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No withdrawal of Chinese troops from Ladakh border: Army Chief


Sep 26, 2018
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Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.

There has been no withdrawal of Chinese troops from the Ladakh frontier and the ground situation remains the same, said Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday, stating that reports of Chinese soldiers' movement from depth areas has no relation to the deployment on the Line of Actual Control.

Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.

He also said that the current conflict situation along the LAC in Ladakh remains the same and the Indian Army is keeping a strict vigil and the soldiers are in a state of high alert on the Indian side of the de facto border.

"Today's situation in Ladakh is the same. As far as the (Chinese soldiers') withdrawal is concerned, every summer, they come to the Tibetan Plateau for training and return especially as winter sets in. These are traditional training areas from where they go back. We should not read too much into these, whether they are present or absent or go back from these areas. This is nothing new," Naravane said at his annual press conference here.

"These areas are well off in the depth areas anywhere between 500 to 1,500 kms away from the border. All the same, we keep an eye on them, as these are the forces that could be mobilised and reach the borders in 24 hours to 48 hours so there is a necessity to keep a watch in all the deployments in the Tibetan Plateau."

He also made it a point to clarify that there has been no decrease in troop strength along with the eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation areas along the Line of Actual Control, either on the Chinese side or on the Indian side.

"We need not give too much significance on these comings and goings. What is more important is border areas where eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation is there in all the various friction areas. There has been no reduction of troops in these particular areas. That is where we have to be more concerned and alert."

Naravane said in May 2020, the Chinese PLA had the first-mover advantage. But in August 2020, India turned the tables when India had the first-mover advantage on the southern banks of Pangong Tso, where Indian soldiers occupied key heights bang on the Indian perceived LAC.

I think that People Republic of China - Military Headquarters are really considering about the Proposal of 10 Years Criteria.

People Republic of China - Military Headquarters Ambitious Space Mission Programme can suffer damages by being stubborn against Deen.
Happiness is short-lived for our Indian friends, unfortunately.

Happiness comes from Peace of Heart & Mind !!! Hinduvadis are Happy with the Decades of Hard Work for the Real Big Mission !!!
I think that People Republic of China - Military Headquarters are really considering about the Proposal of 10 Years Criteria.

People Republic of China - Military Headquarters Ambitious Space Mission Programme can suffer damages by being stubborn against Deen.

Happiness comes from Peace of Heart & Mind !!! Hinduvadis are Happy with the Decades of Hard Work for the Real Big Mission !!!
Yes, Hinduvadis can be happy that they have lost 20000 Sq Km of territory and are destined to lose more of what doesn't belong to them.
Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.

Sahab is aware about the Chinese Military Tactics very well !!! Hope Sensible Brains are sitting out there !!!

There has been no withdrawal of Chinese troops from the Ladakh frontier and the ground situation remains the same, said Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday, stating that reports of Chinese soldiers' movement from depth areas has no relation to the deployment on the Line of Actual Control.

Have Heard more Advance LMG's are being Produced by Azad Hind Fauj !!!

Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.

Chinese Military is having full issues because of the Mud Slides !!! Roads Conditions are also not so much good because Technology Matters there along with the Raw Material for Chinese Military !!! Air Drops is the option which the Chinese Military is working with Rus Federation !!!

He also said that the current conflict situation along the LAC in Ladakh remains the same and the Indian Army is keeping a strict vigil and the soldiers are in a state of high alert on the Indian side of the de facto border.

Indian Armed Forces are aware about the Chinese Military Preparations !!! Pattern is always the same !!! Quantity over Quality !!!

"Today's situation in Ladakh is the same. As far as the (Chinese soldiers') withdrawal is concerned, every summer, they come to the Tibetan Plateau for training and return especially as winter sets in. These are traditional training areas from where they go back. We should not read too much into these, whether they are present or absent or go back from these areas. This is nothing new," Naravane said at his annual press conference here.

Chagatai use to trained more than compare todays Chinese Military !!! Well Chagatai Warrior Clans are back Sayyidi & Raghu Vamshi !!! Allah Hu Akbar !!!

"These areas are well off in the depth areas anywhere between 500 to 1,500 kms away from the border. All the same, we keep an eye on them, as these are the forces that could be mobilised and reach the borders in 24 hours to 48 hours so there is a necessity to keep a watch in all the deployments in the Tibetan Plateau."

Can be lesser time Sahab !!! Air Drop for 10,000 Chinese Troopers can take just 3 to 4 Hours !!!

He also made it a point to clarify that there has been no decrease in troop strength along with the eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation areas along the Line of Actual Control, either on the Chinese side or on the Indian side.

Chinese Military can bank on first 8 Hours attacks on Hindustan Frontlines !!! Rudra's can fix that !!!
Chinese Military is increasing the Number of Attack Helicopters around Lhasa !!!

"We need not give too much significance on these comings and goings. What is more important is border areas where eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation is there in all the various friction areas. There has been no reduction of troops in these particular areas. That is where we have to be more concerned and alert."

Reports of Troopers coming from Cambodia & Laos & Korea's in that Sector seems true also !!!

Mubarak Sahab for the Induction of more Rayala Squadrons !!! Allah Hu Akbar !!!

Naravane said in May 2020, the Chinese PLA had the first-mover advantage. But in August 2020, India turned the tables when India had the first-mover advantage on the southern banks of Pangong Tso, where Indian soldiers occupied key heights bang on the Indian perceived LAC.

Show of Bravery by the Azad Hind Fauj is indeed a blessing !!! Allah Hu Akbar !!!
Yes, Hinduvadis can be happy that they have lost 20000 Sq Km of territory and are destined to lose more of what doesn't belong to them.

