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Northern Alliance (ANA?) Funding Terrorism In Pakistan

Its a fact ANA is anti Pakistan
Do you think that is the reason behind Rehman's revelation, to stir up mistrust between the ANA and PA?
Do you think that is the reason behind Rehman's revelation, to stir up mistrust between the ANA and PA?

I dont know about rehman or what ur sarcastic post means.
But lets put it this way.I live near Pak-afghan border and i know pretty much about what goes....
try typing about it own ur blog
Cross-border militants strike back - Asia Times Online
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

ISLAMABAD - As a lone suicide bomber approached a convoy of security personnel after walking through a crowded market he detonated the bomb strapped to his body. Eleven people were killed and more than 35 injured in the massive blast on Monday in the Nishat Chowk district of Mingora, the capital of Swat in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Gruesome scenes of bodies being recovered amid billowing black smoke, burning vehicles and shattered buildings are not new to Pakistan; similar - and much bigger - attacks occur regularly. What was significant about Monday's attack was that it was the first in six months in the Swat area.

The return of violence to Swat is a direct result of the Taliban gaining control of the provinces of Kunar and Nuristan across the border in Afghanistan, sources in an al-Qaeda-led militant group tell Asia Times Online.

In a series of operations in the tribal areas that started last year, beginning in Swat and culminating in the offensive in North Waziristan, the Pakistani military rolled back the extensive advances make by the Pakistan Taliban and al-Qaeda. The militants were dispersed, with most disappearing into the wilds on both sides of the border.

Then, towards the end of last year, United States troops evacuated their main bases in Nuristan and border posts in Kunar and handed over responsibility for security to the Afghan National Army (ANA). In November, the Taliban struck a ceasefire deal with the ANA under which the Taliban agreed not to attack provincial capitals in return for the ANA not attacking Taliban bases in the two provinces. (See Taliban take over Afghan province Asia Times Online, October 29, 2009.)

This, say the militant sources, allowed militants from across the border to regroup, and Monday's attack is the first of what the sources say will be many more in Swat, as well as other tribal areas. This includes the restive belt of Bajaur Agency, Mohmand Agency and Dir and Swat in NWFP. There has already been a revival of activity in Bajaur and Mohmand over the past few weeks.

The militant sources say that the fighters who have gathered in Kunar and Nuristan have split into several groups to fight in Afghanistan and in Pakistan on a rotational basis to make the optimum use of their human resources.

A senior militant linked with al-Qaeda told Asia Times Online by telephone that the new assault in Pakistan would start in earnest once the weather improved in the next few weeks, while the battle in Afghanistan would continue.

"If you remember, the Soviets also sent additional forces [to Afghanistan] in the last days [late 1980s], but within a short period they decided they could not beat the mujahideen and they withdrew. The US has done the same [with its 30,000 troop surge] and will soon face so many losses it will not have any choice but to withdraw," the militant said.

Al-Qaeda and the Taliban arrests
The arrest over the past few days of several senior Taliban figures plays into the hands of al-Qaeda, a militant connected with al-Qaeda tells Asia Times Online. He says that as a result of the arrests, the Taliban have severed all links of communication for dialogue - be it with Afghanistan, Pakistan or the US - and they will now work more closely with al-Qaeda.

Those arrested include the Taliban's supreme commander in Afghanistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar; the former governor of the Afghan province of Nangarhar, Moulvi Abdul Kabeer; Mullah Abdul Salam, the shadow governor of Kunduz; and Mir Muhammad, also a shadow governor in northern Afghanistan.

Apart from Baradar, these Taliban handed over to the US were very much "assets" of the Pakistan military, which had direct links to them. Kabeer was known to be in contact with the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) up until his arrest at the weekend. Because of these links, he would not visit North Waziristan for fear of reprisals from al-Qaeda militants. He was nevertheless on the Taliban's command council.

Similarly, Salam had links to the ISI dating to the mid-1990s shortly before the Taliban took control of Kabul - he represented the Taliban militia at the ISI's headquarters in Islamabad and he remained an asset.

Baradar was not directly in contact with the ISI, but his movements were known and security agencies turned a blind eye as he was considered one of Pakistan's future strategic assets in Afghanistan.

"They [those arrested] were aces in the hands of the Pakistan military, which could have used them to its favor, but now they are lost," a militant leader told Asia Times Online. "Why? We are all wondering, but the fact is that now the Taliban realize that they have no option but to join forces with al-Qaeda in a regional battle against the US and all its allies, including Pakistan and India," the militant said.

