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North Korea launches ballistic missile

simple Brain

Oct 12, 2014
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North Korea launches ballistic missile
Pentagon confirms South Korean military's report of missile landing in sea off its eastern coast.

File photo of North Korea's Hwasong-14, an intercontinental ballistic missle [KCNA/Reuters]
North Korea has fired what appeared to be a ballistic missile from its northern Jangang province that landed in the sea off its east coast, South Korea's Yonhap news agency says citing its military.

The launch took place at 11:41pm (14:41 GMT) on Friday, Yonhap said citing the South's Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The Pentagon said it had detected what it assessed as a ballistic missile launch from North Korea.

Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, said the missile may have landed in the sea off Japan.

He said Japanese officials were analysing the apparent launch and he had called a meeting of the National Security Council.

In Washington, Navy Captain Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed that a launch of a ballistic missile from North Korea had been detected.

"We are assessing and will have more information soon," he said.

A missile launched by North Korea on Friday was an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), Russia's Defense Ministry said, citing data from its missile warning system. This counters claims made by the Pentagon and South Korean military, who said the launch was an ICBM.
The weapon was fired at around 5:40pm Moscow time on July 28 from a firing range in Tongchang-dong, North Korea, the Russian military said, adding that the flight was detected by Russia's missile defense alarm system.

Citing the parametric data of the North Korean missile, the ministry assessed the weapon to be of an IRBM class. It didn't present any direct threat to Russia, as it was fired in a different direction, it added.

Both the Pentagon and South Korean military believed Friday's launch to be of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

Military officials from the two countries claimed the weapon traveled for about 1,000km (621 miles), with the South Korean military also stating it reached an altitude of about 3,700km (2,300 miles).

Following an emergency meeting in Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Friday's launch "shows clearly that the threat... is severe and real," calling on other nations, including the US, Russia, South Korea and China to increase pressure on Pyongyang.

altitude 3700 km?
Thats 3 times higher than minuteman icbm....
It is good news still to see how quickly they have been progressing. I will not be surprised if we start to see these being TOT'd to Iran/Pakistan thru backdoors if history is a judge.

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