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Northeast key to ‘Act East’: Dr Jitendra Singh

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
13-September, 2017 20:33 IST
Arunachal CM calls on Dr Jitendra Singh, discusses State related issues

Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Pema Khandu called on Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh here today and discussed a wide range of State related issues.

Dr Jitendra Singh informed Shri Khandu that his request regarding deputation of certain IAS officers in the State had been processed as desired and the needful would be done very soon.

Referring to the recent visit by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to assess the flood situation in Arunachal Pradesh and other affected States, Dr Jitendra Singh disclosed that Rs.10,000 crore flood relief package announced by the Prime Minister is an indication of the Central Government’s concern and high priority for the people of the region. He also disclosed that the Ministry of DoNER is sponsoring a research study through Brahmaputra Study Centre at Guwahati University to evaluate the ways of preventing such flood-like situation in future. The Chief Minister informed him that the flood situation has now almost come back to normal and the follow-up action has also been carried out effectively.

In reference to some of the major projects in Northeast during the last three years, Dr Jitendra Singh mentioned about the new State Secretariat Building at Itanagar, which had been funded by the Ministry of DoNER. He also expressed the hope that the construction work will start soon to set up a Film and Television Institute in the State.

Dr Jitendra Singh expressed satisfaction that the land identification and acquisition process for setting up an Airport at Itanagar has been finalized even though after some delay. He said, the major achievements of three years of the Central Government will include the setting up of the first-ever airport in the State and also at the same time, bringing Arunachal Pradesh on the rail-map of India. Dr Jitendra Singh said, the Ministry of DoNER is coordinating with the other concerned Ministries for promotion of tourism and entrepreneurship through fruit industry, etc.

Shri Pema Khandu appreciated Dr Jitendra Singh for his keen personal interest in the development of the region and said, Arunachal Pradesh, being one of the peripheral and lesser developed States, finds itself immensely benefitted because of the liberal support from the Prime Minister and diligent efforts of the DoNER Minister.

The Union Minister for Statistics and Programme Implementation, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda meeting the Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Manik Sarkar, at Agartala on September 14, 2017.

The Union Minister for Statistics and Programme Implementation, Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda meeting the Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Manik Sarkar, at Agartala on September 14, 2017.
Ministry for Development of North-East Region
16-September, 2017 19:15 IST
Dr Jitendra Singh invites young Start-Ups to avail Northeast Venture Fund

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh has invited young Start-Ups from all over the country to avail of the “Venture Fund” facility being provided by the Ministry of Development of Northeast to anybody who wishes to set up an entrepreneurship in the region.

Speaking at the inaugural session of “ARUNODOI”, the two-day Northeast Students & Youth Summit 2017 beginning here today, Dr Jitendra Singh said, in addition to the provisions of tax holiday and exit period available in the Government of India’s “Standup India, Startup India” programme, the Ministry of DoNER has also rolled out “Venture Fund” for anybody who wishes to Startup in the Northeast region, which would provide a huge financial relief particularly to young entrepreneurs. Launched only a few months ago, he said, “Venture Fund” has already become popular among the youngsters and over 65 proposals are already in the pipeline.

If we are able to move forward with the plan that we have envisaged for ourselves, Dr Jitendra Singh said, the day is not far when Northeast will become a favorite destination for young Startups from all over India. With its vast unexplored avenues, he said, those looking for livelihood will soon find a potential enterprise in the Northeast, particularly in fruit, food, handicraft and tourism industry, he added.

Northeast Venture Fund, said Dr Jitendra Singh, is the first dedicated venture capital fund for North-Eastern region and the initiative to set it up began in April this year. He further explained that “North-East Venture Fund” has been set up by North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NEDFi), which already has the mandate to encourage entrepreneurship in the region, primarily by offering support to the first-generation entrepreneurs. In addition, the NEDFi also performs the role of hand-holding and capacity building, he said.

Recalling Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to Shillong last year when he had stressed the importance of entrepreneurship in the region, Dr Jitendra Singh said, the region has huge potential for young Start-Ups unlike many other parts of the country and hoped that the unique idea of setting up a dedicated Venture fund will make up for the constraints faced by a youngster when he sets out to be on his own.

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
19-September, 2017 15:48 IST
Singapore to set up Skill Center in Northeast: Dr Jitendra Singh

The Government of Singapore will set up a Skill Center at Guwahati which will cater to the entire North-Eastern region. This was stated here by Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh after a meeting with a high-level delegation represented by the High Commissioner of Singapore, Mr Lim Thuan Kuan here yesterday. The Indian side led by Dr Jitendra Singh, consisted of senior officers from the Ministry of DoNER, Department of Space and Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, which are the three main areas where Singapore has expressed its keenness to collaborate with India.

