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Northern Alliance (ANA?) Funding Terrorism In Pakistan


Sep 12, 2008
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

By Mushtaq Yusufzai

PESHAWAR: A known Taliban commander, Qari Ziaur Rehman, who has been engaged in fighting against security forces in Bajaur, claimed on Sunday that he had rejected lucrative offers and financial support offered to him by Afghanistan’s Northern Alliance for fighting against the Pakistani military and carrying out bomb blasts in the country.

He also claimed that the militants in Bajaur had deposed regional Taliban chief Maulana Faqir Muhammad for his alleged secret links to the government and for refusing to resist security forces in their recent advancement on the militant strongholds in Mamond area.

“I received lucrative offers from the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan,” claimed Ziaur Rehman. Talking to The News by phone from an undisclosed location, he said he and his fighters had been fighting under certain compulsions in Pakistan.

The government had declared him an Afghan national, hailing from the Kunar province bordering the Bajaur tribal region, and announced Rs 5 million as head money for him for having association with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and organising attacks on troops in Bajaur.

He, however, denied his Afghan nationality, arguing that if so, why the Pakistani government issued him a computerised national identity card (CNIC). “You may know the tribesmen live and have properties on both sides of the Pak-Afghan border. My forefathers were born and died in Bajaur and I am a Pakistani by birth,” argued the militant commander, who was described by the Pakistani military authorities as one of the most ruthless commanders operating in Bajaur.

He said some of his relatives had migrated to Kunar in Afghanistan from the Mamond area of Bajaur where they are still known as “Bajauri Mamond.” Ziaur Rahman claimed that he had been made the commander for both Bajaur and Marawara area in the Kunar province. He admitted that security forces had captured most areas of Bajaur, particularly Mamond, which had been a stronghold of Maulana Faqir Muhammad-led militants.

Ziaur Rahman said Faqir Muhammad had been replaced by Commander Jamaluddin Dadullah, as the former had struck an underhand deal with the government and refused to fight the advancing security forces in Mamond. He said the militants had vacated their positions under a strategy and would launch guerrilla attacks against the troops once they entered their areas of control.

Militant leader claims he rejected offers to explode bombs in Pakistan
Actually the article is right.
Plz dont ask me the sources...

The 'source' is a Taliban commander who has vigorously attacked Pakistani forces and supported others who attacked Pakistan forces.

This is 'straight from the horse's mouth' as they say ...

P.S: the rest of you, lay off the nonsensical comments.
Good joke from Yousaf's bhai(jhoot ka planda). They don't have fund even to survive them self.

Qari Zia Ur Rehman and his men have sufficient funds, and in the initial offensive, he and his hundreds of fighters after getting a pounding from the military, went into the Kunar & Noristan provinces, where the so called allies had vacated their positions and the control of full Noristan province went into the control of Taliban. These pakistani talibans were given food and shelter on that side of the border and the recent increase in violence in bajaur was due to this reason that after reequipping themselves, they came back and started the violence, after which the latest round of offensive was taken and maximum major areas have been taken over by FC from them.

And either you believe or not (in any case i damn care) but Northern Alliance guys are involved in much ore things then what we see in the media just like the above report.
Northern Alliance was always buddies with India and they were always anti-pakistan from the start and India has lots of money to provide their close ally the northern alliance.
Northern Alliance was always buddies with India and they were always anti-pakistan from the start and India has lots of money to provide their close ally the northern alliance.

They were buddies of pakisan long before they became the buddy of india. they were trained and supported by pakistan for very long time. in that time they were called the Mujahideen, hope you havent forgotten it. their name of NA was a wrong name anyway. they now are not a military force cuz they have given their arms to the gov of afghansitan and are the main political opposition group to the gov of afghanistan.
They were buddies of pakisan long before they became the buddy of india. they were trained and supported by pakistan for very long time. in that time they were called the Mujahideen, hope you havent forgotten it. their name of NA was a wrong name anyway. they now are not a military force cuz they have given their arms to the gov of afghansitan and are the main political opposition group to the gov of afghanistan.

ANA was never supported by pakistan.Except Ahmed shah masood and taliban.
ANA was afghanistans army run by puppet govt that invited ussr with support from india.
ANA was shoulder to shoulder in killing afghans with soviet army.
ANA was never supported by pakistan.Except Ahmed shah masood and taliban.
ANA was afghanistans army run by puppet govt that invited ussr with support from india.
ANA was shoulder to shoulder in killing afghans with soviet army.

Dear PN,

Are you talking about the so called Northern Alliance(a wrong name) or Afghan National Army(ANA)? They are 2 different cathegories. ANA today is different than the ANA of the soviet time. When mujahideen took over kabul the whole army was disolved and nothing was left there except the mujahideen groups. ANA today was formed slowly after 2001.
Dear PN,

Are you talking about the so called Northern Alliance(a wrong name) or Afghan National Army(ANA)? They are 2 different cathegories. ANA today is different than the ANA of the soviet time. When mujahideen took over kabul the whole army was disolved and nothing was left there except the mujahideen groups. ANA today was formed slowly after 2001.

Shumali itehad and ANA are one and the same thing.ANA leaders are shumalis.
Non pushtoons have always been anti pakistan.
Shumali itehad and ANA are one and the same thing.ANA leaders are shumalis.
Non pushtoons have always been anti pakistan.

