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Northern Alliance (ANA?) Funding Terrorism In Pakistan

As expected AGNO, No source is good as Pakistanie Source. If there is an alternative (Like, Kill Bill (Riggio), then there is no question about being false, and also over a personal statement, great!!!

Lying Bill Roggio is not a 'source' - he is an opinion blog, that provides (distorted) opinion on the basis of various sources around the world, a lot of times Pakistani sources.

This article directly quotes an anti-Pakistan Taliban commander - this is no 'anonymous source' or 'opinion piece'.
"...the control of full Noristan province went into the control of Taliban."

When did this happen taimikhan?

NA is an asset and a source of strategic depth for India in Afghanistan.

Also a potent tool to push Indian, russian and Iranian geo-political agenda in the region.

Its same as AT is for pakistan. However much to the anguish of pakistan, NA is more preferrable to world community than AT.

A new front in the offing for pakistan??

The problem with this 'new front' is that the NA appear to be using the Taliban (Afghan and Pakistani) to attack Pakistan. So if as you say the world community does not find the Taliban palatable, how long can the NA use the Taliban?

And if they continue to use the Taliban against Pakistan, eventually there will be blowback from ISAF and the global community that is also fighting the Taliban.

And if there is no blowback from ISAF over NA supporting the Taliban, then it really won't be that hard for Pakistan to redirect the Taliban, given that first and foremost the Taliban would like to control Afghanistan.

A lose-lose game for the Uzbeks and Tajiks in the long run IMO.

**NA refers to the Tajik and Uzbek warlords and their associates who used to formally be a part of the Northern Alliance, and are/have been in positions in the Afghan government and military/intelligence.
Rahman has no sanctuary in Afghanistan. We do battle with his forces daily there as he's the Konar commander for the AT and we've two battalions quite active in Konar still with another nearby. That's a full brigade covering those two provinces. I 'm waiting to read from taimikhan who states we've surrendered all of Nuristan. I'd like for him to provide his source.

A.M. knows that as I advised him and provided the source some time ago. The updated information of that same source shows no change to the regional ORBAT. There's no sound purpose served by any senior member to dissemble information while in the possession of knowledge to the contrary.

The N.A. as a formal entity no longer exists. Some of their political wing continue to exist as political parties in Afghanistan and hold seats in their parliament. Probably no different than fundamentalist political parties in Pakistan who've afforded cover to militant elements yet are permitted to operate.

fatman17 has information that indicates U.S. forces and Pakistani forces are specifically involved coordinating Konar/Bajaur ops. These remarks were offered by Amb. Anne Patterson in her address to the Pakistani National Defense University recently-

"I also want to assure you that, as part of our shared vision of the next steps in the campaign against extremism and militancy, we are coordinating our activities and movements as we have never done before. Our military leadership is in constant contact with 11th Corps and what we call Regional Command East in Afghanistan to work together to impede cross-border attacks in Bajaur."

I hope it's sufficient to end the dissemblances offered here and elsewhere by some that the American government and ISAF provide cover to militant organizations moving back and forth along both sides of the Konar/Bajaur border. It's nonsense that's designed to play for an excitable local crowd here.

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I think there might have been an understanding established btw the ISAF and Pakistani Forces that which groups are needed to be eliminated on both sides of the border ..!If true
Then lets just hope the ISAF sticks to the accord ..!
"Then lets just hope the ISAF sticks to the accord ..!"

Then let's also just hope the same for the P.A. ISAF is there and HAS been there for years...FIGHTING. Have you not heard of the Korengal valley? The Pech valley? VOB Wanat? COB Keating?

It would help if you STAYED informed by actually reading of the battles fought on BOTH SIDES of that border. You've had ample opportunity as, unlike your army, our press freely travels the area and stays with our troops posting numerous stories. Many I've posted here from that exact area. Don't insult my army that's fighting and dying there while expecting something different of myself about yours. It cuts both ways of course.

"I also want to assure you that, as part of our shared vision of the next steps in the campaign against extremism and militancy, we are coordinating our activities and movements as we have never done before. Our military leadership is in constant contact with 11th Corps and what we call Regional Command East in Afghanistan to work together to impede cross-border attacks in Bajaur."
While the intent to cooperate with Pakistan might exist, the fact remains the the necessary resources have not been allocated to the North Eastern Provinces, and US forces have abandoned posts from certain areas.

Unless McChrystal changed his strategy, thinning out forces in sparesely populated parts of Afghanistan such as Nuristan and Konar in order to focus on more populated areas, was a central part of the COIN strategy he outlined.

There is no 'dissemblance' on my part - my argument has been that the deliberate decision to deploy fewer resources in Nuristan and Konar is analogous to the Pakistani decision to not open another front in North Waziristan. And that if Americans wish to describe the Pakistan decision to not openly engage with the NW due to lack of resources as 'duplicity and deceit' then one can make the same case with respect to the ISAF decision to not deploy the resources necessary to eliminate the Taliban attacking Pakistan from Konar.
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I can't address how diplo-speak is defined when comments are directed before an audience possessing some of the brightest and most knowledgable people in the Pakistani military at the National Defense University of Pakistan but they'd certainly know the validity of such comments over any posting from America...including Pakistani nationals.