As far as Skill Centre at Guwahati, it was stated that an MoU has already been formalized between Singapore and the State Government of Assam. As a follow-up to this, a Skill Center is proposed to be set up at Guwahati by the year 2019 and the Ministry of DoNER will coordinate in this initiative.

The Singapore delegation also expressed its preference to engage with India in the area of Space Technology for collaboration in “peaceful uses of Outer Space”. To this, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the issue will be followed up in an appropriate manner.

The Singapore delegation also wanted to seek the experience and expertise of India's Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions to bring about value addition in public administration and governance in Singapore. Dr Jitendra Singh shared with them that there already exists an arrangement between Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) Mussoorie with Singapore, wherein a certain number of passing out Civil Services/IAS officers, accompanied by two faculty members, regularly undertake a visit to Singapore.

Dr Jitendra Singh said, India and Singapore have always been favourably inclined towards each other and referred to the recent visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore when a stimulating lecture by him was organized under the auspices of the NITI Aayog.

Ministry of Science & Technology
20-September, 2017 18:09 IST
Attaining New Heights in Biotechnology

DBT announces three High-investment, High Outcome Thrusts for the North East Region

Bio-technology in the NER – DBT’s Efforts are bringing a paradigm shift

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under the Ministry of Science & Technology, has taken many steps to brings about a paradigm shift in biotechnology in the country’s North-East Region (NER). Eyeing an inclusive growth, DBT has announced a series of new programs and missions to turn this into a reality. DBT has established a dedicated ‘North Eastern Region Biotechnology Programme Management Cell (NER-BPMC)’, with an annual investment of Rs. 180 crores, to evolve, implement and foster biotechnology research in the north east states.

On the occasion of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Birth Centenary, the Minister of S&T, Earth Sciences and Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Dr. Harshvardhan announced three major new initiatives for the North East. These new initiatives are in congruence to the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s philosophy of “Integral Humanism” which is a synthesis of the material and the spiritual, the individual and the collective, which the world is now calling as “One Health” embodying the health of human, animal and environment as one.

The Minister said that DBT has committed to dedicate each year, at least 10% of the budget for the North-East. This year at least Rs.200 crores is expected to be spent for North-East Programmes. The Minister informed that as a result of the programmes, North East has become a major hub of biotechnology at the foundational level. The biotech programmes are of the highest quality, the institutions have state-of-the-art facilities and there has now been an impact on innovation and entrepreneurship because of excellent human resources programmes.

I. Phyto-Pharma Plant Mission: This is a Rs 50 crore Mission aimed at conservation and cultivation of endangered and threatened endemic medicinal plants, and discovery of new botanical drugs for unmet medical needs using the rich traditional ethno-botanical knowledge and biodiversity of these states and at the same time also improve availability of authentic and quality botanical raw material on sustainable basis for a boom in the phyto-pharmaceutical industry. Through this Mission, it is expected to enable farmers from NE states and phyto-pharmaceutical industry to become global leaders in production and export of some quality botanical drugs for unmet medical needs. For this Mission, DBT will be the nodal coordinating and implementing department and work closely with Ministry of DONER and other identified institutions.

DBT has announced launch of the Phyto-pharmaceutical Mission in NER with three major objectives:

(i) Captive cultivation of selected medicinal plants of NER, which have great demand to ensure supply of authentic and quality botanical raw material to the user industries in the country.

(ii) Development of technology packages for production of GMP grade medicinal plant extracts for export markets.

(iii) Production of safe and efficacious phytopharmaceuticals from medicinal plants of NER for unmet medical needs using modern scientific tools and following global standards.

II. Brahmaputra Biodiversity and Biology Boat (B4) on the Brahmaputra River, a major ecology hotspot, in NER, in collaboration with DONER, B4 will establish a large barge on the river with a well-equipped laboratory for analysis of all components of the entire ecosystem of the river and surroundings. The B4 will link to all the local research institutions along the river, as well as national and international laboratories.

B4 will have capability to analyse soil, water, environment, plant and animal life, human health and agriculture and an equal component that involves local citizens in the experimental process of science in data generation and management. B4 will also have a teaching laboratory for school/college children. It is also proposed to have mobile satellite boat labs which will run along the tributaries of Brahmaputra to feed in data to the main B4.

III. Frugal microscopy through the Foldscope: a frugal microscope assembled from simple components, including a sheet of paper and a lens, is acting as a tool connecting students and science from the region, with the rest of the country.

A total 525 applications from schools, colleges have been received: 112 from schools, 357 from colleges and 56 from citizen scientists. All applicants will receive a micro grant between Rs 4 lakhs to 8 Lakhs as well as a supply of Foldscopes while being linked with NER.