I hope you dont bring the ethnic issues in the middle cuz pakistan have also got exactly the same problem as we do. ethnic issues never help us so it is best to avoid it. NA and ANA are not the same, ANA is afghanistan's national army and anyone who is national of Afghanistan can sign up for the army. It is totally volunterily. As i have already mentioned about the NA, it is a wrong name given to it, cuz it comprised all anti taliban groups in it from every corner.
I hope you dont bring the ethnic issues in the middle cuz pakistan have also got exactly the same problem as we do. ethnic issues never help us so it is best to avoid it. NA and ANA are not the same, ANA is afghanistan's national army and anyone who is national of Afghanistan can sign up for the army. It is totally volunterily. As i have already mentioned about the NA, it is a wrong name given to it, cuz it comprised all anti taliban groups in it from every corner.

I dont understand what u are talking about.I just pointed out that non pushtoons are anti pakistan most of the time where did i become racist or hatefilled?
And except hired terrorists what problems do we face?
We dont have ethnic tensions.
Tell me sir who shumali ettehadi people are?
ANA is comprised of people from shumali afghanistan are they not?Isnt it comprised of mostly non pushtoon people?
I dont understand what u are talking about.I just pointed out that non pushtoons are anti pakistan most of the time where did i become racist or hatefilled?
And except hired terrorists what problems do we face?
We dont have ethnic tensions.
Tell me sir who shumali ettehadi people are?
ANA is comprised of people from shumali afghanistan are they not?Isnt it comprised of mostly non pushtoon people?

Here you go brother, i didnt call you racist. I asked you, it is best not to have an ethnic based conversation. Why not paksitan have ethnic issues? Muhajir and Pashtoons? there is always ethnic tenstion in karachi, Hazara and Pakhtoon, Panjabi and Pakhtoon, balouch and panjabi. MQM was even against the coming of Swat refugees to Karachi, as i said lets have a broad mind and dont ethnicize the issue. Karzai is a Pashtoon, and i dont consider him too friendly to pakistan, Dawood, Zahir shah, Ahadi, Ahmadzai, and many other nationalist pashtoons are not friend of Pakistan, they are more in hostility with paksitan than the other ethnic groups. Northern Alliance doesnt exist as organization anymore, but their leaders have formed an opposition group along with the other opposion forces agaisnt the gov of afghansitan. As i have repeatedly said that this name was wrongly given to the NA. They did have all the anti taliban forces in it from most corners of afghanistan, it had commondars from central parts, west, east, north, north-east , and even south. so i dont know where this name of NA comes from. it included all the ethnicities including many many pashtoons.
NA/ANa is also responsible for most of terrorist activites in Afghanistan involving killing of civilians and US/NATO soldiers. promptly reported by western media, blaming on shadowy Taliban and some times even Pakistan.
It seems NA/ANA does not wish US/NATO to leave Afghanistan! only interests they got served with it is wedging difference between Pakistan army and public with US, by supporting terroist activities in Pakistan.
Big question; how does it help NA/ANA to build mistrust among Pak and US army and engineering anti US sentiments in Pakistan public????
After all whole operation to acheive such objective require billions! and influence in US embassy at Islamabad! and Pakistan's foreign and interior ministries.
Why not paksitan have ethnic issues? Muhajir and Pashtoons? there is always ethnic tenstion in karachi, Hazara and Pakhtoon, Panjabi and Pakhtoon, balouch and panjabi. MQM was even against the coming of Swat refugees to Karachi
The muhajir and pushtoon(mostly illegal afghan refugee) is not like that of hazar or tajik being considered inferior in afghanistan.
These people fight for control of areas and stuff.
We dont have hazara pushtoon tension sir we only have a small hazara community in quetta so ur arguement is false.
Have u ever heard of punjabi pushtoon tension in pakistan???????
Its was Punjab govt that sent doctors,AID and other basic things for help to swat IDPs.And shared the burden by accepting IDPs in punjab.
I myself m balouch and i can say 100% strongly that people dont have any issues with punjabis....and if ur reffering to target killing everybody knows BLA a world known terrorist organisation supported by india is behind it.And let me tell u BLA is targetting everybody including pushtoons,sindhis and eveb educated balouchs or pro govt people.

Here goes ur arguement in dust bin again.
Mqm stopped them by saying they might have terrorists disguised as innocent IDPs so even then were allowed to go any where.Political tensions not ethinic.
In afghanistan every thing is opposite.Pushtoons consider all non pushtoons hazaras,uzbeks,tajiks inferior.

as i said lets have a broad mind and dont ethnicize the issue. Karzai is a Pashtoon, and i dont consider him too friendly to pakistan, Dawood, Zahir shah, Ahadi, Ahmadzai, and many other nationalist pashtoons are not friend of Pakistan, they are more in hostility with paksitan than the other ethnic groups.
Puppet govt. puppet karzai who was educated in india???and other warlord,drug smuggling corrupt band of thugs????Who dont even speak against NATO for civilian casualities and even oppose construction of PAK-AFGHAN borders?
We are having more problem coz of it,,,illegal refugees,drug smugglers,prostitution,illegal wheat,cement,dry fruit,rice, life stock smuggling all thanks to afghanistan.
Northern Alliance doesnt exist as organization anymore, but their leaders have formed an opposition group along with the other opposion forces agaisnt the gov of afghansitan. As i have repeatedly said that this name was wrongly given to the NA. They did have all the anti taliban forces in it from most corners of afghanistan, it had commondars from central parts, west, east, north, north-east , and even south. so i dont know where this name of NA comes from. it included all the ethnicities including many many pashtoons.

The same leaders who are sitting in government?and changing the name doesnt change mentality.
Brother u accept it or not its ur choice.
Its a fact ANA is anti Pakistan
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