Commenting on the arrests, a senior strategic expert told Asia Times Online on the condition of anonymity, "Undoubtedly, they were Pakistan's assets and their arrest might have dire consequences for Pakistan. In my opinion, some very narrow vested interests led to the arrests. Pakistani chief of army staff General [Ashfaq Pervez] Kiani is scheduled to retire on November 27. He cannot make a decision on an extension of his own service, it has to be done by the government with the consent of Washington, and therefore Kiani agreed to make former friends the scapegoats," the analyst said. Kiani has developed very close ties to the US military and has effectively taken over "war on terror" responsibilities from the civilian government.

Sections in the military that are not as keen as Kiani on close ties with the US do not want to see his term extended, preferring one of their own to be promoted. Aware of this, the ISI's counter-terrorism branch explained that Baradar's arrest "was a mistake" and that intelligence officials were not aware of his presence when they made the raid that led to his apprehension.

Nonetheless, with the other arrests that followed, especially that of Kabeer, the Taliban are not buying this line and instead are looking to the regrouped militants in Afghanistan to do their talking in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief. He can be reached at saleem_shahzad2002@yahoo.com
Northern Alliance was always buddies with India and they were always anti-pakistan from the start and India has lots of money to provide their close ally the northern alliance.

Don't forget the time when Pakistan were doing same in case of Taliban after Russia quit.
I hope India would also pay if do so.
Well the mainly Muslim countries of Iran, Central Asian Republics were much bigger financiers and supporters of NA than India ever was. Infact, Iran was air lifting arms to Mazar-i-Sharif. India has limited role with only providing medical staff and setup hospital facilities on the Turkmenistan border.

This was a reaction to Pakistan directly interfering in Afghanistan's internal affairs initially by supporting Hekmatyar and then the Taliban once they started coming to power. The Saudi's also were in on it and the CIA albeit at a smaller level initially continued to ally themselves with the ISI policies in Afghanistan and tried to work with the Taliban.

It was understandable that Iran being suspicious of Saudi and American intentions (Pakistan was basically a base for Saudi and American ops if you look at their pov) and support the NA in return.

So in fact, it would be more appropriate to concern yourself why Iran and CAR's despite being Muslim countries were supporting the NA, instead of berating the NA as some evil entity.

On topic,

I would have thought the NA would have been disbanded by now. If this is true, then it may be the ex-NA commanders. But still something to be taken seriously by the GoP with the GoA.

On the other hand, it might be the Afghan Taliban being confused with the NA...
The 'source' is a Taliban commander who has vigorously attacked Pakistani forces and supported others who attacked Pakistan forces.

This is 'straight from the horse's mouth' as they say ...

P.S: the rest of you, lay off the nonsensical comments.

As expected AGNO, No source is good as Pakistanie Source. If there is an alternative (Like, Kill Bill (Riggio), then there is no question about being false, and also over a personal statement, great!!!
Qari Zia Ur Rehman and his men have sufficient funds, and in the initial offensive, he and his hundreds of fighters after getting a pounding from the military, went into the Kunar & Noristan provinces, where the so called allies had vacated their positions and the control of full Noristan province went into the control of Taliban. These pakistani talibans were given food and shelter on that side of the border and the recent increase in violence in bajaur was due to this reason that after reequipping themselves, they came back and started the violence, after which the latest round of offensive was taken and maximum major areas have been taken over by FC from them.

And either you believe or not (in any case i damn care) but Northern Alliance guys are involved in much ore things then what we see in the media just like the above report.

Just let us know one thing , if Northren Alliance are paying TTP. to do terrorism in Pakistan, than why don't they pay TTP to protect them from Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan?
This thread is another attempt to show Afghan taliban innocence in case of terrorism in Pakistan.
But we still can't forget the asylum of Riaz basra of Lashkr jhangvi by mullah omar before 911.
TTP is a sister organization of AT which comprises of anti sect terrorist org. in Pakistan, which are now doing their job in
destabilizing the country.
people like Yousaf zai are doing best effort to survive the death of taliban ideology in Pakistan,but this is time of death of their propaganda war.
Just let us know one thing , if Northren Alliance are paying TTP. to do terrorism in Pakistan, than why don't they pay TTP to protect them from Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan?
This thread is another attempt to show Afghan taliban innocence in case of terrorism in Pakistan.
But we still can't forget the asylum of Riaz basra of Lashkr jhangvi by mullah omar before 911.
TTP is a sister organization of AT which comprises of anti sect terrorist org. in Pakistan, which are now doing their job in
destabilizing the country.
people like Yousaf zai are doing best effort to survive the death of taliban ideology in Pakistan,but this is time of death of their propaganda war.

I did not said Afghan Taliban have no hand in supporting their brethren on this side of the border, they do and have supporting the TTP guys without any doubt.