Dr. Harshvardhan informed that in addition to the three new announcements, DBT has many major ongoing projects in the North-East in the following areas:

Skilling Human Resources:

Twinning R&D Programme: DBT has initiated 480 R&D twinning programs that link institutes in NER with those across the country. With an investment of Rs. 90 crores in the last three years, this effort has resulted in 252 research publications and 600 Junior and Senior Research fellowships awarded to the students to pursue biotechnology research.

To create an environment of training and research in medial biotechnology, DBT has supported Medical Diagnostic facilities at 11 medical colleges in NER with an investment of Rs. 40.00 crores. This facility is providing quality diagnostic services as well as carrying out research on various health problems prevalent in the region using modern biotechnology tools and technologies. So far more than 4.70 lakhs tests in different disease have been conducted by these diagnostic facility.

DBT’s ‘Overseas Associateship for North East Region’ has seen 208 scientists from NER being trained overseas with Rs. 5.25 crore invested every year to support this programme. Through the DBT-NER Visiting Research Professorship (VRP) Scheme, 30 Scientists/Faculty are selected for bringing advancement in the field of biotechnology and life sciences in various institutions by sharing their vast experience and expertise with NER researchers and students.

At school levels, DBT has launched the ‘Biotechnology Labs in Senior Secondary schools (BLiSS) programme’, a first of its kind in India, for schools where biotechnology labs have been set up at 88 Senior Secondary Schools from NER with an investment of Rs. 2.20 crores.

For universities, DBT has set up 30 Bioinformatics Centre at an investment of Rs. 9 crores for conducting research on genomics, proteomics and data analysis.

Under the ‘Biotech Industrial Training Programme’, deserving students have been provided stipends during their training at biotech/life science industries. DBT is also supporting 15 institutes in NER recognised as ‘Star colleges’ to provide them with enhanced lab infrastructure and mentoring by leading scientists and Fellows of various national academies.

To provide these students with access to world-class journals and publications, the DBT e-Library consortium (DeLCON) has been launched in partnership with 18 institutions of NER, which provides access to more than 900 high impact e-journals. With an investment of Rs. 54. crores in last 3 years, this facility has been extended to more than 150 colleges benefiting about 1500 life science students.

Infrastructure and Resource building

Infrastructural support for biotechnology has been provided under many programs. DBT has established 126 ‘Biotech Hubs’ at various institutions, universities and colleges to promote education, training and research in biological sciences including biotechnology. With over Rs. 22 crores invested in last three years, about 1000 training programmes were conducted by these hubs, with more than 1000 students, researchers and school teachers as beneficiaries.

DBT has also created biotech infrastructural facilities at North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (NEIGRIHMS), Shillong, at an investment of Rs. 4.50 crores.

The DBT has established many centres of excellence across NER to focus on different applications of biotechnology. The DBT-AAU Centre of Excellence on Agriculture Biotechnology at Assam Agricultural University (AAU), Jorhat, promotes agriculture biotechnology research and is helping farmers by developing elite varieties for local crops and improving their yield. The centre, established with an investment of Rs. 36.70 crores.

The Centre of Excellence on Fisheries & Aquaculture Biotechnology (FAB) in Tripura has adopted 2 villages to provide local fishermen with good quality fish seeds to produce high quality fish products, benefiting 200 farmers.

DBT has also sanctioned an amount of Rs. 45.00 cores for the establishment of a regional level Animal House facility at Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC), Dibrugarh in Assam, which will be accessible to entire biomedical research community of NER for carrying out critical animal experiments in disease biology, molecular medicine, vaccinology and pharmacology.

Another related initiative is the Advance Animal Disease Diagnostic & Management Consortium (ADMaC) for surveillance and control of trans-boundary, exotic and zoonotic pathogens from NER. This programme will house a first Animal-BSL 3 lab in NER.

To conserve the delicate ecology of the region, DBT has sanctioned Rs. 26 crores for a major network programme on chemical ecology of NER in collaboration with leading institutions in India like IISc, NCBS, and UAS Bangalore.

Recognising the rich biodiversity of the region, DBT is also pushing for the development of ‘NER-Scented Rice’ -- a biotechnology inspired variant of the aromatic rice, and NER-Banana. The aromatic rice of NER, especially Joha and Black rice, are of premium value because of their aroma and high medicinal characteristics. But, these are also poor yielders and are susceptible to pest attacks. DBT is now seeking innovative approaches that use biotechnological intervention to ameliorate the agronomic characteristics of this aromatic rice and other scientific properties, besides yield enhancement. Under the various twinning programmes, projects like these are being implemented with an investment of Rs.16.67 crores.

