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North Korean official executed by flamethrower


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North Korean official executed by flamethrower
Pyŏngyang : North Korea | Apr 10, 2014 at 1:13 AM PDT
By Anne Sewell


A North Korean official was reportedly executed by flamethrower.


If you think you have it bad, try to imagine living in North Korea. In the latest bizarre and horrific execution, a North Korean official has reportedly been executed by flamethrower. This is apparently part of a purge which is being waged against supporters of Kim Jong-Un’s recently executed uncle.

Since Jang Song-Thaek was executed in December as "a traitor" after being convicted of "anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional acts," reports are that as many as 11 other senior party officials have either been killed or placed in prison camps. An additional 100 lower-ranking Workers Party officials were apparently fired from their jobs.

The latest execution was reported in South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper , and stated O Sang-Hon, who is a deputy minister at the Ministry of Public Security, was “executed by flamethrower.” He was literally burned to death.

Reportedly this punishment was given after the official helped Jang turn the ministry into his own personal security division to safeguard his private business interests.

A separate report in the South Korean newspaper states that North Korea is planning to execute another 200 high-ranking officers who were loyal to Jang. It further said that around 1,000 family members could possibly have been interred in concentration camps.

Apparently these reports have not been independently verified. However, North Korea does have a track record for extremely cruel punishments.

Besides the fact that Kim Jong-Un recently executed his own uncle, and that he may have been stripped and fed to over 100 starving dogs, back in 2012, a high-ranking army official was blown up with a mortar round. This followed Kim Jong-Un’s order to leave “no trace of him behind, down to his hair.” The man’s crime was apparently being drunk during the official mourning period of Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un’s father.



Chosun Ilbo (English)


China and Russia's illegitimate, retarded step-child is at it again.
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