What i said is the role of NA in anti-Pakistan activities which range from not just one act, rather many acts, ranging from giving support to TTP guys to other activities.

If the TTP guys get money from an Afghan source, even if he is a Pushtoon Afghan from that side of the border, they damn care to know who gave the money or the weapons to that Pustun Afghan, all they care is getting the money and weapons.

And InshAllah their death, everyone of them who is on the wrong path will come one day.

To me AT, TTP, NA and all like them are the same.
I did not said Afghan Taliban have no hand in supporting their brethren on this side of the border, they do and have supporting the TTP guys without any doubt.

What i said is the role of NA in anti-Pakistan activities which range from not just one act, rather many acts, ranging from giving support to TTP guys to other activities.

If the TTP guys get money from an Afghan source, even if he is a Pushtoon Afghan from that side of the border, they damn care to know who gave the money or the weapons to that Pustun Afghan, all they care is getting the money and weapons.

And InshAllah their death, everyone of them who is on the wrong path will come one day.

To me AT, TTP, NA and all like them are the same

What about LET, JUD, JEM, HM ???

So long you keep the bias of good terrorism and bad terrorism pakistan will have to suffer and that cannot be otherwise.
What about LET, JUD, JEM, HM ???

So long you keep the bias of good terrorism and bad terrorism pakistan will have to suffer and that cannot be otherwise.

Are you blind or have difficulty in understanding the English which i wrote, especially the part which you highlighted.

I said anyone like them, so if LeT, JuD or others are like these, then yeah, but if they aren't then no.

And many times i do wonder, that why before 9/11, LeT or others like them did not attacked inside India and killed innocents, they way it has happened now right after 9/11.

Anyway, try to indulge in constructive discussion, other then trolling in every other thread. And bringing in the LeT, JuD etc and the usual Indian crying baby attitude. LeT, JuD are no magicians that they know where to, when to and how to strike inside Indian (supposedly if they do such actions, which I doubt), try to root out the inside help from within India, which is provided to them by your Indian friends of their, the day you do, LeT, JuD etc etc won't be able to even harm a fly inside India. But i believe India doesn't want to do that, as they need them to keep blaming Pakistan and do their dirty international politics which has been seen in the past and keep having a reason to attack Pakistan as an excuse and also as an excuse to keep raising their defence budget.

So now stick to the topic.
The muhajir and pushtoon(mostly illegal afghan refugee) is not like that of hazar or tajik being considered inferior in afghanistan.
These people fight for control of areas and stuff.
We dont have hazara pushtoon tension sir we only have a small hazara community in quetta so ur arguement is false.
Have u ever heard of punjabi pushtoon tension in pakistan???????
Its was Punjab govt that sent doctors,AID and other basic things for help to swat IDPs.And shared the burden by accepting IDPs in punjab.
I myself m balouch and i can say 100% strongly that people dont have any issues with punjabis....and if ur reffering to target killing everybody knows BLA a world known terrorist organisation supported by india is behind it.And let me tell u BLA is targetting everybody including pushtoons,sindhis and eveb educated balouchs or pro govt people.

Here goes ur arguement in dust bin again.
Mqm stopped them by saying they might have terrorists disguised as innocent IDPs so even then were allowed to go any where.Political tensions not ethinic.
In afghanistan every thing is opposite.Pushtoons consider all non pushtoons hazaras,uzbeks,tajiks inferior.

Here is something: Pashtun influx fuels Karachi tensions

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pashtun influx fuels Karachi tensions

Karachi has been plagued by violence for much of the last 20 years
"We are doing our best to prevent them from taking over," says Mohammad Rafiq earnestly as he sits in the crowded room in Karachi.

He is referring to Taleban militants who have come to the city from Pakistan's tribal areas such as North and South Waziristan who "want to take over Karachi".

Rafiq, a primary school teacher, is a resident of Baldia town, a suburb of Karachi.

He is also a member of a neighbourhood, or sector, office of the MQM (United National Movement) political party for his area.

'Bully and kill'

Karachi, on the coast of Pakistan's southern Sindh province, is the country's largest city.

It is also the South Asian nation's financial capital and main port.

The MQM, which is allied to Pakistan's ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP), is politically in control of Karachi.

Four armed men came to the back of the market on two bikes... they only targeted Pashtun businesses

The party draws its strength from a mainly middle class electorate, made up of Urdu-speaking people, descendants of migrants from India after partition in 1947.

Its detractors have often complained that it has used its political strength to bully and even kill opponents.

The MQM, however, strongly denies this allegations.

"Our job is to find solutions for neighbourhood problems at the local level," says Farooq Sattar, a central government minister and senior MQM leader.