I Have read that is around 57,000 Sq Kms !!! So much work for Hindu Division !!!
@siegecrossbow Their media has become such a disgrace that Indian army routinely has to come up with clarification. These media houses allegedly have informers/sources on the ground who fed them such reports for chest thumping and Modi Bhakts go into overdrive thinking Chinese are some walkover.
@siegecrossbow Their media has become such a disgrace that Indian army routinely has to come up with clarification. These media houses allegedly have informers/sources on the ground who fed them such reports for chest thumping and Modi Bhakts go into overdrive thinking Chinese are some walkover.
their media is like: fight Chinese!
their army: no! I don't want to die!
The fake news syndrome that India is suffering from is damaging Indian state credibility which is already all time low.

But then honesty, integrity, tolerance, diversity, inclusion, reality, truth are unheard things in India.
@siegecrossbow Their media has become such a disgrace that Indian army routinely has to come up with clarification. These media houses allegedly have informers/sources on the ground who fed them such reports for chest thumping and Modi Bhakts go into overdrive thinking Chinese are some walkover.

Indian Armed Forces do have a very open way to sort out the issues; from Food, Clothing till holding the Liberated Areas !!! Tiranga Flag Pole !!!
their media is like: fight Chinese!
their army: no! I don't want to die!

Correction !!!

Ancient Civilisation !!! Swargam & Jannah are being still promised by Indian Armed Forces - Higher Officials !!! Traditionalists Formations !!!
The fake news syndrome that India is suffering from is damaging Indian state credibility which is already all time low.

Credibility has been already accepted by the Chinese Military Formations !!!

But then honesty, integrity, tolerance, diversity, inclusion, reality, truth are unheard things in India.

Come on Man, This is A known Fact that Indian Armed Forces are fighting to Liberation Hindu Rashtra Territory !!!
Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.
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There has been no withdrawal of Chinese troops from the Ladakh frontier and the ground situation remains the same, said Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday, stating that reports of Chinese soldiers' movement from depth areas has no relation to the deployment on the Line of Actual Control.

Dismissing reports that 10,000 Chinese soldiers have been redeployed, General Naravane said too much should not be read into either their presence or their going back, as these locations are between 500 to 1,500 km deep inside Chinese territory.

He also said that the current conflict situation along the LAC in Ladakh remains the same and the Indian Army is keeping a strict vigil and the soldiers are in a state of high alert on the Indian side of the de facto border.

"Today's situation in Ladakh is the same. As far as the (Chinese soldiers') withdrawal is concerned, every summer, they come to the Tibetan Plateau for training and return especially as winter sets in. These are traditional training areas from where they go back. We should not read too much into these, whether they are present or absent or go back from these areas. This is nothing new," Naravane said at his annual press conference here.

"These areas are well off in the depth areas anywhere between 500 to 1,500 kms away from the border. All the same, we keep an eye on them, as these are the forces that could be mobilised and reach the borders in 24 hours to 48 hours so there is a necessity to keep a watch in all the deployments in the Tibetan Plateau."

He also made it a point to clarify that there has been no decrease in troop strength along with the eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation areas along the Line of Actual Control, either on the Chinese side or on the Indian side.

"We need not give too much significance on these comings and goings. What is more important is border areas where eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation is there in all the various friction areas. There has been no reduction of troops in these particular areas. That is where we have to be more concerned and alert."

Naravane said in May 2020, the Chinese PLA had the first-mover advantage. But in August 2020, India turned the tables when India had the first-mover advantage on the southern banks of Pangong Tso, where Indian soldiers occupied key heights bang on the Indian perceived LAC.

Didn't this guy say back in October 2020 that China has vacated the Ladakh frontier?.............he either doesn't know what he is talking about or can't make up his own mind........... :disagree:
Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane said on Friday that Chinese aggression is a "conspiracy to change status quo" and stressed that the sacrifices of those killed in Galwan won't go to waste.

Speaking at an event marking Army Day here, General Naravane referring to the Chinese standoff in Ladakh also said: "Nobody can test our patience."

"Regarding conspiracy to unilaterally change status quo on borders, a befitting reply was given. I want to assure the country that sacrifice of bravehearts of Galwan would not go waste," he said about the ongoing tension with China on northern borders.

He also said that no can change sovereignty of territorial integrity of the country.

"Our forces morale is very high and we are ready for any eventuality," the Army chief added.

He also mentioned that eight rounds of talks between top military commanders have taken place and that India is looking for a resolution through dialogue.

The India and China standoff has now entered its ninth month as both sides continue with heavy deployment of troops, artillery guns, tanks and armoured vehicles in close proximity.

Tensions started with skirmishes in Pangong Lake in May 2020 when troops came to blows on more than one occasion leaving many injured on both sides.

On June 15, 2020, in an ugly clash in another area called the Galwan Valley, 20 Indian soldiers died, while the Chinese never made their casualty public.

The deadlock in Ladakh continues as there has been no progress in finding a solution despite eight rounds of Corps Commander level talks, the highest level of military dialogue.

Recognising the valour of those killed in action the Army Chief said: "We will always remember those who have sacrificed their lives. We want to tell their families we will always stand by them."

Referring to Pakistan-sponsored terror, he said 300-400 terrorists are ready in launchpads across the Line of Control (LoC) to infiltrate.

He also said there has been a 40 per cent increase in ceasefire violations by Pakistan at the LoC.

In anti-terror operations, security forces have killed more than 200 terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.

I remember India prepared ammunition for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks now.

India was caught unprepared, unprofessional, don't blame opportunist, blame India own incompetency.

Lame duck is lame duck. Jai Hind.
I remember India prepared ammunition for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks now.

India was caught unprepared, unprofessional, don't blame opportunist, blame India own incompetency.

Lame duck is lame duck.
Totally agree with your comment.
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