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No withdrawal of Chinese troops from Ladakh border: Army Chief

Every day Indian military leaders are complaining and moaning about China. Signs of desperation.
I don't think the Chinese are going to reduce troops from that front any time soon. The Asia-Pacific area is a chest board, you want the pieces to be properly positioned when needed.
India baiters have been trying to paint a picture of despair, claiming things like shortage of clothes, food, weapons, lack of cold adaptability of Indian troops in Ladakh.
It sounds good to those who want to believe it and these elements become mighty happy.
Indian defence forces have been on Siachen for more than 40 years now. It knows what cold can do. Siachen definitely was a steep learning curve and there were a lot of casualties because of cold. But now India knows the terrain and knows the elements.

Propaganda wars by adversaries can continue. The troops are well entrenched and prepared for long haul. If anything, first winter would be the hardest and things will keep getting better from here onwards.

I also see a lot of people very happy saying that China has stretched the Indian Defence forces. Again a far fetched theory.
Though, I do thank China for triggering India into action and wake it up from slumber regarding modernising it’s defence forces. The thrust on modernisation and acquisition of new weapons wouldn’t have probably picked up the way it has picked up now.

In this entire melee Pakistan would realise that it is not a win- win game for it. In spite of claims by many observers. Whatever weapons India is acquiring with China in perspective would far outmatch anything that Pakistan has.

Meanwhile let’s see how China stretches itself from US to Taiwan to Japan to India.

And just add Australia to it too.
As I said in another thread, I've made a mistake, and I've owned up to it, unlike some of your buddies who are denigrading your own "bravehearts" by calling them African or Pakistanis actors.
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