Existing programs flagged off by DBT in the region have been enormously successful with almost all the allocated budget being utilised for the proliferation of biotechnology in the North-Eastern states of India. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences has been instrumental in implementing these initiatives in the region and has personally visited each and every state in NER to review on-the-spot progress of these programmes and to interact with students, academia, scientists and local communities. This has resulted in skilled human resources and enhanced research infrastructure and resource building

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
22-September, 2017 15:28 IST
North Eastern States can show way to other States: Dr Jitendra Singh

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh has said that the North-Eastern States can show the way to other States and particularly the other hill States of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand can emulate several of the successful experiments and initiatives taken in the Northeast.

Addressing the 3-day "Sustainable Mountain Development Summit" at Mizoram University in Aizawl yesterday, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the other States of India have much to learn from the North-Eastern States and in this regard, he cited the example of Mizoram, where the conference was being held. He said, a small State, which formed just over 30 years ago and has a population of just over 10 lakh, has a very high literacy rate which is, perhaps, next only to Kerala. Not only this, he said, the State of Mizoram, comprising four hill districts with more than 50% of the state’s population living in these districts, has successfully introduced "New Land Use Policy" by giving the farmers an alternate sustainable land based activity through this policy wherein the farmers have successfully switched over to other vocational activities like horticulture, sericulture, bamboo plantation, etc. He also complimented Mizoram for having introduced the new "Economic Development Policy" as a comprehensive growth strategy for the State.

Dr Jitendra Singh said that the proposal for introducing "Air Clinics" comprising helicopter based OPD to cater to people in far-flung areas is almost through and very soon this, first of its kind, healthcare experiment in India, will be introduced in the North-Eastern States. He further said that this is one of the initiatives which could also be emulated by States like Jammu & Kashmir.

In the last three years of the Union Government, Dr Jitendra Singh said, a number of new initiatives have been undertaken which could have actually been undertaken several years ago. In this regard, he referred to the declaration of 19 new rivers in Northeast as "National Waterways" with thrust on the "Barak Waterways". This will not only provide alternative means of transport but the cost will be nearly four times lesser than the other modes of transport, he said.

The Indo-German collaboration with regard to Mizoram has already begun, disclosed Dr Jitendra Singh and added that Japan has also come forward to invest in Manipur and other States of the region.

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
23-September, 2017 20:22 IST
India emerging as Investors' destination: Dr Jitendra Singh

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh said that India is fast emerging as Investors' destination and this has been primarily possible because of a number of decisions taken by the UnionGovernment to bring in the ease of business. As a result today, many of those Indians who had left the country decades ago and never found a reason to look back, are now keenly exploring the possibilities of returning back and investing in India.

Addressing the North East Infrastructure Conclave organised by CII here today, Dr Jitendra Singh said, Northeast offers the most unexplored but fertile ground for new investments. It will, therefore, soon become the nodal point of New India's growth story and supplement the accomplishments of western States to ensure wholesome supremacy for India in the emerging global arena, he said.

Dr Jitendra Singh credited the Union Government for bringing in the ease of business and and at the same time focussing on “Act East Policy" aimed at giving India, strategic as well as trade advantage on the eastern borders.

The Ministry of Development of Northeast (DoNER), Dr Jitendra Singh said, is proactively working to ensure that Northeast offers incentives to investors from other parts of the country and abroad. This will not only increase revenue generation and job opportunities, he said, but would also help supplement India’s foreign outreach in the form of “Act East Policy” because in order to effectively engage with countries distal to India's eastern borders, we should first have to effectively develop Indian States proximal to the eastern borders.

For example Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya, have the potential to produce a number of such products and goods which will find easy takers in eastern countries like Myanmar and Bhutan which have common eating habits and common lifestyle, he explained.

Describing the Northeast as a fast growing market with unexplored opportunities for investment, trade, tourism etc., Dr Jitendra Singh said, for India to emerge as a global economic power, it is important to realise the full potential of Northeast so that it can supplement the economic accomplishments of western States in order to ensure a wholesome growth for the entire country.

In the last 3 years, Dr Jitendra Singh said, a fast track headway has been made in improving connectivity, transport and infrastructure facilities in order to bring in ease of investment. He said, a lot has been achieved in the last 3 years, which was not done for several decades in the past.

The textile and handloom products from Northeast have a unique and original value, said Dr Jitendra Singh, but there are less number of takers because the people outside the region are not fully aware of it. To overcome this constraint, he said, the Ministry of DoNER, last year, set up a permanent stall / outlet called “Purbashree” at the prestigious “Dilli Haat” which showcases unique textile and handloom products from the region. It has proved very successful and is, on daily basis, attracting visitors from all parts of India and even abroad, he said.

