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when are you guys getting the f35's


Delivery of AM-1 and AM-2 to Norway will occur in 2017 at the earliest.

Our test pilot Maj. Morten hanche has been flying AM-1 at Luke AFB throughout 2015:




Delivery of AM-1 and AM-2 to Norway will occur in 2017 at the earliest.

Our test pilot Maj. Morten hanche has been flying AM-1 at Luke AFB throughout 2015:




nice:tup: does your partnership involve cp production of parts/components.
nice:tup: does your partnership involve cp production of parts/components.

Not only co-production, but sole production for certain F-35 systems. Norway produced Air-to-Air pylons, rudders, and advanced composites for the fuselage and F-35 skin - which gives us an intimate knowledge of how to construct stealth coatings for advanced military systems, which are also applied to the skin while in Norway.

This capability shouldn't be too surprising considering the Skjold Class Corvette also incorporates such features including radar absorbing composites.

We are also manufacturing and supporting critical electronics and F-35 mission systems.

These will be found on every F-35.


Some non-standard equipment includes drag chutes for icy weather landings or landings on shortened runways and the JSM/NSM, which will be offered to anyone interested and functions like Turkey's SOM, only with an added anti-ship capability.
Not only co-production, but sole production for certain F-35 systems. Norway produced Air-to-Air pylons, rudders, and advanced composites for the fuselage and F-35 skin - which gives us an intimate knowledge of how to construct stealth coatings for advanced military systems, which are also applied to the skin while in Norway.

This capability shouldn't be too surprising considering the Skjold Class Corvette also incorporates such features including radar absorbing composites.

We are also manufacturing and supporting critical electronics and F-35 mission systems.

These will be found on every F-35.


Some non-standard equipment includes drag chutes for icy weather landings or landings on shortened runways and the JSM/NSM, which will be offered to anyone interested and functions like Turkey's SOM, only with an added anti-ship capability.
does that include the nsm too (internal) ?
does that include the nsm too (internal) ?

It does, but only if there's a market for NSM or JSM within the F-35 community.


Right now Norway is a user of the NSM, on naval ships and patrol aircraft, and has certified the NSM for use on and within the F-35. But it's the only customer of the F-35 capable NSM right now.

Poland operates the NSM, but is not a customer of F-35. it uses coastal batteries:


The US is interested in the NSM, but for its LCS and not F-35:

USS Coronado was kind enough to test NSM.

Other nations like Turkey have alternatives of their own. In Turkey's case it's SOM. Other nations like the UK, Japan or Italy have yet to commit to an alternative to existing anti-ship missiles like Otomat and Harpoon. But the NSM is out there and available to anyone that's interested.
It does, but only if there's a market for NSM or JSM within the F-35 community.


Right now Norway is a user of the NSM, on naval ships and patrol aircraft, and has certified the NSM for use on and within the F-35. But it's the only customer of the F-35 capable NSM right now.

Poland operates the NSM, but is not a customer of F-35. it uses coastal batteries:


The US is interested in the NSM, but for its LCS and not F-35:

USS Coronado was kind enough to test NSM.

Other nations like Turkey have alternatives of their own. In Turkey's case it's SOM. Other nations like the UK, Japan or Italy have yet to commit to an alternative to existing anti-ship missiles like Otomat and Harpoon. But the NSM is out there and available to anyone that's interested.
well yes you have a point. i have been told the turkish som is being configure as a lrasm. which is what the usn is doing with the agm158. also saab is reworking the rbs15mk3 so that it can fit in to stealth fighter. but this is for their own 2020 stealth fighter. as for us? im not sure. possibly, but we will go for what ever the usn is going for.
Minedykkere jobber med EOD (Explosive ordnance disposal), bombedesarmerings oppdrag under øvelse Artic Specialist.

Personnel from the Mine Diver Command training on EOD (Explosive ordnance disposal) during exercise Artic Specialist.








I'm no longer updating this thread.

If anyone's interested in further updates, I'll be posting them here instead:

Norwegian Armed Forces photos - Försvaret | Page 2 | The American Military Forum


Thank you.
I'm no longer updating this thread.

If anyone's interested in further updates, I'll be posting them here instead:

Norwegian Armed Forces photos - Försvaret | Page 2 | The American Military Forum


Thank you.

What is this departure from the forum for? Out of respect for you in your contribution to the JMSDF thread in the past, I will honor your thread by making regular updates.

I hope to see you again here , soon. Let not differences in opinion on some areas of policies between you and I be a barrier between us.


Swedish Army takes delivery of Archer artillery systems


STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 9 (UPI) -- Deliveries of Archer self-propelled artillery system to the Swedish Army have begun.

The first of the truck-mounted 155mm systems -- made by BAE Systems Bofors -- were officially turned over to the Army by the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration on the first of this month, the Swedish military said.

The systems will be operated by the Army's A 9 Artillery Regiment, the country's only artillery unit.

