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'No uranium to India' - Australia

'Uranium not needed for 2030'

ALLAHABAD: The nuclear treaty was needed because the uranium deposits in the country would not last beyond 2020, but now we would have many new nuclear reactors, by the cooperation of the French and Russian. This will increase the nuclear power generation by over 10 times as compared to the present level, said Prof JP Mittal from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai.

Prof Mittal was a visit to the Allahabad University on Saturday. He was the chief guest in a seminar organised by the chemistry department.

Speaking to TOI, he said, "After 2030 India would not need any uranium as the nuclear fuel as by then it would be able to use thorium as the nuclear fuel, research for which is being carried on for the past 25 years. The deal would help the country bridge the gap of uranium, needed for nuclear power generation after 2020." He added that since India has the biggest Thorium deposits in the black sands of Kerala coast, we would become self-reliant in producing nuclear power.

How could you match the GDP growth, as predicted by the government, without having the needed power and if the country goes with thermal energy, it will again result in increasing the carbon emission, Prof Mittal said.

About the recent controversy regarding the Jaitapur nuclear power project in Maharashtra, Prof Mittal said nuclear power plants are located at least 200 miles away from the coal mines and the potential areas are not just picked up randomly. There is a site selection committee which suggests names of a place after taking into account various factors like flora and fauna, number of people that would be displaced, etc. The same was done in terms of Jaitapur, which is a new proposed 9900 MW power project of Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) at Madban village of Ratnagiri district where six nuclear reactors would come up with the help of France. It will be the largest nuclear power generating station in the world by net electrical power rating once completed, he added.

Read more: 'Uranium not needed for 2030' - The Times of India 'Uranium not needed for 2030' - The Times of India
Gillard's push for uranium sales to India

THE Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, has set the scene for a brawl at the ALP national conference by calling on the party to reverse its policy and allow uranium exports to India.
Calling for a policy change that is likely to be adopted, Ms Gillard says it is time for Labor to broaden its platform and ''strengthen our connection with dynamic, democratic India''. Labor has long resisted selling uranium to India, which has nuclear weapons and nuclear power, because it refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, a prerequisite Labor policy puts on uranium sales.


The opposition has been demanding for years that the government change policy so Australia can tap into the lucrative and growing Indian market and the Indians have also been applying pressure.
In a column in the Herald today, Ms Gillard says uranium sent to India would have to be accompanied by guarantees it not be used for weapons.
''We must, of course, expect of India the same standards we do of all countries for uranium export - strict adherence to International Atomic Energy Agency arrangements and strong bilateral and transparency measures which will provide assurances our uranium will be used only for peaceful purposes.''
Her call is likely to meet fierce resistance from the Left at the conference next month and Ms Gillard says there should be an argument. ''I'm looking forward to some noise being made,'' she said.
The policy change would signal another shift in Labor's uranium policy. In 2007, it ditched its no new mines policy.
Ms Gillard will try today to placate the Left by also supporting a change in policy to allow a conscience vote on gay marriage. The Left wants full legalisation of gay marriage.
The Foreign Affairs Minister, Kevin Rudd, was in India yesterday and is understood to have conveyed Ms Gillard's position on uranium to the Indian government. She says it does not make sense to sell uranium to China, Japan and the US but not India.
She badges the policy about-face as an economic and environmental measure. Australia is the world's third largest uranium exporter. It contributes a relatively small $750 million to the economy but creates 4200 jobs. Ms Gillard will argue that nuclear power is a cleaner source of energy for the rapidly developing India.
''[We] must be prepared to confront difficult questions about maximising prosperity and the strength of our relationships in our region of the world''.
At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, where Indian officials and businessmen were lobbying behind the scenes, Mr Rudd said India did not need Australian uranium. ''There is no problem in terms of global supply. Let's just be very, very blunt about this,'' he said.
''If you hear an argument from an Indian business person that the future of the nuclear industry in India depends exclusively on access to uranium, that is simply not sustainable as a proposition. Have a look at the data.''
But sources close to Mr Rudd say he has privately supported the policy change for some time.
The Premier, Barry O'Farrell, now in Mumbai leading a 30-strong business delegation and unaware of Ms Gillard's call, lashed out at the Commonwealth's ban on uranium sales to India, describing it as "stupid".
"I believe that when the new government is elected in Australia, the ban will be lifted, though I want the existing government to make the change," Mr O'Farrell told India's newspaper Business Standard.

Gillard's push for uranium sales to India
We should reduce all bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements with Australia. Why should we sign NPT because they want us to? We will sign it if and when it suits us. Let them sit on their Uranium, we will get ours elsewhere.

Yes India is the super power and Australia will not survive..they will be begging on your door step next day to buy their uranium..some thinking that is :azn:
So funny......then please explain why India keeps begging Australia for Uranium when she has "good thorium reserves" ????

india keeps begging???? read that article again dude....the pressure to supply uranium to india has came from within australia itself...come out of delusion......
AUSTRALIA will not sell uranium to India until it signs a nuclear non-proliferation treaty and completes a safeguards agreement, Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says.
So what's new? The A$$es...errr...I mean the Aussies have been saying this since the age of the dinosaurs!

We should reduce all bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements with Australia. Why should we sign NPT because they want us to? We will sign it if and when it suits us. Let them sit on their Uranium, we will get ours elsewhere.

That's not the way diplomacy works, we should let them have considerable stake in the Indian market, after that we can put pressure on their government to clear the Uranium deal.
Yes India is the super power and Australia will not survive..they will be begging on your door step next day to buy their uranium..some thinking that is :azn:
Use the term begging carefully.You never know what it may turn out to be.After all,we dont need bailouts from IMF every other month.But we have a pretty good idea about who does.:rofl:
That's not the way diplomacy works, we should let them have considerable stake in the Indian market, after that we can put pressure on their government to clear the Uranium deal.

Not going to happen because of the International Nuclear Watch Dog.

If Australia sells Uranium to India without India signing the NPT then many other countries will start breaking laws as well. The world is already NOT HAPPY with USA's double standard when she gave State of the Art Nuke Technology to India but yet suppressed Pakistan and many other countries from receiving the same stuff.
Lots of Laugh.
we will let you laugh..go on and more-over ..i guess it was US pressure under which Australia denied us and now USA is directly selling us the Uranium...its Australia's loss ...that bozo Guilard..if she could have understood.
Julia Guillard knows that if she doesn't, Tony Abbott will sell uranium for sure, as he has said already. So no point upsetting the Indian lobby.

She is going to loose the next elections either case though.

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