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No, the UN Did Not Report China Has ‘Massive Internment Camps’ for Uighur Muslims

As long as fake news are encountered, with the same weight and ferocity, by real news and successful dissemination, these fake news are not to be criticized, in my opinion.

The enemy having a wrong and extremely skewed understanding of us is a better thing than them understanding us well.

What China needs is NOT to have the world's best fact checking apparatus to debunk these stories. It can be done leisurely, but, what is the most important is to have an equally powerful news disseminating apparatus.

Telling our story effectively the way we like to shape them is better than actively encountering what has been produced elsewhere.

China should never play to the tunes of their dancing. But, create its own discourse.

That's why, I believe, you do not see much of attention on China's media (domestic and international) toward those fake news, including the terrible lie of internment camps. I guess China is getting the gist of effective information making and dissemination: Ignore them and tell the world your own story in your own way.

The Soviets were too much concerned with the Western propaganda and they failed to generate their own international brand of news making.

Besides, US slide to neo-fascism (which is always fed with heavy propaganda based on dehumanization of others) should be encouraged, not criticized.

Instead of countering internment camps story, generate stories about the US social problems, agitate their social ills and points of fracture, mock and ridicule in a smart way. Pretend their own brand of explanation and justification never existed. Just stick with your own story and repeat.

For example, show that, a regular US public school is actually a more of an internment camp (with all the heavy security, chances for a shoot-out, and indoctrination) than a regular Mainland police station.
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My sister is law is a South Korean. No need for me to hate S. Koreans. My brother met her in Taiwan and she's fluent in Chinese.
The thing is, I don't know why the S koreans hate Chinese. I don't get it. I understand why you guys hate Japanese and vice versa.
Exactly, this guy @AlohanAkua, maybe his last PLASTIC SURGERY gone wrong.
His brain need checking for AGENT ORANGE infection.
I said it was not wise to hate fellow Asians, South Korea.
That's not a wise move.
Asians must not fight each other and let evil divide and conquer schemes by foreign devils succeed.
Exactly, this guy @AlohanAkua, maybe his last PLASTIC SURGERY gone wrong.
His brain need checking for AGENT ORANGE infection.
I said it was not wise to hate fellow Asians, South Korea.

Asians must not fight each other and let evil divide and conquer schemes by foreign devils succeed.
If they all think like you the world would be a better place. :D
Exactly, this guy @AlohanAkua, maybe his last PLASTIC SURGERY gone wrong.
His brain need checking for AGENT ORANGE infection.
I said it was not wise to hate fellow Asians, South Korea.

Asians must not fight each other and let evil divide and conquer schemes by foreign devils succeed.

That's only your beautiful dream. As long as China, Japan and Korea can't get along well with each other, Saudi and Iran have conflicts, China and India can't solve territory problem, India and Pakistan can't solve the territory disputes, Asians will always fight each other.
That's only your beautiful dream. As long as China, Japan and Korea can't get along well with each other, Saudi and Iran have conflicts, China and India can't solve territory problem, India and Pakistan can't solve the territory disputes, Asians will always fight each other.
Its unfortunate but true, it won't be easy.
The Europeans were able to cooperate after WW1, I am sure the Asians can do it as well.
Asia was relatively peaceful before the colonizers came knocking.
To enjoy Asian peaceful cooperation, sans Japanese pirates(Wokou), like it was in the past, China need to assume its pre-eminent position again.
My sister is law is a South Korean. No need for me to hate S. Koreans. My brother met her in Taiwan and she's fluent in Chinese.
The thing is, I don't know why the S koreans hate Chinese. I don't get it. I understand why you guys hate Japanese and vice versa.
I had a good friend that is a S.Korean, he once told me that the reasons why S.Korea dislike China. One of the reasons is the past history of invasions that we were like a bully to them, just like how the Vietnamese feel about us now. Other reasons could be the sense of superiority for some of them, since the S.Korean were doing better economically, espcially in the early 2000s while the Chinese at that time were still relatively poor. Also the Korean war where they put the blame on us since we helped the N.Korea. However, Japanese is the one they hate the most. I would say on personal level Korean do not hate the Chinese once we get to know each other.
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My sister is law is a South Korean. No need for me to hate S. Koreans. My brother met her in Taiwan and she's fluent in Chinese.
The thing is, I don't know why the S koreans hate Chinese. I don't get it. I understand why you guys hate Japanese and vice versa.

Which S Koreans are you referring to? Those internet trolls I mentioned? They hate everything, and if they can't find a good reason they'll make one up. I've been trying to tell you, S Koreans don't hate China en masse, but you keep insisting they do, so who are these guys you've been talking to? (pls don't say your sister-in-law...)@UserUnknown2025, it seems at least a few of these guys are really serious about this being all S Koreans, cuz yeah they got the pulse of 50 million ppl.

I had a good friend that is a S.Korean, he once told me that the reasons why S.Korea dislike China. One of the reasons is the past history of invasions that we were like a bully to them, just like how the Vietnamese feel about us now. Other reasons could be the sense of superiority for some of them, since the S.Korean were doing better economically, espcially in the early 2000s while the Chinese at that time were still relatively poor. Also the Korean war where they put the blame on us since we helped the N.Korea. However, Japanese is the one they hate the most. I would say on personal level Korean do not hate the Chinese once we get to know each other.

In terms of wariness and historical resentment, not hate, this isn't wrong. There was also an eye-opening moment during the THAAD episode. Up to that pt, S Koreans were for the most part quite optimistic about the future w/ China, and there was actually a shift away from the US and towards China; the kind of pan-Asian partnership you guys are espousing.

