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Nobel laureate's wife detained

You guys do not even have guts to discuss China related issues in a China related thread...

Amazing people... you have to show examples of unpardonable crimes in other countries to relieve yourself out...

Amazing Amazing...

This is not the discussion? You need a connection, I gave a few, you can not accept? Too much?
Whatever the error, we certainly accept that this is also the driving force to China's progress, we are not Indians, you do not even know what have own country, or pretending not to know, without any sense of shame.
Thank you (c0ck)Roach(? :lol:) for your statements, as they reflect profoundly the deep-felt different mentalities between the Indians like you and the Chinese in general.

In your type of Indian’s point of view, as long as a Nobel Prize is bestowed, even it is for a criminal, you will be pound of the criminal regardless how much harm against your country and your people the criminal has dealt. :tdown:

In most Chinese point of view, this is a criminal who harmed the country’s interest and people’s interest. Period. They don’t quite care about the Prize in general and the “peace” prize in particular, as history demonstrates how stinky the peace prize is, which is always ended up in the hands of warmongers (Obama), trouble makers, and violent criminals (Dalai lama).

This explains precisely why India is such a violent society, a murder capital of the world, and China is relatively peaceful society.

Hey, man.

Yes, you are right. Indians and Chinese people think differently. And yes, my name on PDF is Roach, inspired by the Cockroach. I think they (roaches) are awesome- but that's another conversation.

China is doing very well these days, as the world can see. Your trains run at three hundred kilometers per hour, your cities are the envy of the western world. Sporting events are organized with spotless efficiency, and your diplomats woo world leaders of all continents.

But many of those who have had the pleasure of befriending and working with Chinese people and examined their psyche will invariably tell you one thing-

China's Achilles heel is-you guys are terrified of Criticism.

Critics aren't polite. Critics don't care about your deep sense of being victimized over the ages and your (justified) new-found national and cultural pride. Critics are harsh, personal, incisive, and hurtful.

Critic are within and without. Unless you get used to those who are within, you will resent those without. You love to speak about a gradual movement to a more open political system, this is the FIRST step.

Trust me, I'm Indian. We get $hit about poverty, toilets, cowdung, cow urine, the CWG, infant deaths, even the father of our nation who was called a Half-Naked Fakir, and lots more. Our trains might run at 25 mph, but we know how to shift through the garbage of jealous criticism and find the nuggets of wisdom that only an enemy, or well-meaning friend, can provide.

Since this dude has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can sense a distinct defensiveness in most (if not all) Chinese members on this forum. You guys hate it and resent it more than we can understand. IMO, this comes from not being used to criticism of yourselves. Please don't give me a few links to sites where some people have posted rants about corrupt officials. Real criticism is where you can stand stand in the middle of the street with a placard that says "This is wrong, all wrong" and have people abuse you but still go home and sleep in your bed.

I consider myself a good friend and Neighbor, and my advice to you chaps would be-

Learn to laugh at yourselves.:china:

He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed.
-Confucius, The Confucian Analects
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Hey, man.

Yes, you are right. Indians and Chinese people think differently. And yes, my name on PDF is Roach, inspired by the Cockroach. I think they (roaches) are awesome- but that's another conversation.

China is doing very well these days, as the world can see. Your trains run at three hundred kilometers per hour, your cities are the envy of the western world. Sporting events are organized with spotless efficiency, and your diplomats woo world leaders of all continents.

But many of those who have had the pleasure of befriending and working with Chinese people and examined their psyche will invariably tell you one thing-

China's Achilles heel is-you guys are terrified of Criticism.

Critics aren't polite. Critics don't care about your deep sense of being victimized over the ages and your (justified) new-found national and cultural pride. Critics are harsh, personal, incisive, and hurtful.

Critic are within and without. Unless you get used to those who are within, you will resent those without. You love to speak about a gradual movement to a more open political system, this is the FIRST step.

Trust me, I'm Indian. We get $hit about poverty, toilets, cowdung, cow urine, the CWG, infant deaths, even the father of our nation who was called a Half-Naked Fakir, and lots more. Our trains might run at 25 mph, but we know how to shift through the garbage of jealous criticism and find the nuggets of wisdom that only an enemy, or well-meaning friend, can provide.

Since this dude has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can sense a distinct defensiveness in most (if not all) Chinese members on this forum. You guys hate it and resent it more than we can understand. IMO, this comes from not being used to criticism of yourselves. Please don't give me a few links to sites where some people have posted rants about corrupt officials. Real criticism is where you can stand stand in the middle of the street with a placard that says "This is wrong, all wrong" and have people abuse you but still go home and sleep in your bed.

