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North Korean Military Parade 2017 April 15

Look Man N.Korea was the world 4th most powerful country in 1998

Where did you get this incredible fact? Did Britain and France disappear into thin air in 1998?

and after sanctions world has progressed and you think north has not progressed? The Famous Sony Hack was done by N.Korea. N.Korea has been steeling USA weapons designs for so many years. When USA sent the strike group to S.Korea the only thing USA first tried to control was their cyber space. Weapons of North are good and they will not die like Saddam Hussain.

In the end what matters is how the US decision makers perceive NK and trust me that perception is not in favour of NK.
even if north korea does not test anything, the u.s can launch a preemptive strike under the pretext that north korea is about to test something. at this point of the game, the u.s will control the game even if kim wants to back down.

THAAD is in south korea for this reason. north korea doesn't have a reliable mean (missile, submarine) to deliver their nuke to the u.s mainland. nk doesn't have the nuke quality nor the nuke quantity to get through the missile defense shield either. nk nuke is low yield in kt and won't do much destruction if somehow one is lucky enough to get through. any sane nk commander will shoot kim first before they obey the order to launch a nuke knowing that launching a nuke is committing suicide for themselves and their family's members.
even if north korea does not test anything, the u.s can launch a preemptive strike under the pretext that north korea is about to test something. at this point of the game, the u.s will control the game even if kim wants to back down.

THAAD is in south korea for this reason. north korea doesn't have a reliable mean (missile, submarine) to deliver their nuke to the u.s mainland. nk doesn't have the nuke quality nor the nuke quantity to get through the missile defense shield either. nk nuke is low yield in kt and won't do much destruction if somehow one is lucky enough to get through. any sane nk commander will shoot kim first before they obey the order to launch a nuke knowing that launching a nuke is committing suicide for themselves and their family's members.
Today N.Korea showed a missile with fins on the war head so I think THAAD just became obsolete. N.Korea also showed a ICBM capable of carrying a nuclear missile so the shown missile seemed an improved version of DF-31 ICBM. So these two missile have placed USA under threat. Plus an advanced version of SCUD was also displayed in which the warhead was modified type. These things clearly suggest that NK has worked on evading THAAD. I am not trying to prove a point here but just giving a prospective of what I assessed from the display of force.
even if north korea does not test anything, the u.s can launch a preemptive strike under the pretext that north korea is about to test something. at this point of the game, the u.s will control the game even if kim wants to back down.

THAAD is in south korea for this reason. north korea doesn't have a reliable mean (missile, submarine) to deliver their nuke to the u.s mainland. nk doesn't have the nuke quality nor the nuke quantity to get through the missile defense shield either. nk nuke is low yield in kt and won't do much destruction if somehow one is lucky enough to get through. any sane nk commander will shoot kim first before they obey the order to launch a nuke knowing that launching a nuke is committing suicide for themselves and their family's members.

lol, preemptive strike.. did bush Iraq war not taught americans anything? GL getting stuck in another quagmire when there are still tens of thousands of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. whats next after NK? preemptive strike on iran? i never seen western MSM getting such quick hard on when trump launch those 69 tomahawks. and those same liberal MSM will be the same ones who will shit on him constantly if he gets into a quagmire.
Is this the reason US tested one of their own nuclear device and MOAB device fired on Afghanistan? IMO the intentions of US are pretty damn clear, they dont seem to be backing down this time. I hope North doesnt start a fight it cant finish.
hum to dobay hain sanam tumhain b lay dobain gy... nk will make sure to destroy atleast sk n japan if not usa
Is this the reason US tested one of their own nuclear device and MOAB device fired on Afghanistan? IMO the intentions of US are pretty damn clear, they dont seem to be backing down this time. I hope North doesnt start a fight it cant finish.
imo if NK leadership and military survive a US onslaught they win.same goes for Iran.plus,US' big problem is lack and fear of ground troops. who will control the ground and population after all the "strikes"?this is why an Iran attack hasnt happened yet. They can surely hit Iran, prolly hard but controlling the situation after, they cant do, hence no attack so far.
Everything we know about the new missiles North Korea paraded in front of the world


North Korea didn’t launch a missile or conduct a nuclear test, as feared, but it used an important national holiday to show off new firepower that could be capable of striking far-off enemies.