Dr Jitendra Singh said, the creation of Venture Capital fund for Northeast region with North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NEDFi) is meant to provide capital for “Startups” in North-Eastern region and to attract investors.his is a new breakthrough because it will attract young Startups not only from the region but from across the country, he added.

Secretary, Ministry of DoNER Shri Naveen Verma was also present.

The Governor of Meghalaya, Shri Banwarilal Purohit unveiling the plaque to declare the Mylliem C&RD Block as Open Defecation Free (ODF), on the occasion of Samagra Swachhta programme as part of ‘Swachhta Hi Sewa’, at Mattilang Park, Laitmynsaw village, in Meghalaya on September 25, 2017.
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
01-October, 2017 16:00 IST
FB Group ‘My Delhi Keep It Clean’ gets Swacchata Award for voluntary citizen action

KRIBHCO gets award for compost marketing; 2 institutions from Ambikapur chosen for honors

Agencies from Gurugram, Mysuru, Coimbattore, Pune among 20 to be honoured tomorrow

Sikkim Monastery also to be felicitated for Zero waste generation

Fertilizer Cooperative, KRIBHCO will be conferred the Swacchata Award tomorrow by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs on the occasion of the third anniversary of the launch of Swacch Bharat Mission(Urban) for leading in marketing of compost made from Municipal Solid Waste. The Ministry will felicitate 20 individuals and agencies in 7 categories for significant contribution towards furthering the Clean India objective in urban areas.

KRIBHCO has been chosen among the Companies category for marketing the highest quantity of 22,768 tons of compost during 2016-17.

Delhi based citizen group ‘My Delhi Keep It Clean’ gets the award for promoting voluntary efforts to clean public places effectively using Face Book, in the Self-Help Group category.

Richmond Park, Gurugram, located in DLF Phase-IV and completed in 2002 has been chosen for the award for exemplary decentralized waste management initiative through waste segregation at source, in the RWAs category. RWA Federation of Mysuru has shown the way in Zero-waste effluent management system. Roseland Housing Society, Pune also gets the award for waste segregation initiative. ‘No Food Waste’ initiative of Coimbattore has been selected in the Innovative Practices category for end-to-end cycle to manage and reduce food waste.

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Awasiya Vidyalaya, Ambikar gets the award in the Schools and Colleges category while Swacch Ambikapur Sahakari Samiti has been chosen in Self-Help Group category for women empowerment and livelihood generation by converting garbage into wealth.

Pemayangste Monastery, Gyalshing, Sikkim will be felicitated in the category of religious institutions for being a Zero-waste institution.

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
03-October, 2017 17:05 IST
Arunachal Pradesh youth call on MoS Dr Jitendra Singh

Various youth-centric initiatives have been taken by Government, says Minister

A group of students from Arunachal Pradesh called on the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh here today.

Addressing the students, Dr Jitendra Singh said that North East is on the priority of the Government led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Highlighting various initiatives for the North East India, he said that Government has taken various steps to promote the rail, road and air connectivity in North East. He said that construction of new airport at Itanagar will begin soon. He also said that the second Film and Training Institute of India (FTII) will be set up in Arunachal Pradesh, the first being in Pune, Maharashtra. He also said that region-based road development scheme for NE region namely “North-East Road Sector Development Scheme” (NERSDS) has also been started for maintenance, construction and upgradation of such roads, which remain neglected because of being interconnecting roads between two States as a result of which they remain un-owned and had thus gained the dubious distinction of being described as “orphan roads”.

The Minister said that priority is also being given to promote tourism in the North eastern states. Speaking on the ‘Act East Policy’ of the Government, he said that North East region shares similarity with neighbouring countries in terms of culture, lifestyle and food habits. He said that, keeping this fact in mind, the NE states should focus on manufacturing such products that will find market in these places and promote trade in North eastern states.

Highlighting various youth-centric initiatives taken by the Ministry of Development of North East Region (DoNER), the Minister said that foundation stone has been laid for the Barak hostel for students from North East in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) campus in Delhi and a Hostel exclusively for Northeast girl students in Bengaluru. He said that a North Eastern Cultural and Information Centre will soon be set up in Dwarka, New Delhi.

On the occasion, the Arunachal Pradesh youth also gifted Dr Jitendra Singh clay idols made by them on the lines of ‘Make in India’ programme of Government of India. The Minister congratulated the youth for this unique initiative of promoting indigenous manufacturing and promoting ‘Make in India’ flagship programme of the Government which aims at providing employment opportunities to youth of the country. He also appealed to the youth to make efforts in the direction of indigenous manufacturing that will help boost economy and provide them employability.