I consider myself a good friend and Neighbor, and my advice to you chaps would be-

Learn to laugh at yourselves.:china:

You've overstepped yourself I think. If you pay attention to the dialogue between Chinese members here, you'll find plenty of differing opinions and various criticisms about China and the CCP which are accepted and debated because we know they are offered good naturedly and intelligently. What we find frustrating are people who lacking the basic understanding of the situation offering the same criticism as it has been spoon fed to them by whatever news media they consume.

and really can you claim that Chinese members here have been more sensitive than the Indian members ? And to the best of my knowledge, no Chinese members have ever resorted to methodically posting inflammatory articles in the Indian forum such as saug, justin joseph and others have done in the China. When we are in the Indian sub forum starting new threads we usually keep in mind the fact that we are guests, whereas we have not been shown similar respect.
So you are saying that it is absolutely correct in China to arrest a unarmed women just because she happened to be a wife of a prisoner...

With all its weakness India is not a gutless country which even arrests an UNARMED WOMEN

I just answered you. Because you gutlessn to admit error to Indian to arrest women.

These are your thoughts, not mine. You know the "arrest" what does this mean? Even if the news is true, it is not arrested.
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They started it :smitten:

Welcome back officially. First post?

Actually it is. Seeing what is happening here, I think it is a good idea I took a break from here.

Back to the topic, one thing I think the government should do is to throw this guy and his wife in front of a crowded mob in China and turn their eyes blind to what is going to happen, assuming people know what he has said and done. Let the people be the judge of their fate.
Hey, man.

Yes, you are right. Indians and Chinese people think differently. And yes, my name on PDF is Roach, inspired by the Cockroach. I think they (roaches) are awesome- but that's another conversation.

China is doing very well these days, as the world can see. Your trains run at three hundred kilometers per hour, your cities are the envy of the western world. Sporting events are organized with spotless efficiency, and your diplomats woo world leaders of all continents.

But many of those who have had the pleasure of befriending and working with Chinese people and examined their psyche will invariably tell you one thing-

China's Achilles heel is-you guys are terrified of Criticism.

Critics aren't polite. Critics don't care about your deep sense of being victimized over the ages and your (justified) new-found national and cultural pride. Critics are harsh, personal, incisive, and hurtful.

Critic are within and without. Unless you get used to those who are within, you will resent those without. You love to speak about a gradual movement to a more open political system, this is the FIRST step.

Trust me, I'm Indian. We get $hit about poverty, toilets, cowdung, cow urine, the CWG, infant deaths, even the father of our nation who was called a Half-Naked Fakir, and lots more. Our trains might run at 25 mph, but we know how to shift through the garbage of jealous criticism and find the nuggets of wisdom that only an enemy, or well-meaning friend, can provide.

Since this dude has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can sense a distinct defensiveness in most (if not all) Chinese members on this forum. You guys hate it and resent it more than we can understand. IMO, this comes from not being used to criticism of yourselves. Please don't give me a few links to sites where some people have posted rants about corrupt officials. Real criticism is where you can stand stand in the middle of the street with a placard that says "This is wrong, all wrong" and have people abuse you but still go home and sleep in your bed.

I consider myself a good friend and Neighbor, and my advice to you chaps would be-

Learn to laugh at yourselves.:china:

On target friend... These guys are so terrified of criticism...

They just can't take any thing negative pointed at their country...

A guy here even defends execution van... Unbelievable...

Now I get to see why Chinese film industry produces mostly History based and Martial arts based films. The films certainly lack in humor.
Hey, man.

Yes, you are right. Indians and Chinese people think differently. And yes, my name on PDF is Roach, inspired by the Cockroach. I think they (roaches) are awesome- but that's another conversation.

China is doing very well these days, as the world can see. Your trains run at three hundred kilometers per hour, your cities are the envy of the western world. Sporting events are organized with spotless efficiency, and your diplomats woo world leaders of all continents.

But many of those who have had the pleasure of befriending and working with Chinese people and examined their psyche will invariably tell you one thing-

China's Achilles heel is-you guys are terrified of Criticism.

Critics aren't polite. Critics don't care about your deep sense of being victimized over the ages and your (justified) new-found national and cultural pride. Critics are harsh, personal, incisive, and hurtful.