Then THAAD happened, China saw this as US aggression, and took it out on S Korea. When S Koreans saw the moves China made, they reassessed just how reliable China was; whether China was stable or fickle. They began to see the US as not so bad after all, certainly less spiteful. It's also why recently S Korea has been making a shift towards India, for less reliance on the Chinese market: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...ateral-trade-by-2030/articleshow/64942396.cms

"Liking" each other is a 2-way street, where both parties try not to hurt the other, they act reasonably and openly. What reasons has the Chinese govt given for the S Korean govt to trust & rely on it, as a good Asian partner? This isn't rhetorical, I'm genuinely asking.

As to individuals, @bbccdd1470 got it exactly right, the ppl don't hate each other @rott. In fact, especially among young ppl, even Koreans & Japanese don't hate each other in person; shoot, more than 20,000 ppl travel between the 2 countries everyday. Ppl have to stop generalizing, painting entire national populations w/ a single broad brush.

Edit: P.S. @rott Why would you use a racial epithet about a family member?
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Then THAAD happened, China saw this as US aggression, and took it out on S Korea. When S Koreans saw the moves China made, they reassessed just how reliable China was; whether China was stable or fickle.
I'm guessing this is more like a warning move, since China has many ways to counter the THAAD. In fact, China will never be tolerated of the USA placeing THAAD around its border due to securtiy concern, and if China let this time go without any retaliation, other country around China may follow the same step. I always think the USA won this round, since the retaliation has definitely hurt both China and S.Korea economically and as you said it forced the S.Korean reconsider the relationship between both countries. It was also why ex-President Park of S.Korea hesitated to allow the stallation of the THAAD, since nothing good would come out of it. No to mention, the THADD is never meant to protect S.Korea away from N.Korea but USA and Japan. Both China and S.korea are the losers in this case.
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I had a good friend that is a S.Korean, he once told me that the reasons why S.Korea dislike China. One of the reasons is the past history of invasions that we were like a bully to them, just like how the Vietnamese feel about us now. Other reasons could be the sense of superiority for some of them, since the S.Korean were doing better economically, espcially in the early 2000s while the Chinese at that time were still relatively poor. Also the Korean war where they put the blame on us since we helped the N.Korea. However, Japanese is the one they hate the most. I would say on personal level Korean do not hate the Chinese once we get to know each other.

I met a South Korean student in a Mainland China university where I did a one-month guest lecturing. One day the student came to me and asked me if I could talk to the school officials (housing) because they asked him to move out to the international student dorms. Like in Taiwan, Mainland China, too, has separate dorms for foreigners and locals. The student was staying (illegally) in domestic student's dorms.

I asked him why do you not want to stay in the international student's dorms, he told me (fluent in Mandarin), "Because I am not an international student."

Obviously, with domestic students, he felt more at home, more sharing a similar culture, pattens of behavior and social etiquette.

I referred him to the school vice-Dean. Hopefully, he managed to relocate back to the place he felt he belonged to. Otherwise, he was considering to move outside campus.
Which S Koreans are you referring to? Those internet trolls I mentioned? They hate everything, and if they can't find a good reason they'll make one up. I've been trying to tell you, S Koreans don't hate China en masse, but you keep insisting they do, so who are these guys you've been talking to? (pls don't say your sister-in-law...)@UserUnknown2025, it seems at least a few of these guys are really serious about this being all S Koreans, cuz yeah they got the pulse of 50 million ppl.

In terms of wariness and historical resentment, not hate, this isn't wrong. There was also an eye-opening moment during the THAAD episode. Up to that pt, S Koreans were for the most part quite optimistic about the future w/ China, and there was actually a shift away from the US and towards China; the kind of pan-Asian partnership you guys are espousing.

Then THAAD happened, China saw this as US aggression, and took it out on S Korea. When S Koreans saw the moves China made, they reassessed just how reliable China was; whether China was stable or fickle. They began to see the US as not so bad after all, certainly less spiteful. It's also why recently S Korea has been making a shift towards India, for less reliance on the Chinese market: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...ateral-trade-by-2030/articleshow/64942396.cms

"Liking" each other is a 2-way street, where both parties try not to hurt the other, they act reasonably and openly. What reasons has the Chinese govt given for the S Korean govt to trust & rely on it, as a good Asian partner? This isn't rhetorical, I'm genuinely asking.

As to individuals, @bbccdd1470 got it exactly right, the ppl don't hate each other @rott. In fact, especially among young ppl, even Koreans & Japanese don't hate each other in person; shoot, more than 20,000 ppl travel between the 2 countries everyday. Ppl have to stop generalizing, painting entire national populations w/ a single broad brush.

Edit: P.S. @rott Why would you use a racial epithet about a family member?
You are right. I've managed to track an IP on YouTube. Guess where it's coming from? India! Indian with a fake Korean name.
That's how low they can get.

Also, my sis in law is very sweet. Nothing to do with her.
You are right. I've managed to track an IP on YouTube. Guess where it's coming from? India! Indian with a fake Korean name.
That's how low they can get.

Also, my sis in law is very sweet. Nothing to do with her.
How do you track a IP? I saw many nasty comments from AFC football channel and there are particular members will always spread hate in the comment section, few also have Korean name where even other Korean users have to ask them stop making bad name on their country. And your post now makes me wonder the true identity of those members.
I appreciate you guys trying to see where I'm coming from :)
How do you track a IP? I saw many nasty comments from AFC football channel and there are particular members will always spread hate in the comment section, few also have Korean name where even other Korean users have to ask them stop making bad name on their country. And your post now makes me wonder the true identity of those members.
Sebd me a Pvt message. I'll tell you about it.
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