"We also inform the top leadership if there are matters here that are beyond our control."

Of late these have been primarily to do with what the MQM has called the "Talebanisation" of Karachi.

It says that more and more people are migrating to Karachi from different parts of Pakistan, especially from the tribal areas.

"The Taleban don't want to be concentrated in the northern areas and are looking for other options," says Dr Sattar.

Urban experts agree, pointing out that there has also been a substantial rise in migrants into Karachi from the North West Frontier Province's Pashtun community.
Tension is rising in Karachi

It is perhaps this fact which is most galling for the MQM, which stormed into control of Karachi following ethnic riots which began in the mid-1980s.

At that time, disagreements over the identity question led to clashes between the Urdu-speaking and Pashtun-speaking communities.
The MQM rose to power on the back of these riots which left hundreds of people dead and established the party's position in Karachi.

But critics have accused the party of using the "ethnic card" to keep control over Karachi.

Ethnicity remains a touchy topic in the metropolis and since 2007 there have been rumblings of a return to the problems of before.

In November, more than 40 people were killed in two days of ethnic-related killings.

"Riots and violence did take place between 1985 and 1988, but our leaders met and reached a conclusive peace accord," says Aminullah Khattak, secretary general of the Sindh chapter of the mostly Pashtun Awami National Party (ANP).

"We wanted to end it, and it did end at that time."
But Mr Khattak now says that the issue has once again reared its head, this times he feels because of economic factors.
The MQM says that Karachi is at risk of 'Talebanisation'

"The thing that has started it again is that the Pashtuns living over here have progressed economically," he says.

"Some people believe that they will remain watchmen or labourers, or remain engaged in menial economic activities all their lives.

"But they've become well educated, they've progressed economically, they want to get better jobs."

The ANP argues that "Talebanisation" is not a problem in Karachi, but just a ruse for a movement against upwardly-mobile Pashtuns.

Evidence of that movement is all too clear to Azmatullah Khan, a pharmacy student, as he stands on the ruins of his family business which was burnt to the ground in December.

"Four armed men came to the back of the market on two bikes," he says.

"They threw some kind of chemicals... and started a fire which spread if water was thrown on it.

"You can see yourselves, they only targeted Pashtun businesses," he says while bitterly pointing to nearby timber shops which remain intact and open.

"If you look at the situation in Karachi now, it is the Pashtun community which is facing the brunt of the problems," says Ismail Khan, a member of the ANP provincial executive committee.

"Pashtun areas are the least developed in terms of basic amenities, as well as facilities such as hospitals and schools.

"In addition, Pashtuns are said to be the root of all troubles."

Ismail Khan believes that the MQM is behind this, and its principal motive is to get Pashtuns to give up the land they hold in Karachi.

There has been a substantial rise in migrant numbers

"We are the only threat to their power, and that is why they have used the spectre of Talebanisation."

But Mohammad Rafiq and many others believe that it is the realities on the ground which have forced the MQM to move matters.

"We had no problems with the Pashtun community which has been settled here for a long time," he says.

"But we do have a problem with those who are extremists and have come here to spread Taleban ideas."

There seems little outward signs that the fundamentalist movement is taking over this most cosmopolitan of cities.

Karachi's problems remain largely ethnic despite claims by the MQM.

Pakistan's current debilitating security scenario however means that this is no less of a threat.

"Karachi remains Pakistan's jugular vein and its microcosm," says Aminullah Khattak.

"Any descent into violence here could cripple the country economically, and have grave consequences for national unity."

Puppet govt. puppet karzai who was educated in india???and other warlord,drug smuggling corrupt band of thugs????Who dont even speak against NATO for civilian casualities and even oppose construction of PAK-AFGHAN borders?
We are having more problem coz of it,,,illegal refugees,drug smugglers,prostitution,illegal wheat,cement,dry fruit,rice, life stock smuggling all thanks to afghanistan.

The same leaders who are sitting in government?and changing the name doesnt change mentality.
Brother u accept it or not its ur choice.
Its a fact ANA is anti Pakistan

Bro, you call Afghan gov as puppet, but your gov is not any less than puppet, we are on the same side. It doesnt matter where he was educated, but he is a pashtoon, the same pashtoon that pakistan consider them their best assets. Dawood was not educated in india? Zahir, and others, they are all pashtoon but anti pakistan. i really think pakistan should give up its ethnic related policy in Afghanistan, they need to engage with the public rather than supporting their puppets and try put more fuel on our existing problems. ANA is an army and it is obeying the policies of gov of afghanistan. NA's leaders and structure(although NA doesnt exist anymore) are largely in opposition to the GoA, they are not in gov. Secondly, if pakistan is that much complaining about the NA, they should blame themselves, it was pakistan who created them, supported them and trained them. why didnt you complain about them in the past?
Why can't we send in 40,000 troops into Afghanistan make it our new province , and hang Northern Alliance :sniper:

