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Nod to US gun purchase minus bids


Aug 31, 2008
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The government has authorised an outright purchase of 145 ultra-light howitzers from the US, a highly-placed defence ministry source said today.
The ultra-light howitzers are for the mountain artillery divisions of the Indian Army to be used in high-altitude frontiers opposite Pakistan and China. They can be transported slung from some helicopters.
The defence acquisitions committee has decided to take the foreign military sales route. Foreign military sales is a US programme of government-to-government sales of military hardware bypassing a lengthy system of competitive bidding. But bidders who lose out to foreign military sales orders allege that the system lacks transparency.
“We will also look at other options,” defence secretary Pradeep Kumar said.
The Indian Air Force has taken the foreign military sales route to contract six Lockheed Martin-made Hercules C130J air lifters and the army did the same to buy artillery fire-finding radars.
Two brands of ultra-light howitzers were initially in contention for the Indian Army’s estimated $2.5-billion artillery modernisation programme — ST Kinetics’ Pegasus and BAE Land Systems’ M777 made in the US.
BAE Land Systems has bought over the erstwhile Swedish firm Bofors that sold 410 155mm howitzers to India in 1986. The army has not bought a single big gun since the last of the Bofors howitzer was delivered in 1987, 22 years back.
ST Kinetics was blacklisted this year after the company figured in investigations into the deals struck by the former director general of the Ordnance Factory Board in Calcutta. The government has lifted the bar on trials in multiple-vendor situations.
If the government takes the foreign military sales route, the order is likely to go to BAE Land Systems. The source said the defence acquisitions council authorised the foreign military sales route before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to the US last month.
The army wants to buy 145 ultra-light howitzers, 158 towed and wheeled, 100 tracked, and 180 wheeled and armoured guns in the first phase as part of its field artillery rationalisation plan, the programme to upgrade its artillery divisions.
Defence secretary Pradeep Kumar said the government has speeded up the buying of military hardware. Between 2007 and 2009, a total of 465 contracts have been signed. These are worth more than Rs 1,35,000 crore.
He said in 10 years, the defence ministry had doubled the capital expenditure for new acquisitions. The acquisitions were worth Rs 62,272 crore between 1999 and 2004. They total Rs 1,37,496 crore between 2004 and 2009. In the current year (2009-2010), Rs 41,000 crore was being spent on direct capital acquisitions.
The acquisitions have included Phalcon Airborne Warning and Control Systems, Sukhoi 30MKI fighter aircraft, aircraft for VIPs, missiles of different types and tanks.

link: Nod to US gun purchase minus bids IDRW.ORG
a another step forward in Indo-US relationship and it will definitely add mark in Indian defense, sp in Himalayas
India signed $50bn deals for weapons since Kargil war

NEW DELHI: India has signed defence deals worth over $50 billion to pile up advanced weapons after the 1999 Kargil conflict. The Times of India reported that New Delhi is also acquiring warships, tanks and missiles.

India, the developing world’s biggest arms buyer, would spend over $30 billion over the next four to five years to import military hardware and software. Quoting top sources in the Defence Ministry, the daily said India has spent IR 620 million on “direct capital acquisitions” between 1999 and 2004. Russia is the biggest arms supplier to India with annual sales around $1.5 billion, followed by Israel, which amount to $1 billion.

Now, the US is eying this market and has already bagged a $2.1 billion contract for eight Boeing P-8I long range maritime reconnaissance aircraft and a $962 million deal for six C-130J Super Hercules planes. app
India desperately need ultra-light howitzers to be used in high-altitude particularly in Arunachal Pradesh . This is definitely a good news for Indian army in mountain :yahoo:warfare
Its a strategic move between India and USA because target countries are China aaand Pakistan. India is adding more fingers to the hand with which it is holding Kashmir and Arunachil Perdaish.

Let India embrace the "friend" that has always proven as back stabber for us. :cheers: India, you better keep your fingers crossed.:pop:
Its a strategic move between India and USA because target countries are China aaand Pakistan. India is adding more fingers to the hand with which it is holding Kashmir and Arunachil Perdaish.

Let India embrace the "friend" that has always proven as back stabber for us. :cheers: India, you better keep your fingers crossed.:pop:

In the world stage US needs India as much as we need them.They aint fools selling the highest tech to India blindfolded :P
Mods merge the thread with 145 guns thread please. Cannot paste link.
In the world stage US needs India as much as we need them.They aint fools selling the highest tech to India blindfolded :P

LMAO these are not "highest tech" weapons yo. You can say that to F-22A but a light howitzer? Please. India should worry that its weak industrial base can't even manufacture these simple weapons, forcing its military to use WWII era artillery.
Its a strategic move between India and USA because target countries are China aaand Pakistan. India is adding more fingers to the hand with which it is holding Kashmir and Arunachil Perdaish.

Let India embrace the "friend" that has always proven as back stabber for us. :cheers: India, you better keep your fingers crossed.:pop:

we will not be treated like pakistan coz
we are not taling the weopons as some aid pakage or anything we are buying them with$$$$.......so we have no reason to have loyalities to the US ...its merely a buyer-seller relationship here unlike pakistan that gets money in aid wepons in aid......this is why you guys have been pushed around by the US....you cant afford to say "no" to the hand that feeds you .....which is not the case as of india


it (pakistan)hates it (the US) because it is dependent on it and is still being bought by it. It is a dislike that is also a form of self-hatred of the sort that often develops between client states and their paymasters. (You can often sense the same resentment in the Egyptian establishment, and sometimes among Israeli rightwingers, as well),'' Hitchens wrote.

By way of overcompensation for their abject status as recipients of the American dole, such groups often make a big deal of flourishing their few remaining rags of pride. The safest outlet for this in the Pakistani case is an official culture that makes pious noises about Islamic solidarity while keeping the other hand extended for the next subsidy.

"India,'' Hitchens said, "is not a country sizzling with self-pity and self-loathing, because it was never one of our colonies or clients. We don't have to send New Delhi 15 different envoys a month, partly to placate and partly to hector, because the relationship with India isn't based on hysteria and envy.

i hope you get the point:partay::chilli:
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