Sources that provide the ORBAT of ISAF, however, HAVE been made available to those Pakistani nationals here repeatedly and they are free to verify themselves instead of relying upon their thoughts about what intent might ONCE HAVE BEEN. Exigencies of combat require a flexibility that some here seem unable to match from their computer chairs. Not McChrystal's fault if some can't keep up.

Regardless of Pakistani operations that have or haven't occurred in FATA as yet, there's no proof that American forces have yet been drawn down from RC-EAST in any of its area of operations. Some haven't yet gotten that salient fact embedded. I can only hope for the sake of progressing the discussion this hurdle can be overcome. It's in doubt right now.

I remain befuddled by those who can contend that taking no action in one area is analogous to somebody else that has for years been engaged in another. The incongruence of such a tenuous posture is difficult appreciate to most sober minds. I hope that's somehow overcome too. Logical fallacies can only hinder good discourse.

The facts are present for those who wish to avail themselves. I won't speak for or against the decisions of the Pakistani army in its operating areas. That definitive information is unavailable to me beyond what the ISPR deems to comment upon from time to time. I'm certain now that many here, however, are unable to accurately address what operations are being conducted and forces employed by the U.S. Army in RC-EAST despite my best efforts to correct such misunderstandings.

I hope it isn't willful. It's certainly unnecessary and inaccurate.

Do read the history of Afghanistan and see who was in the govt after the soviets left and what they were upto.

And yeah Taliban uprising and their spread was due to the Afghans own mistake and blunders.

Yeah, they are Muslims and our brothers, but if they get into anti-pakistan activities, we have the full right to protect our sovereignty.

And what the NA guys do to their enemies, is will documented and they are no less in the barbarity shown when it comes to that. Difference is the methods, AT & TTP have their own methods and the NA has its own.

Care to explain how many suicide attacks happened in the AT regime inside Afghanistan and outside of it due to them.

So kindly safe the rant, if NA wishes to take the revenge for the past which was of their own doing, then we also have every right to fund and support the AT, as if we didn't, your these friends in NA will be a pain in the arse of Pakistan, especially with its face towards the real enemy, India.

I want a same question with you sir! Please read the Afghanistan-Russian war History. Their is no evidence of taliban before Russia withdraw.This is very clear that taliban are the Afghan/Pakistan students of Pakistan's Madressas.Molana fazlu rehman and Molana sami proud to claim "Taliban are their pass out cadets".
Afghan Gov. after Russian was comprises of Hikmat yar,Rabbani and Ahmed Shah Masood. These all people had took active part in Afghan-Russian war.
Next episode is also an open secret, who had trained taliban,who gave weapon them, who had designed war strategy,who had gave them full logistic support.Taliban support program had still continue in Benazir Govt. because US interests.
Both Pakistan & US had feed the snake which are now biting them.
NA are not mental disorder people that they become anti-Pakistani.This is factor of our love and Loyalty with taliban who destabilized their Govt.
US. had own interest to destabilize any Govt in Afghanistan which has good relation with neighboring Iran.Zia has own interest in term of saudia to destabilize any Iranian allies Govt in Afghanistan.

US had learned their Afghan blunder in 911 and we still not learn and finding difference between good and evil taliban.
Just lay-off all taliban's love and make a sincere operation against them in Pakistan, i assure this would certainly change the mind of NA even though of the Billions investment of India.
Just lay-off all taliban's love and make a sincere operation against them in Pakistan,
I really dont know why you are training your Gun on Taimi !!!. He ACCEPTED that he makes no difference between the likes of NA, Taliban, LeT (and its type). Neither has he professed any love for this beasts.
The problem with this 'new front' is that the NA appear to be using the Taliban (Afghan and Pakistani) to attack Pakistan.

I somehow have a hard time believing this.. Is there a source to this piece of information??? AT and NA on the same side doesnt seem to gel...
We should demand the US DO MORE in Kunar and Waziristan.
I remain befuddled by those who can contend that taking no action in one area is analogous to somebody else that has for years been engaged in another.

I said analogous rather than identical for a reason.

Pakistan has a division worth of troops deployed in South Waziristan. The Pakistan Army, FC and local security forces man hundreds of check-posts along the Pak-Afghan border (over 800 posts according to the last information released) and conduct patrols along that border to prevent cross-border movement by insurgents.

We also have, in theory, an accord with the Tribes in NW under which they are to not allow foreign militants, nor are the Taliban to conduct cross-border operations.

It is a flawed agreement, and likely violated, but at the moment, given the paucity of resources and military deployments elsewhere, that agreement combined with the check-posts and patrols is what Pakistan can do - we apply a flawed strategy in NW because of the constraints we face.

In the North Eastern Afghan provinces, while ISAF may have deployments and may wage pitched battles here or there, it is obvious (till now atleast, it may change if Patterson's comments imply a tangible shift in that direction) that ISAF does not have the required resources deployed to defeat the Taliban or impact their 'sanctuary', from which they wage war on Pakistan, in any significant way.

This no doubt is due to resource constraints that ISAF faces.

The point is that while the two sides have different strategies with dealing with the Taliban threat, they are both doing 'a little' in their areas mentioned, and that little is not enough.

I fail to see why the 'too little' done by Pakistan should be characterized as 'deceit and duplicity', while the 'too little' done by ISAF gets a free pass in terms of 'resource constraints' and fawning over McChrystal's 'new COIN strategy' of focusing on the populated areas vs remote regions.
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