Provide support to army with Chinese planes put them to good use against these people - Afghanis already live in Pakistan will just help facilitate the process

We put our F16 on boarder watch with India and put AWAC on alert -

We take 200 Chinese planes which will retire anyways , they bomb out all the caves and other points of interest - and 40,000 troops will move in finish the work

We don't even need F22 Raptor to do that our chinese planes form 80/90s are well equiped to hanle the crisis

Very Simple 40,000 Troops , all of Pakistan debt is paid for 100%

And give us 40 billion for Afghanistan infrastruction reconstruction effort end of story

Don't have to invest 800 billion dollar like US is doing now ...

We take care of problem , if we locate Bin Ladin , we will send him over -

US /Pakistan sign peace treaty so if any nation attacks Pakistan , US will ally with Pakistan for insurance police

We go in clear out the Northern Alliance - Zap them out

New UAV preditors that we get from US , can be used to launch strategic launches on forigne embassies helping Northern Alliance - and we can just get over with this task

And we send in food/funds/resources to help build new province , and get help from Saudia and other rich middle east nations etc end of story

This time no madrassas , we build , cricket ground

US gives us reward of 1 Aircraft carriers and fleet of F15E eagles as reward for such bravry , and also Chinese/US relations could remain warm and fuzzy

We take 1 billion , and buy food and gifts and toys for Afghan/FATA people , and more food , and we protect the civilians from TTP/TALIBAN/RAW and other people of interest
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I did not said Afghan Taliban have no hand in supporting their brethren on this side of the border, they do and have supporting the TTP guys without any doubt.

What i said is the role of NA in anti-Pakistan activities which range from not just one act, rather many acts, ranging from giving support to TTP guys to other activities.

If the TTP guys get money from an Afghan source, even if he is a Pushtoon Afghan from that side of the border, they damn care to know who gave the money or the weapons to that Pustun Afghan, all they care is getting the money and weapons.

And InshAllah their death, everyone of them who is on the wrong path will come one day.

To me AT, TTP, NA and all like them are the same.

Dear MOD! We still have not forget the Indian support to separatist in East Pakistan in 1971, how this is possible that NA could forget our Govt and Agencies fully involvement and support of taliban to destabilize their Newly Govt in Afghanistan after Russia withdraw.So our past policies is the main reason of their anti-Pakistan emotions.
Indians are naturally exploiting these emotions in Afghanistan and invest Billions Dollars in restoring the Afghanistan Economy.
Our blunders has made NA our enemy else their is no other dispute.

Secondly AT and TTP could never be alike with NA nor they are same.
In my knowledge their is no record of suicide bombing or beheading from NA.
Dear MOD! We still have not forget the Indian support to separatist in East Pakistan in 1971, how this is possible that NA could forget our Govt and Agencies fully involvement and support of taliban to destabilize their Newly Govt in Afghanistan after Russia withdraw.So our past policies is the main reason of their anti-Pakistan emotions.
Indians are naturally exploiting these emotions in Afghanistan and invest Billions Dollars in restoring the Afghanistan Economy.
Our blunders has made NA our enemy else their is no other dispute.

Secondly AT and TTP could never be alike with NA nor they are same.
In my knowledge their is no record of suicide bombing or beheading from NA.

Do read the history of Afghanistan and see who was in the govt after the soviets left and what they were upto.

And yeah Taliban uprising and their spread was due to the Afghans own mistake and blunders.

Yeah, they are Muslims and our brothers, but if they get into anti-pakistan activities, we have the full right to protect our sovereignty.

And what the NA guys do to their enemies, is will documented and they are no less in the barbarity shown when it comes to that. Difference is the methods, AT & TTP have their own methods and the NA has its own.

Care to explain how many suicide attacks happened in the AT regime inside Afghanistan and outside of it due to them.

So kindly safe the rant, if NA wishes to take the revenge for the past which was of their own doing, then we also have every right to fund and support the AT, as if we didn't, your these friends in NA will be a pain in the arse of Pakistan, especially with its face towards the real enemy, India.
NA is an asset and a source of strategic depth for India in Afghanistan.

Also a potent tool to push Indian, russian and Iranian geo-political agenda in the region.

Its same as AT is for pakistan. However much to the anguish of pakistan, NA is more preferrable to world community than AT.

A new front in the offing for pakistan??
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