Ministry for Development of North-East Region
04-October, 2017 14:11 IST
Government constitutes a High Level Committee for proper management of water resources in North Eastern Region

The Government has constituted a high-level committee for proper management of the water resources in the North Eastern Region (NER) under the Chairmanship of Vice-Chairman, Niti Aayog. This is a sequel to the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to Guwahati in August this year to review the flood situation and relief work in the North Eastern States.

The Committee would facilitate optimising benefits of appropriate water management in the form of hydro-electric power, agriculture, bio-diversity conservation, reduced flood damage erosion, inland water transport, forestry, fishery and eco-tourism. Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) will serve as the coordinating point. The Committee will submit its report, including Plan of Action, by June, 2018.

During the review of the flood situation with the Chief Ministers of Assam, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, the Prime Minister had announced constitution of a High-Level Committee for holistic management of water resources in the NER. The meeting noted that the optimum management of water resources is a cross-cutting task which requires multi-sectoral interventions and concerted strategy, including management of catchment areas in upper reaches involving concerned Central Ministries and State Governments.

The Brahmaputra and Barak river systems which account for one-third of India’s run off, are highly prone to floods. Brahmaputra is one of the largest river systems in the world and causes considerable distress and costs on the region through frequent flooding and erosion.

The terms of reference of the Committee include:

i) Appraisal of existing mechanism/institutional arrangements for management of water resources of the North Eastern Region.

ii) Identification of gaps in the existing mechanism/institutional arrangements for optimal management of water resources of the NER.

iii) Suggest policy interventions required for optimally harnessing the water resources for accelerating development in the NER

iv) Spelling out of actionable measures required for optimizing the management of water resources in the North-East.

v) Chalking out a Plan of Action for dovetailing of the schemes/programmes of concerned Union Ministries, their attached offices and autonomous bodies as well as the schemes of the respective North-Eastern State Governments.

The Committee includes Secretaries from the Ministries of Development of North Eastern Region, Department of Border Management, Department of Space, Power, Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and National Disaster Management Authority and Chief Secretaries of all the 8 states in NER as Members. The Committee may co-opt or invite as special invitees Secretaries of other Ministries / Departments as well as experts who have domain knowledge in the matter.


Ministry of Labour & Employment
04-October, 2017 19:43 IST
Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar to chair a review meeting with State Labour Ministers & Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/Commissioners, Department of Labour of North Eastern States

Curtain Raiser

The Government of India has been focusing on mainstreaming the North Eastern Region into developmental process through its various Ministries. Inline, Ministry of Labour and Employment has taken its various Initiatives and Schemes through ESIC, EPFO, NCLP, NCS to the North Eastern Region.

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, the Minister of State (Independent Charge) Labour & Employment accompanied by Senior Officers of the Ministry of Labour & Employment is holding a review meeting with Labour Ministers & Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/ Commissioners, Department of Labour of North Eastern States on October 05, 2017. The review meeting will have discussion on the implementation of the Schemes on Child Labour, Plantation Workers, ESIC Works, Social Security Schemes, BOC Workers Cess Fund, Mines Safety, etc, and for further betterment. These are quite significant issues concerning the North Eastern Region and it is expected that the meeting will help analyze and understand in depth the core concerns of the Region. Besides, this will also help in working closely with all stakeholders in this Region who contribute towards the social and economic development of this Region.

Since taking over the charge of Ministry of Labour & Employment, the Minister of State (IC), Shri Gangwar has chosen to hold his first ever review meeting with North East States here at Imphal, Manipur in line with Government’s policy to strengthen the ties between Center & State..

Following the Review Meeting, Shri Gangwar will lay the foundation stone for the BELLETOLA ESIC Hospital from 50 bedded to 100 bedded Hospital on October 6, 2017. He, then will inaugurate the National Career Service Center for differently abled at Guwahati and also preside over the function in which MOU will be signed between V.V.Giri National Labour Institute and Tata Institute of Social Science(TISS), Assam.

Ministry of Labour & Employment
05-October, 2017 19:09 IST
Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar chairs the Review Meeting with State Labour Ministers & Senior Officers Department of Labour of North Eastern States in Imphal

Mainstreaming the North Eastern Region into developmental process is a priority for Centre: Labour & Employment Minister

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, the Minister of State (Independent Charge) Labour & Employment said that mainstreaming the North Eastern Region into the developmental process is a priority for Government of India. He was addressing the Review Meeting with Labour Ministers of North Eastern Region at Imphal today, his first Regional Meeting since taken charges. Shri Gangwar also recalled his visits to the North Eastern States as Minister of Textile, to boost the Textile Industries of the Region. Shri Gangwar also expressed his happiness over the detailed and constructive discussion on issues of significant importance.