Critic are within and without. Unless you get used to those who are within, you will resent those without. You love to speak about a gradual movement to a more open political system, this is the FIRST step.

Trust me, I'm Indian. We get $hit about poverty, toilets, cowdung, cow urine, the CWG, infant deaths, even the father of our nation who was called a Half-Naked Fakir, and lots more. Our trains might run at 25 mph, but we know how to shift through the garbage of jealous criticism and find the nuggets of wisdom that only an enemy, or well-meaning friend, can provide.

Since this dude has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can sense a distinct defensiveness in most (if not all) Chinese members on this forum. You guys hate it and resent it more than we can understand. IMO, this comes from not being used to criticism of yourselves. Please don't give me a few links to sites where some people have posted rants about corrupt officials. Real criticism is where you can stand stand in the middle of the street with a placard that says "This is wrong, all wrong" and have people abuse you but still go home and sleep in your bed.

I consider myself a good friend and Neighbor, and my advice to you chaps would be-

Learn to laugh at yourselves.:china:

He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed.
-Confucius, The Confucian Analects

So much discussion, we give a lot ofviews, you can not even see, that is your problem, not the Chinese members.
Hey, man.

Yes, you are right. Indians and Chinese people think differently. And yes, my name on PDF is Roach, inspired by the Cockroach. I think they (roaches) are awesome- but that's another conversation.

China is doing very well these days, as the world can see. Your trains run at three hundred kilometers per hour, your cities are the envy of the western world. Sporting events are organized with spotless efficiency, and your diplomats woo world leaders of all continents.

But many of those who have had the pleasure of befriending and working with Chinese people and examined their psyche will invariably tell you one thing-

China's Achilles heel is-you guys are terrified of Criticism.

Critics aren't polite. Critics don't care about your deep sense of being victimized over the ages and your (justified) new-found national and cultural pride. Critics are harsh, personal, incisive, and hurtful.

Critic are within and without. Unless you get used to those who are within, you will resent those without. You love to speak about a gradual movement to a more open political system, this is the FIRST step.

Trust me, I'm Indian. We get $hit about poverty, toilets, cowdung, cow urine, the CWG, infant deaths, even the father of our nation who was called a Half-Naked Fakir, and lots more. Our trains might run at 25 mph, but we know how to shift through the garbage of jealous criticism and find the nuggets of wisdom that only an enemy, or well-meaning friend, can provide.

Since this dude has won the Nobel Peace Prize, I can sense a distinct defensiveness in most (if not all) Chinese members on this forum. You guys hate it and resent it more than we can understand. IMO, this comes from not being used to criticism of yourselves. Please don't give me a few links to sites where some people have posted rants about corrupt officials. Real criticism is where you can stand stand in the middle of the street with a placard that says "This is wrong, all wrong" and have people abuse you but still go home and sleep in your bed.

I consider myself a good friend and Neighbor, and my advice to you chaps would be-

Learn to laugh at yourselves.:china:

He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed.
-Confucius, The Confucian Analects

I actually agree with some of your points. One thing Chinese government really need to learn is how to take criticism positively and know how to count those unfounded smears and malicious false accusations.
Actually it is. Seeing what is happening here, I think it is a good idea I took a break from here.

Back to the topic, one thing I think the government should do is to throw this guy and his wife in front of a crowded mob in China and turn their eyes blind to what is going to happen, assuming people know what he has said and done. Let the people be the judge of their fate.

The government will still get blamed even if it is popular justice. The level skepticism that people here have against the Chinese government borders on McCarthysm in the 1950's. Most people here refuse to believe that ordinary Chinese actually support the government, or that if they do support the government, they must be stupid and have been manipulated into thinking so.

and any display of Patriotism is automatically seen as support for an insidious communist despot.
On target friend... These guys are so terrified of criticism...

They just can't take any thing negative pointed at their country...

A guy here even defends execution van... Unbelievable...

Now I get to see why Chinese film industry produces mostly History based and Martial arts based films. The films certainly lack in humor.

With all its weakness India is not a gutless country which even arrests an UNARMED WOMEN

This is a great irony, I need to find more India news?
The government will still get blamed even if it is popular justice. The level skepticism that people here have against the Chinese government borders on McCarthysm in the 1950's. Most people here refuse to believe that ordinary Chinese actually support the government, or that if they do support the government, they must be stupid and have been manipulated into thinking so.

and any display of Patriotism is automatically seen as support for an insidious communist despot.

They really should see the PEW project to understand how many people in China actually agree with what the government is doing.
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