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North Eastern students prepared to leave Karnataka

RSS has a lot of non-Hindus in RSS, brother. You should know that.

Maybe you didn't hear of the Muslim League pre-independence and their demands.

You need better knowledge of our history about the list of Islamic organizations that formed during British times.

I don't want to bring in a different topic, but as the Enlightened Ones have said, seek knowledge to better understand the environment you live in. :)

then plz correct me if i was wrong.......
In fact, they themselves can't be called Bengalis.

It always has to be qualified by you know what. ;)

They are Turks with Timurid legacy, didn't you see here lots of Bangladeshis trying to explain their Turkic bloodline and how handsome they look compared to local Bangladeshis.

:cry::cry::cry: i have soft corner for rohingyas only ..:cry:

They are unlucky people.
They are Turks with Timurid legacy, didn't you see here lots of Bangladeshis trying to explain their Turkic bloodline and how handsome they look compared to local Bangladeshis.

They are unlucky people.

Now now, you are pushing the line..:lol:
the RSS was formed to propagate patriotism and not hinduism, the concept of HINDUTUVA encompasses muslims too, and remember there is a active MUSLIM wing which has patriotic muslims in RSS.
are you ready to sheed your muslim brotherhood for INDIA, if you are you would be blaming your fellow muslims(from BD) who have attacked your fellow citizens in NE, you would be blaming the muslims who desecrated the amar jawan memorial, etc.
instead you wish to extend your support for them and propagate more of this non-sence.

As i said many times earlier i am too against such lame incidents as of mumbai.............& for ur knowledge i am not a Illegal immigrant lover.....i too love my nation as you love ur nation,,,,,, As our's nation is common but way of patriotism is diffrent.
They are unlucky people.

when they were lucky?they are human beings like us and every one is treating them like animal .....:cry:
so what they have no money ,no place ,they can be next intelligent muhajirs in future of any country if any country accepts them ..and give them proper education ,etc :pop: ......
Greater Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Greater Bangladesh (translated variously as Bengali : বৃহত্তর বাংলাদেশ , Brihat Bangladesh ; Bengali : বৃহৎ বাংলাদেশ Brihad Bangladesh ; Bengali : মহাবাংলাদেশ , Maha Bangladesh ; and Bengali : বিশাল বাংলা , Bishal Bangla ) is a political theory circulated by a number of Indian politicians and writers that People's Republic of Bangladesh is trying for the territorial expansion to include the Indian states of West Bengal , Assam and others in northeastern India. The theory is principally based on fact that a large number of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants reside in Indian territory.

At the turn of the 21st century, Indian political circles started to take a serious look at Bangladeshi illegal immigrants infiltrating into India. [ 5 ] Bangladesh is under pressure from India as a source of rebellion in Indian North-East for this Indian perception. [ 17 ] It is also hard pressed to convince India that encouraging migration is not a state policy ofBangladesh. [ 17 ] The state of Bangladesh denied the existence of these immigrants while stripping them of their Bangladeshi citizenship. [ 5 ] According to Jyoti M. Pathaniaof South Asia Analysis Group the reasons for Bangladeshi immigration to India are: basic need theory i.e. food, shelter and clothing, economic dictates i.e. employment opportunity, better wages and comparatively better living conditions, demographic disproportion especially for minorities (Hindus) in this densely populated country having roughly a density of 780 per km 2 as against half that number on Indian side of the border, and being cheap labor the Bangladeshis find easy acceptance as “domestic helps” in Indian homes, which keeps proliferating by ever increasing demand for domestic helps. [ 18 ] The Centre for Women and Children Studies estimated in 1998 that 27,000 Bangladeshis have been forced into prostitution in India. [ 19 ] [ 20 ]
[ edit ] Lebensraum theory
Achieving a "Greater Bangladesh" as Lebensraum (additional living space) is alleged to be the reason for large-scale illegal immigration from Bangladesh into India's northeastern states. [ 6 ] Similarly it is alleged that illegal immigration is actively encouragedby some political groups in Bangladesh as well as the state of Bangladesh to convert large parts of India's northeastern states andWest Bengal into Muslim-majority areas that would subsequently seek to separate from India and join Muslim-majority Bangladesh. [ 6 ] One Indian proposition is that the state of Bangladesh is pursuing a territorial design seeking a Lebensraum for its teeming population and trying to establish a Greater Bangladesh. [ 5 ] Another proposition called for capturing one or two districts in Bangladesh and sending illegal immigrants there. [ 5 ] [ 21 ] Yet another proposition called for killing off Bangladeshi immigrants in India to thwart the designs of state of Bangladesh. [ 22 ]
It is suspected, though, that the figures of Bangladeshi migrants in India are to far-fetched to be accorded any credence. [ 17 ] The diplomatic difficulty is increased by the failure of India to comprehend that supporting Indian rebels in a plot to carve out a Greater Bangladesh would bring very little strategic dividend to Bangladesh. [ 17 ] Scholars have also reflected that under the guise of anti-Bangladeshi immigrant movement it is actually an anti-Muslim agenda pointed towards Bangladeshi Muslims by false propaganda and widely exaggerated claims on immigrant population. [ 23 ] There also is an alleged parallel threat ofturning Assam into a part of a Greater West Bengal. [ 24 ] In 1950s, Atulya Ghosh , a leaderof the Congress, had called to form a Greater West Bengal by annexing territory of neighboring Bihar

In a 1998, Lieutenant General S.K. Sinha , then the Governor of Assam and later the Governorof Jammu and Kashmir , wrote a report to K.R.Narayanan , then the President of India claiming that massive illegal immigration from Bangladesh was directly linked with"the long-cherished design of Greater Bangladesh," and also quoted pre-1971 comments from late Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and late President of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman endorsing the inclusion of Assam into East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). [ 6 ] [ 39 ] Anxiety and popular anger over illegal immigration prompted political unrest in the state of Assam, and criticism has increased over the Indian government's failure to secure its borders with Bangladesh and stop the illegal immigration.
Because of the central government and its policies. Beyond that I am taking the fifth as I am both angry and had couple of drinks due to hectic day at office.

Care to elaborate what should have been the policies of Central Govt on this issue?
will you support killing of Christian Tamil by sinhalese?

Nope...SL battle ground is different and they are fighting for single cause (to protect tamil race) and they are secular. Both Hindus and Christians tamils are loyal in freedom fighting and dying with pride. But moors (muslims) not taking part in freedom struggle, suppose if Eelam formed in near future means they will migrate to Eelam coz moors mother tongue is tamil. In SL Christians are loyal to tamil race but not muslims.

Indian Muslims supporting illegal Bangladeshis , Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar , demanding India to break ties with Israel for Palestinian issue. In that scenario, do you really think they will support India against Pakistan? and those people tremendously involved in all kind of bomb blasts in through India. So their patriotism always suspicions.

If we still talking about secularism and few bad apples and gud apples story means nobody can’t save us. Minorities threatening majorities and they attained their desired goal shame on us.

when they were lucky?they are human beings like us and every one is treating them like animal .....:cry:
so what they have no money ,no place ,they can be next intelligent muhajirs in future of any country if any country accepts them ..and give them proper education ,etc :pop: ......

I don't think the Burmese want them simple. When Rohingyas have their own country, Bangladesh, they shouldn't create troubles in other countries.

But it is understandable when you have a small landmass and and explosive dense population.

However, they cannot expect other countries to accept them just like that.
@Tshering22, i don't understand why even after so many appeal NE people are leaving Bang., Hyd. etc. just on some rumors, this is certainly not a good situation for our country. I m sure if they have fear of attack, than the police & other forces will come to there protection.
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