The Review Meeting was attended by Labour Ministers and Labour Secretaries for North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura and Shri N Biren Singh, Chief Minister of Manipur, inaugurated the meeting. The review meeting discussed issues like implementation of the Schemes on Child Labour, Plantation Workers, ESIC Works, Social Security Schemes, BOC Workers Cess Fund, Mines Safety, etc, and for further betterment.

The Chief Minister, Shri N Biren Singh in his address stated the statistics about various measures taken up by his Government in the field of improving the worker's conditions of his State. He also profusely thanked The Labour Minister Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar for choosing Manipur for such an important conference.

Shri Gangwar requested the North Eastern States to utilize the BOCW Cess funds of Rs.27,000 Crore, which is available for the safety, health and welfare of Construction Labourers. He suggested that instead of building infrastructures such as Hostel, Technical Centers and Schools, the States may focus on the Social Security & Welfare Schemes for the Construction Workers. He also requested that the Central Government’s Social Security Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana(PMJJBY) could be used effectively for the welfare of the workers.

The government of India has recently ratified ILO conventions on Child Labour. Eradication of Child Labour has been taken very seriously. On the 26th September 2017 Ministry of Labour & Employment has launched an exclusive Portal called PENCIL Portal to ensure a better mechanism to eradicate Child Labour. Minister requested the State Governments of North East States to give a broader publicity of the Portal and work on NCLP implementation.

Shri Gangwar said that he specifically chose North Easter Region (Imphal) to have his first Regional Review Meeting and said that his Ministry is also expanding its footprints in the Region at various levels. ESIC is entering and expanding its coverage here. DGFASLI has already laid the foundation of New Regional Labour Institute at Shillong last year. Tomorrow, V.V.Giri National Labour Institute and Tata Institute of Social Science are entering into a MoU at Guwahati. He emphasized that this collaboration will provide more research in the issue of North Eastern Region and will facilitate better-informed decisions.

Shri Gangwar reiterated the priority and importance of a better coordination between Center & State and thanked the States for their participation. The meeting was also attended by Secretary (L&E) Smt. M. Sathiyavathy and other Senior Officers of the Ministry of Labour & Employment.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar lighting the lamp at the review meeting with the State Labour Ministers & Principal Secretaries and other Senior Officers of Labour of North East States, at Imphal, Manipur on October 05, 2017. The Chief Minister of Manipur, Shri N Biren Singh and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar addressing at the review meeting with the State Labour Ministers & Principal Secretaries and other Senior Officers of Labour of North East States, at Imphal, Manipur on October 05, 2017. The Chief Minister of Manipur, Shri N Biren Singh and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.
ISRO to set up research centre in Guwahati
Press Trust of India, Guwahati, Oct 5 2017, 18:22 IST

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will set up a research centre here for start ups, academicians, environmentalists and entrepreneurs.

ISRO would set up the exclusive research facility in Assam to explore the possibility of using geospatial technology, which include data generated through global positioning system (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS) and satellite remote sensing for expediting the development of Assam, officials said here.

Remote sensing technology would be used for accurate flood warning system, prevention of soil erosion and land slides to name a few, they said.

The state government would provide land to ISRO free of cost for the research centre, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal told ISRO Chairman A S Kiran Kumar during a meeting between them here today, the officials said.

The state government would ink an MoU with the department of space for leveraging the potentials of the state for using space technology, they said.

Sonowal also requested the ISRO chairman to integrate space technology with Act East Policy so that space technology can be used as a bridge between the North East and other south east Asian countries.

He sought ISRO's help to use space technology for drawing a broad remote sensing map to stop illegal trade of natural resources.

The CM hoped that the government and ISRO would work together in carrying out survey of the depth of the Brahmaputra river which could help the state government's proposed move to dredge it from Sadiya in Tinsukia to Dhubri in the state.
Ministry of Labour & Employment
06-October, 2017 17:42 IST
Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar inaugurates disabled friendly building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled (NCSC-DA) in Guwahati

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment, Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar inaugurated the disabled friendly building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled (NCSC-DA) in Guwahati today. The Union Minister expressed his desire to expand the Ministry’s footprints in the North East Region with the motive of Labour Welfare at various levels.

Shri Gangwar reiterated that the NCSC-DA building would be an inspiration for others to emulate the model apart from bringing positive changes in the lives of Persons with Disabilities. He also applauded the contribution of the State Government not only for their support in the construction of building but also to have synergy in other areas too.

The Guwahati building has been constructed at cost of Rs. 10.40 Cr. The land for the building was provided by Government of Assam. The state-of-the-Art building is unique in nature of its kind in the State of Assam and is one among 8 buildings constructed so far for National Career Service Centres for Differently Abled (erstwhile VRCs).

