posted the text in Arabic used a fake name.

So a claim by an unknown group that no one heard of, using a fake profile on a discussion forum? Any real journalist would ignore it.

But not the New York Times, which is famous for publishing absolute lies drafted by the CIA. The paper spent the whole of 2002 publishing sophisticated ‘news reports’ about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction complete with expert illustrations of alleged Iraqi weapons. One of NYT’s top reporters, Judith Miller, was discredited because she ran CIA-planted stories under her byline and went to jail in another case of harassment of a US diplomat and his wife who exposed US government lies on Iraq (Jailed reporter reaches deal in CIA leak probe - CNN).


The credibility of the mainstream US media and its links to US government and the CIA is an open secret. The Pakistani military has accused the New York Times of running a ‘slander campaign’ against Pakistan, its military and its spy agency at CIA’s behest.

Even the Norwegian media was cautious when the NYT came up with this claim of responsibility. Norway TV did its own translation of the text and discovered there was no explicit claim of responsibility for the attack.

The investigative work that reveals NYT’s professional dishonesty was done by Alexander Higgins, and published on his blog under the telling title, Corporate Media Runs False CIA Story Stating Muslim Group Claimed Responsibility For Oslo .


Mr. Higgins makes several interesting observations in his report.

The first is that Norway is a Muslim-friendly country that has not followed the American policy of harassing its Muslim community. It is also a supporter of Palestinian rights and an independent Palestinian state. The Norwegian government has also formally apologized for a couple of local newspapers that reprinted cartoons offensive to Muslims. So unlike the propaganda in American media, Muslims have little reason to attack Norway.

The second important observation is that while the American media continues to emphasize that the Christian extremist is anti-Islam, more important is the fact that he is pro-Israel and a big admirer of anti-Islam writers and bloggers in the US.

This last point is very critical because it confirms our longstanding argument that the United States government and in particular its main intelligence service the CIA are promoting anti-Muslim feelings inside the US and worldwide to continue their interventions in other countries in the name of war on terror.

The anti-Pakistan propaganda worldwide is also the work of CIA and other elements of the US government. They have been using the same twisted methods of demonizing Pakistan that have come to the surface now after the Norway attacks.
'Tonight the streets are filled with love': Royal family and prime minister lead the nation in mourning as crowd of 150,000 gather in Oslo for 'rose march' tribute to Norway's dead

Tonight 150,000 Norwegians gathered in Oslo carrying red and white roses to show their support for the 76 people who were slain on Friday.

Joining them were Norway’s prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, his wife Ingrid, and members of the country’s royal family, Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Martha Louise.

Prince Haakon addressed the solemn crowd outside the city hall, saying that ‘tonight the streets are filled with love'. Rallies were also being held in other cities around the nation.








Source & more pics: Norway massacre: 150,000 gather for 'rose march' tribute | Mail Online
sir this news will desipte in a day or two since the offendor wasnt a muslums....zionist media wont have more interest in him...he is already being labelled as a gunman...when a muslim kills someone he is terrorist and when a christian kills someon he is a gunman..cool story

btw sir zaki that man in second pic is laughing..dont know why
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