"This day is very important for the regiment, these pieces are a big part of our identity as a regiment and as gunners," said the regiment's commander, Col. Johan Pekkari.

Sweden is the sole operator of the Archer system. Norway had jointly ordered the system but later dropped out of the program.

Deliveries of the artillery system will continue throughout this year, giving Sweden a total of 24 systems.

Archer artillery systems delivered to Swedish military - UPI.com


In the spring of 2014, Tora, a 20-year-old living in Norway, received a letter from the armed forces inviting her to try out for Jegertroppen, or the Hunter Troop, a new Special Forces unit and the world’s first all-female military training program. Tora, who had recently graduated from high school and had, out of interest in a military career, visited an armed forces open day, did not hesitate to apply. “I had been waiting for the armed forces to come up with a tougher specialty for girls,” she explained.

Norway, along with Israel, opened combat positions to women in 1985, but only 10 percent of its soldiers are female. Before 1985, women served only in support functions such as medics and engineers. For special operations, the number of female members is still zero: the country’s Special Forces is open to women, but few had applied and none had passed the admissions test. The lack of women has limited the Special Forces’ effectiveness in international operations. “In Afghanistan, one of our big challenges was that we would enter houses and not be able to speak to the women,” explained Captain Ole Vidar Krogsaeter, an officer with Norway’s Special Forces Operations. “In urban warfare, you have to be able to interact with women as well. Adding female soldiers was an operational need.”


Courtesy Norwegian Special Forces Command (FSK)

Norway's Female Soldiers | Foreign Affairs
I'm no longer updating this thread.

If anyone's interested in further updates, I'll be posting them here instead:

Norwegian Armed Forces photos - Försvaret | Page 2 | The American Military Forum


Thank you.

Come back, plox! Stop being grumpy:taz:! But you've been working overtime I see:o:.

Norwegian Armed Forces photos | Page 4 | The American Military Forum

Cold Response 2016 | The American Military Forum

I wont repost the photos since you don't want them to be reposted, but I'll at least leave the link so others can see them. Ok?


Big vote of confidence for the Naval Strike Missile:usflag:

Navy to Deploy New Anti-Ship Surface Missile on Littoral Combat Ship

Navy to Deploy New Anti-Ship Surface Missile on Littoral Combat Ship | DoD Buzz

The U.S. Navy will soon deploy aboard a littoral combat ship a new missile that can find and destroy enemy ships at distances of up to 100 nautical miles, service officials said.

Called the Naval Strike Missile, or NSM, the weapon is developed by the Norwegian-based firm Kongsberg and is currently used on Norwegian Nansen-class frigates and Skjold-Class missile torpedo boats, company officials said.

The Navy is currently planning to utilize the Foreign Comparative Testing program to procure and install the Norwegian-built Naval Strike Missile on the USS Freedom (LCS 1). The objective is to demonstrate operationally-relevant installation, test, and real-world deployment on an LCS,” a Navy spokeswoman from Naval Sea Systems Command told Scout Warrior.






@Nattmara You were saying........

To be honest, Norway has only Russia as a probable threat and Russian waves will steam-roll Norway. Europe is not what it once was and historically they have a policy of appeasement until the Big three are threatened. The only thing which holds the balance is the role of US as a net security provider. Without US, the strong arm of NATO or similar alliance wouldn't exist. Now it is but fair that US will extract concessions and smaller the country bigger the leverage US has to extract those concessions.

However the above does not detract from the fact that F-35 is not a good contender on it's own merits. I am just not sure how it fits into Norway's air-force doctrine and whether alternatives like Rafale, EFT etc would have been a better fit. Stealth aircrafts AFAIK have more utility in offensive mission profiles.

p.s. as long as you give as good as get..if ya catch my drift

Norwegian fighter jet mistakenly machine-guns control tower

A Norwegian fighter jet on a training exercise jet mistakenly machine-gunned a control tower with three officers inside, who survived unhurt, the military said Sunday.

Two F-16s were taking part in a mock attack on the uninhabited island of Tarva off Norway’s west coast when one of them opened fire with its M61 Vulcan cannon, which is capable of firing up to 100 rounds a second.

“An investigation has been opened,” Captain Brynjar Stordal, a spokesman for the Norwegian military, told AFP.

A hail of bullets hit the tower in the incident, which happened on the night of April 12, but the officers inside were not injured.

In a similar incident in 2009, F-16s fired in error on the same tower, with at least one round piercing the structure, but again no-one was injured.

It’s not the only incident of an F-16 firing on the wrong target. In 2014 a Dutch fighter jet accidentally strafed the control tower at the Vliehors range on the island of Vlieland, north of Amsterdam, during a training flight.

During the incident, several live rounds from the aircraft’s 20mm cannon caused minor damage to the tower. Two controllers who were inside the building at the moment of the attack were not injured...................See more
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