The objective of the NCSC-DA is to evaluate the residual capacities of PwDs, impart non formal skill training & extend the vocational rehabilitation assistance for economically mainstreaming them.

Govt. of India is also implementing the National Career Service (NCS) Project as a Mission Mode Project for transformation of the National Employment Service to provide job matching and other employment services in a transparent and user friendly manner. The NCS Portal is hosted at URL www.ncs.gov.in and supported with a toll free number 1800-425-1514 to assist and guide the youth including PwDs. More than 100 Model Career Centres have been established.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar inaugurating the office building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das, the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy and other dignitaries are also seen.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar lighting the lamp at the inauguration of the office building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das is also seen.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar addressing at the inauguration of the office building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar at the inauguration of the office building of National Career Service Centre for Differently Abled, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar witnessing the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati, at a function, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.


Ministry of Labour & Employment
06-October, 2017 17:12 IST
MoU signed between V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between V.V. Giri National Labour Institute (VVGNLI) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati was signed today by Dr. H. Srinivas, Director General of VVGNLI and Dr. D.K. Srivastava, Deputy Director of TISS, Guwahati in the august presence of Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, the Union Minister of State (IC) for Labour & Employment in Guwahati. Shri Pallav Lochan Das, Minister of State (IC) for Labour Welfare, Govt. of Assam and Smt. M. Sathiyavathy, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India were also present during the occasion.

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar in his message advised that the good collaborative work proposed to be done in the North Eastern states could also be replicated in the entire country so that all get benefited. Shri Pallav Lochan Das stated that labour laws applicable in other states may not be applicable in Assam due to different local conditions. Hence, there is necessity to devise customized laws. He welcomed the MoU initiated by the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment.

Smt. M. Sathiyavathy in her message outlined the activities of VVGNLI and the MoU’s it has with the International Training Center of International Labour Organisation, Turin; IIM Lucknow etc. She complemented VVGNLI for its various activities and Director General, VVGNLI and Director, TISS, Guwahati for the present collaboration.

Dr. H. Srinivas, in his welcome address outlined the features of MoU. He stated that the collaborative activities under the MoU will focus on organising joint training programmes for different social partners as well as research on various issues related to labour.

The MoU ceremony was attended by senior officials of the Labour Ministries of Govt. of India and State of Assam, ESIC, VVGNLI, and faculty and students of TISS, Guwahati.


Ministry of Labour & Employment
06-October, 2017 16:36 IST
Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar lays foundation stone for renovation and upgradation of ESIC Model Hospital in Guwahati

Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Labour & Employment, laid the foundation stone for renovation and ugradation of ESIC Model Hospital in Beltola, Guwahati today. While addressing the gathering, Shri Gangwar said that, this hospital will prove a boon for the beneficiaries of ESI Scheme in North Eastern Region in general and beneficiaries of Guwahati in particular. Shri Gangwar also stated that centre is giving special focus on labour welfare and development of North –Eastern States. The Ministry of Labour & Employment is all geared up to for the betterment of the life of the working class of this region.

Shri Gangwar informed that with the upgradation and renovation of ESIC Model Hospital, Beltola, Guwahti, all the indoor and outdoor facilities viz. OPDs, 24x7 Emergency Service, ICU, Operation theatres, Pathology Rooms, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Wards, etc. will be made available. Shri Gangwar appreciated ESIC for upgrading this hospital to 100 bedded, and due to which more than 2 lakh Insured Person and around 7.00 lakhs family members from North Eastern Region will be benefited.

Shri Pallab Lochan Das, Minister of State (IC) for Labour & Employment, Govt. of Assam appreciated and thanked the efforts of Union Minister of State (IC) for Labour and Employment and was full of praise for the reforms undertaken by the Union Govt. Smt. Bijoya Chakravarty, the Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha also thanked the Union Minister for upgradation of ESIC Model Hospital and said that this Hospital would be exclusively run for the benefit of insured persons and their family members under ESI Scheme.

Smt. M. Sathiyavathy, Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India also spoke on the occasion and reiterated that Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India is taking decisions keeping in view of the principle of the workers’ welfare and well being.


The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar lighting the lamp at the foundation stone laying ceremony for 100 Bedded ESIC Hospital, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das, the Member of Parliament, Guwahati, Smt. Bijoya Chakravarty and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment (I/C), Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar laid the foundation stone for 100 Bedded ESIC Hospital, at a function, in Guwahati on October 06, 2017. The Labour Minister of Assam, Shri Pallab Lochan Das, the Member of Parliament, Guwahati, Smt. Bijoya Chakravarty and the Secretary, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Smt. M. Sathiyavathy are also seen.
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