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north waziristan (Miramshah) now a TTP museum :P

1 USD = 101.330 Japanese Yen 1 USD = 56 afghani

does it mean that afghani has more value than the yen ?

Intrinsic value of currencies is not a simple matter of converting one currency into the other.
In case of the Afghani , after the american invasion the currency was reset and new bank notes were issued , the american occupation and the donors are what give the afghani its value and not the (non-existent) industrial base of Afghanistan

Yaar, did you even read why we gave this value? A forum member said Afghan currency (found from terrorists) is worthless.. no value, even in afghanistan... this was just to correct the fact it has MORE value than Pakistani rupee

No one mentioned the economic conditions, reserves, etc etc..
If you had 10 YEN, they would buy much LESS than 10 Rupees.. and if you have 10 Afghani.. they wuld get you MORE stuff than 10 **** Rs... buss
But 1 USD = 56 afghani and 1 USD = 100 PKR looks like afghani currency has value :blink:...

I have a concern about the caution signs being only in English. Is this in North Waziristan? Wouldn't it help to post signs in the regional language also, just in case a civilian accidentally walks in. Just a thought.

Haroon Ahmad
Digital Engagement Team - CENTCOM
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook
good point but those signs were only for the benefit of the visting journalsits from international and domestic news agencies

those places are strictly off limits and might be raised to the ground to burry all the horrors with them

as you would know from experience in Afghanistan And Iraq... the terrorists have very sick ways of booby trapping explosives they use the corpses, Holy Scripture, Mosques (even live animals) and anything innocent looking to conceal explosives.

they normally rig the abandoned electronic devices like laptops and desktops with explosives to take out the unsuspecting soldiers who think they might find something useful against the sleeper cells and their supporters.

I wont be surpised if some if not all of such buildings with tunnels networks are blown up.

Sir, where have you been sleeping? Afghan currency is now worth MORE than Pak Rupees (thanks to uncle sam). Last I checked, EDIT: 1 Afghani = 1.7 **** (sorry, earlier I wrote ultaaa. i can also smoke somethings :)
looks like a long slumber

thanks for correcting me. I recall carrying shoppers of Afghan currency for few hundred Pak rupees. back in the days.. I am completely cut off now
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There is mention of tunnels, are there any images provided of these?

This is just their outpost, imagine what Kunar and Nooristan must look like.
Afghan currency is only good due to war economy i guess. Otherwise even in Jalalabad Pakistani currency is used openly.
Kis baat ki aag bhai mere. Main jo bol raha hoon 100 taka sahi hai. North Waziristan could have been easily done. You were just fooling American's, maybe new Chief of yours is serious.

So they got trained only recently? They could have done this before too.

yeah, they could have done it sooner and they could have chosen to do it even more later. All depended on the right time. But what you're saying is, that the operation is easy. And if it's easy then it's because of the level of skill the PA and PAF has displayed.

Anyway, only a fool would think any military operation is easy. There's nothing easy about launching precision strikes, moving you're men on a battlefield and clearing explosive laden and booby traped house after house in a large population.
Which currency it is btw?-

These are 1000 rupee denomination afghani banknotes. If you look carefully at the picture, you will see the fort on the right side and the oval bump on the left with the red circle at the top of the middle section:

I have a concern about the caution signs being only in English. Is this in North Waziristan? Wouldn't it help to post signs in the regional language also, just in case a civilian accidentally walks in. Just a thought.

Haroon Ahmad
Digital Engagement Team - CENTCOM
United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook

Off topic reply:

Urdu is being sent to grave in Pakistan.

Urdu should be the only language for correspondence with and within government and for all other purpose in Pakistan. Imagine if this is implemented and the government implements rules and regulations on who can be a certified translator how many jobless will get jobs as translators.

Pakistani Passport and NICOP should have bearer's info in both Urdu and English. Passports and NICOP is being issued from day one only in English.
Can you point which one?

The fifth series of the Saudi Arabian Riyal


The fourth series under King Fahad, 1984–2007

Now see what out so called saudi muslim brothers are doing in pakistan. That,s why i hate these two faced saudis and the unreasonable obsession of pakistanis with these saudi scums.

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