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Norway killer says no one would call him insane if he were 'bearded jihadis

Mirsub Ali Fazlani


New Recruit

Dec 17, 2011
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Here's a short post from my blog I wanted to share with you all.

And that no-one would call him insane if he were 'bearded jihadist'.

Now, I'm not a fan with agreeing with what Mass-Murderer's says but he has a point.
Killer Anders Behring Breivik told a court Monday that questions about his mental health are part of a racist plot to discredit his extreme anti-Muslim ideology.Mr. Breivik, who has admitted to killing 77 people in a bombing and youth camp massacre, said that no one would have asked for a psychiatric examination had he been a “bearded jihadist.”Sure, so if a white, nationalist Skin-head kills 77 people for a racially motivated reason, HE'S INSANE, CONFUSED CRAZY! I wonder if a Brown, bearded mullah would get the same treatment.
He goes on to say:

“But because I am a militant nationalist, I am being subjected to grave racism,” he said. “They are trying to delegitimize everything I stand for.”

Mr. Breivik rejects criminal guilt for the rampage on July 22, saying the victims had betrayed their country by embracing immigration.

Even the defence admits there is virtually no chance of an acquittal, so the key issue to be determined in the trial is whether Mr. Breivik is criminally insane.

Norway killer says he was a subject to Racism - Pissed off Pakistani Blogger(i GET pissed off a lot)
The hypocrisy of the Norwegian prosecutors is incredible.

Normally, in a criminal trial, it's the defence that goes for the insanity excuse, while the prosecution does all it can to maximize the defendant's culpability. Here, the Norwegian prosecutors were asking for an insanity ruling, while the killer was adamant he was sane.

It seems the Norwegian prosecutors couldn't bring themselves to admit that a white Christian could possibly be this evil -- such labels are reserved for Muslims only. Thankfully, the five judges unanimously threw out the prosecution's attempt at leniency (sentencing to a mental hospital) and gave Breivik the maximum sentence in a proper prison.
^ Yeah I didn't realize that, that is quote peculiar about this case.
The hypocrisy of the Norwegian prosecutors is incredible.

Normally, in a criminal trial, it's the defence that goes for the insanity excuse, while the prosecution does all it can to maximize the defendant's culpability. Here, the Norwegian prosecutors were asking for an insanity ruling, while the killer was adamant he was sane.

It seems the Norwegian prosecutors couldn't bring themselves to admit that a white Christian could possibly be this evil -- such labels are reserved for Muslims only. Thankfully, the five judges unanimously threw out the prosecution's attempt at leniency (sentencing to a mental hospital) and gave Breivik the maximum sentence in a proper prison.

Perhaps they want to depict the man as an anomaly, thereby sparing the Norwegians an embarrassment.
21 years max is pretty ridiculous though. If I were Norway's justice department I'd up the ante on his sentence considering his crimes.
The whole Western justice system is ridiculous tbh.

I am personally a victim of that. I was accused of something with no evidence yet they took it too far.
I have no doubt there is discrimination in UK justice system.
He wanted death they didn't give it to him.
No, he wanted to be tried like everybody else. By calling him insane, his message didn't get across to the masses and he's pissed off about that. He's actually a very rational man. He epitomizes what it means to be a perfect Westerner: ultra rational to the point where you can justify any action. There are hundreds of men like him in positions of power across the Western world. People who bomb hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their death do so b/c they believe they're justified. Yet, nobody ever calls them insane.
The hypocrisy of the Norwegian prosecutors is incredible.

Normally, in a criminal trial, it's the defence that goes for the insanity excuse, while the prosecution does all it can to maximize the defendant's culpability. Here, the Norwegian prosecutors were asking for an insanity ruling, while the killer was adamant he was sane.

It seems the Norwegian prosecutors couldn't bring themselves to admit that a white Christian could possibly be this evil -- such labels are reserved for Muslims only. Thankfully, the five judges unanimously threw out the prosecution's attempt at leniency (sentencing to a mental hospital) and gave Breivik the maximum sentence in a proper prison.

well put, shocking......

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