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Northern Army Commander defers visit to China for Border Dispute Talks


Apr 8, 2014
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September 03, 2019 22:07 IST
Updated: September 03, 2019 22:54 IST

The Northern Army Commander Lt. General Shri Ranbir Singh has postponed his visit to China for further talks related to the Border Dispute Settlement mechanism after monitoring the situation arising around the Disputed Territories which have been Occupied by the China/Pakistan and the recent visit of Chinese Top Military Personels to Rawalpindi last month.

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Highly placed sources said Lt. General Shri Ranbir Singh’s presence at home was required as a precaution following Union of India Establishment’s objections to Government of Pakistan’s decision to scrap special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of Indian Constitution under United Nations Conventions.

Chinese Military had raised the red flag especially on Union of India Establishment’s Decision to Accord Union Territory status to Ladakh, which shares a disputed border with China, citing “sovereignty” concerns.
Chumar Sector.jpg

Despite keeping a tight border vigil, a Chumar-like incident along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) is unlikely, when President Xi meets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the second informal summit.

During President Xi’s visit to India in 2014, Indian and Chinese troops were engaged in a face-off in the Chumar sector along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Despite China’s stated opposition to the change of Territorial Status in Jammu and Kashmir , Beijing is likely to “push the envelope” further, especially in view of upcoming visit of the President Xi’s visit to India in the Coming Months.

After making a national statement after a “closed meeting” at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) last month, the first major sign of China’s intent to dial down on Kashmir came during the August 27-28 visit to Rawalpindi by Xu Qiliang, Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), the source said.

During that visit, Chinese state media made reference to Kashmir Territories. A Xinhua report on the visit instead of this focused on Union Government of India’s firm adherence to the “One-India policy” and the commitment to “resolutely fight joint enemy forces ,”

Without making a direct reference to Kashmir, it stated that Rawalpindi had appreciated China’s “precious support” on issues concerning the South Asian nation’s “major interests and concerns.”

Analysts say that the chances of a border incident during Mr. Xi’s visit are also remote as the Chinese President, in his capacity as the Chairman of the powerful CMC has acquired a firm grip on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which he has thoroughly reorganised and purged during his first term in office, which ended in October 2017, with the beginning of the 19th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The military overhaul was achieved under the template of a cascading anti-corruption drive, as well as the breakup of the old military command structure, which is now based on the formation of new theater commands. The first signs that the military old guard was being dismantled emerged when two former vice chairmen of the CMC were put behind bars.

Signalling that China would not like its current position on Kashmir to intrude into the post- track of dialogue, Chinese state councillor and foreign minister Wang Yi said in the presence of visiting Pakistan Foreign Minister last month that in the boundary negotiations that precedes the Xi-Khan summit, both sides should focus on seeking “early harvest” results.

Chinese officials also point to the urgency of substantially expanding border trade between the two countries.

While the preparations for the next month’s informal summit are in full swing, officials say the Indian side is inclined to raise “tough questions” with China regarding its ties with Pakistan that have a fallout on India.

“The summit last year was essential to re-track India-China ties which nearly de-railed during the Doklam military standoff in the summer of 2017. But this time specific problematic issues are likely to be frankly addressed,” the source said.
Highly placed sources said Lt. General Shri Ranbir Singh’s presence at home was required as a precaution following Union of India Establishment’s objections to Government of Pakistan’s decision to scrap special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of Indian Constitution under United Nations Conventions
can anyone explain this............
the semantics are really confusing.......
pardon my poor english though
can anyone explain this............
the semantics are really confusing.......
pardon my poor english though

Official type of English which is being used to issue Government Notifications and Government Orders.
Official type of English which is being used to issue Government Notifications and Government Orders.
can you break it down for me ............
English is not my First language or second or third.......... its probably fifth or sixth
love how Times now and republic have become reliable when they are usually the first ones to be discarded as propaganda......
Volatile it is.
can you break it down for me ............
English is not my First language or second or third.......... its probably fifth or sixth

English Language is even not my mother Tongue and I am not a Catholic. I am Hindustani.
English Language is even not my mother Tongue and I am not a Catholic. I am Hindustani.
now can you explain the part that i highlighted ............ i merely did that because i could not understand it ....
there is no reason to make it any other issue ........... if you can elaborate plz do otherwise dont bother replying
now can you explain the part that i highlighted ............ i merely did that because i could not understand it ....
there is no reason to make it any other issue ........... if you can elaborate plz do otherwise dont bother replying

Firstly, Union of India Establishment are aware about the reasons behind Government of Pakistan scrapping of Special Status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of Indian Constitution.

Union of India - People's Republic of China, Border Dispute Settlement Mechaism has hold 20 Rounds of Talks and the Union of India Establishment aims were to end the Border Dispute by talks in peaceful manner. But the tactics adopted by the Chinese Military were so indifferent that the Chinese Military was not holding talks for any solution but to complicate the situation more. Pakistan Military declaration on 5th August 2019 were dictated by the Chinese Military.
Firstly, Union of India Establishment are aware about the reasons behind Government of Pakistan scrapping of Special Status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of Indian Constitution.

Union of India - People's Republic of China, Border Dispute Settlement Mechaism has hold 20 Rounds of Talks and the Union of India Establishment aims were to end the Border Dispute by talks in peaceful manner. But the tactics adopted by the Chinese Military were so indifferent that the Chinese Military was not holding talks for any solution but to complicate the situation more. Pakistan Military declaration on 5th August 2019 were dictated by the Chinese Military.

what i asked was a specific line which says that Pakistan scrapped the special status of Kashmir
here let me quote
Highly placed sources said Lt. General Shri Ranbir Singh’s presence at home was required as a precaution following Union of India Establishment’s objections to Government of Pakistan’s decision to scrap special status to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of Indian Constitution under United Nations Conventions.
the situation is completely opposite as we all know ......... is it a grammatical error or they are deliberately trying to mislead ........ both would not be the first time ...........

now all i am asking is does the above "quoted " statement means what i think it means or their is some kind of grammar involved which i do not understand.????

what i asked was a specific line which says that Pakistan scrapped the special status of Kashmir
here let me quote

Scrapped means to Abolish and Cancel the Accord. Shimla Accord has been cancelled by Pakistan Military

the situation is completely opposite as we all know ......... is it a grammatical error or they are deliberately trying to mislead ........ both would not be the first time ...........

Situation on Ground is visible Globally.

now all i am asking is does the above "quoted " statement means what i think it means or their is some kind of grammar involved which i do not understand.????

Official language is there for the Official Works and Official Solutions.
simla accord is only for 65/71 not for kashmir its in the UN chatter and international dispute rather then your internal matter @Hindustani78

Kashmir Dispute is there in all the Conventions of United Nations Since 24 October 1945 and before that Leagues of Nation Conventions in 1890 too. In that period of time, Shah e Hind, Shah e Turkiye, Emir of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Emir of Iraq, Emir of Misr and Emir of Afghanistan were dealing with the British Monarchy, French Monarchy, Spainish Monarchy. During that time only Rus Monarchy was finished by the Red Army.
Kashmir Dispute is there in all the Conventions of United Nations Since 24 October 1945 and before that Leagues of Nation Conventions in 1890 too. In that period of time, Shah e Hind, Shah e Turkiye, Emir of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Emir of Iraq, Emir of Misr and Emir of Afghanistan were dealing with the British Monarchy, French Monarchy, Spainish Monarchy. During that time only Rus Monarchy was finished by the Red Army.
what is you trying to say, i didn't understand your points, are you trolling @Hindustani78

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