A massive military parade in Pyongyang celebrated the Day of the Sun, April 15, which is the birthday of North Korea’s late founder Kim Il Sung. His grandson, Kim Jong Un, leads the country today.

The parade was broadcast on state television and made widely available on the internet. North Korea, typically closed off to foreign journalists, even allowed a live broadcast by the BBC while tanks and missiles rolled by its camera. “You can actually feel the ground shake,” said the network’s correspondent, John Sudworth.

Military analysts said the parade featured three types of intercontinental ballistic missiles, one of which appeared to be new. North Korea has never tested a missile that could cross the Pacific Ocean, and many experts are skeptical of whether it is capable of doing so. But Kim Jong Un recently said his military was preparing for such a test, which could provoke a response from the nation’s adversaries.


An overhead view of the parade. (KCTV via The Diplomat)
Two of the missiles seen at the parade were the KN-08 and KN-14, according to analysts. These missiles, which North Korea was already known to have developed, are notable because they could be capable of striking the US with a nuclear weapon. At a parade in 2015, North Korea claimed its KN-14 missiles had nuclear warheads on their tips.

Those missiles rolled out first at the parade, along with other weaponry that North Korea has previously shown off. “And then, if you’ll permit me, shit got weird,” said Jeffrey Lewis, an expert in military affairs.

North Korea rolled out gigantic canisters that were the size of intercontinental missiles, but it was impossible to tell what was inside the canisters. “Given the size, it looks like it contains a new ballistic missile with a range of 6,000 kilometers,” Shin In-kyun, another military expert in the region, told the New York Times (paywall).


The canister is the size of an intercontinental ballistic missile. (KCTV via The Diplomat)
That missile, along with other elements of the parade, raised the possibility that North Korea had made advances in solid-fuel technology, which is easier to move around. Solid-fueled missiles would be a major advancement for the country because they could be used on mobile launchpads and evade attacks. Liquid-fueled missiles can’t move as easily and so tend to be sitting ducks, if the US or another country decided to take them out.

A switch from liquid to solid fuel would be important because it could change North Korea’s so-called “second-strike” ability to respond to a preemptive attack.

“North Korea seems to be highlighting the perils of a preemptive first strike to the United States and South Korea,” The Diplomat reported. “With every nuclear and ballistic missile test, its threat of inflicting unacceptable retaliatory damage against Seoul and, eventually, Washington becomes more credible.”

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So if war does happen , wouldn't the US bases in pacific be at a major risk , if they're taken out China would be left unopposed in the pacific. What if China wants this war to happen ?
So if war does happen , wouldn't the US bases in pacific be at a major risk , if they're taken out China would be left unopposed in the pacific. What if China wants this war to happen ?
People are overestimating NK's military power. The NK military is extremely outdated and low on morale, and as soon as NK launches any strike, its positions will be quickly taken out by a counter attack. Any nuclear strike would first need to go vertically up into the atmosphere first, and with heavy ABM systems presence surrounding NK, the nuke launches would be instantly detected by early warning systems, and taken out, while they're still making their assent.
People are overestimating NK's military power. The NK military is extremely outdated and low on morale, and as soon as NK launches any strike, its positions will be quickly taken out by a counter attack. Any nuclear strike would first need to go vertically up into the atmosphere first, and with heavy ABM systems presence surrounding NK, the nuke launches would be instantly detected by early warning systems, and taken out, while they're still making their assent.
I meant the large number of conventional old missiles they have , if they swarm them then places like guam?
No one even knows about the type of anti air system N.Korea uses

Most outdated Cold war era ones. Neither China or Russia will give them modern ones

I wish to north korea +china +russian + make a alliance and it's world powerful alliance ❤

Actually China wants to get rid of Kim he even executed several officials that have close ties with China. China will not help North Korea anymore but they won't support a US invasion either

People are overestimating NK's military power. The NK military is extremely outdated and low on morale, and as soon as NK launches any strike, its positions will be quickly taken out by a counter attack. Any nuclear strike would first need to go vertically up into the atmosphere first, and with heavy ABM systems presence surrounding NK, the nuke launches would be instantly detected by early warning systems, and taken out, while they're still making their assent.
Whatever the case, Kim has more balls and standing up to USA world domination instead of some supapowa country selling their sovereignty to USA just for reassurance for NSG membership.

You missed point. The west media called it a failure. NK is raising the stakes. West media should change title to NK Gives US Middle Finger and Test Ballistic Missile
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