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'No uranium to India' - Australia


Jan 22, 2011
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No to Indian uranium sales
Katharine Murphy
February 11, 2011

AUSTRALIA will not sell uranium to India until it signs a nuclear non-proliferation treaty and completes a safeguards agreement, Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says.

Mr Ferguson declined to comment on the contents of a leaked diplomatic cable, revealed in The Age yesterday, suggesting Australia was planning to sell yellowcake to India within the next three to five years in contrast to the official stance, which is to ban sales until India signs the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

''We will only supply uranium to countries that are signatories to the NPT and have signed a bilateral agreement with Australia,'' said Mr Ferguson, who is a strong supporter of expanding uranium mining and exports.
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In the last year of the Howard government, preliminary steps were taken to export uranium to India despite the fact it was outside the nuclear treaty. While some in the then newly elected Rudd government also privately supported the idea of selling uranium to India, Labor shut down the Howard process while it took steps to reform the international nuclear regime.

Uranium and nuclear power remains a thorny issue with Labor's rank and file, but developing both industries has support in influential quarters of the party.

A senior Indian government official told The Age this month that India was dismayed by Australia's continued refusal to sell it uranium.

''This decision of the Australian government not to sell uranium to our country, it does not make us happy, I will be frank.

''We were surprised, because Australia was very supportive of us during the NPT waiver talks. But we are dealing with the realities as they are.''

Source: The Age
great decision.. we will buy elsewhere.. wall-mart perhaps..

Or we will speed up thorium technology.. there is plenty here.
India's Kakrapar-1 reactor is the world's first reactor which uses thorium rather than depleted uranium to achieve power flattening across the reactor core.[27] India, which has about 25% of the world's thorium reserves, is developing a 300 MW prototype of a thorium-based Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR). The prototype is expected to be fully operational by 2011, following which five more reactors will be constructed.[28] Considered to be a global leader in thorium-based fuel, India's new thorium reactor is a fast-breeder reactor and uses a plutonium core rather than an accelerator to produce neutrons. As accelerator-based systems can operate at sub-criticality they could be developed too, but that would require more research.[29] India currently envisages meeting 30% of its electricity demand through thorium-based reactors by 2050.
According to Australian science writer Tim Dean, "thorium promises what uranium never delivered: abundant, safe and clean energy - and a way to burn up old radioactive waste."

we have big reserves of thorium. we can multiply them using fast breeder reactors.

Thorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First if all, with the number of deals we've signed we don't need to go begging to Australia for Uranium for a hundred years. Agreed the price may be higher..
And as some members stated above.. We are working on thorium reactors. Pretty soon we wont be dependent on anyone for nuclear fuel.
Nothing to worry,
when our Thorium reactor gets operational,we would use our thorium,we have the 3rd largest thorium reserve ...
Then we will say bye to Uranium and
Uranium and plutonium will be used for our weapons...
First if all, with the number of deals we've signed we don't need to go begging to Australia for Uranium for a hundred years. Agreed the price may be higher..
And as some members stated above.. We are working on thorium reactors. Pretty soon we wont be dependent on anyone for nuclear fuel.

This is actually a big deal. Australia has the number one Uranium reserve in the world. In fact it has more than 2nd place + 3rd + 4th combined.

Australia 1,673,000
Kazakhstan 651,000
Canada 485,000

And Australia really hasn't even touched their reserves until recently.
Australia's loss --- Canada, Namibia,Kazakstan,Mongolia,Malawi etc get the gain

And we get the Uranium. Business as usual.
We should reduce all bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements with Australia. Why should we sign NPT because they want us to? We will sign it if and when it suits us. Let them sit on their Uranium, we will get ours elsewhere.
i don't think india is losing sleep over this. It's Australia which is making this kinda statements time & again to gain India's attention. c'mon..why would all this foreign govts sign deals worth billions of $s if they weren't sure where the raw materials going to come from??
We should reduce all bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements with Australia. Why should we sign NPT because they want us to? We will sign it if and when it suits us. Let them sit on their Uranium, we will get ours elsewhere.

Why make a big deal out of this if you didn't care?
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