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'No smoking, no shaving': Taliban restore old rules in newly seized Afghan territory

this is religion not science we are talking about

Sure, and I speak of Islam being a socialistic, rational religion at the time it came about.

Please read this thread of mine written by an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law because that better secured her socio-economic future in case of divorce. That is social and economic science. Western countries adopted this marriage law :
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955.
Please do read the OP and the discussion in full.

And this is from another thread of mine from 2016 :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.
Again, social and economic science.
Situation Normal, All Fouled UP.

That "No smoking" thing is just decoration. The rest of the things : no shaving, women to not go out, women must compulsorily wear the burqa, women should not work etc are the real deal.

Of course NATO is leaving the country in the hands of those they themselves created.

Your heroes, eh @Areesh ?

@Zarvan ?
As biden pointed out afghans cant agree on words afghans country afghanistan

They dont want to be called afghans and instead want pakistan lands..

How can a country exist with such mind set

Had govt accepted friend ship with pakistan accept durand line without fuss and pave intra afghan harmony rather then ethnic favours you would have seen a differernt outcomes

It sad but seems only talis can keep the afghans at peace and together
As biden pointed out afghans cant agree on words afghans country afghanistan

They dont want to be called afghans and instead want pakistan lands..

How can a country exist with such mind set


Had govt accepted friend ship with pakistan accept durand line without fuss and pave intra afghan harmony rather then ethnic favours you would have seen a differernt outcomes

From my minimal understanding of the Durand Line dispute it seems to be a small version of the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan.

It sad but seems only talis can keep the afghans at peace and together

But what kind of peace will be that ? No basic human rights.

My personal wish is for Afghanistan to go back to the 1980s but without the Western / Chinese / "Mujahideen" involvement.
They have a soft corner for TTP its obvious

if its such a good thing why didn't Pakistanies let TTP apply it all over the country?

Because Pakistan has power to fight TTP. Who has stopped ANA to fight Afghan Taliban?

If you have issues with that then you are welcome to cross border and go fight taliban in Afghanistan
Are you this delusional or oblivious to ground reality of Afghanistan? What do you think Taliban rule brings?
Here's an iconic reminder.

View attachment 762505

Please go watch videos on Life under Taliban Rule so you can see clearly, by video evidence life under Taliban control. There are a bunch in between the time frame of two years.

Women are not getting equivalent education. When asked about human rights, they always deflect that they will provide the human rights in light of the Islamic law. What does this mean? They never elaborate, but one can see what they mean when they visit their areas.

Not our problem

Our problem is BLA won't get refuge in Aino Mena society next time

Taliban can throw Afghan women in the Kabul river. We don't care. It is as simple as that

Yes because it isn't like we have Taliban-controlled areas to see what rules they're enforcing, or numerous interviews with Taliban commanders and leaders to know what their "government" will be like.

For a bunch of people who boast about Taliban holding 80% of the territory and having better representation, you guys sure do know how to cover your ears and eyes when it comes to the cold facts and suddenly talk about "dust settling."

I may have not made my point clear.

Yes, I do think there is an element of the fog of war and heavy propaganda going on. I have personally seen interviews of Taliban leaders saying they have learnt from their experiences and hope to improve their governmence. I am not going to pretend I know what they consider to be improvement though.

However, the main point I was trying to make regarding letting the dust settle is not just about propaganda.

My point is that the people in charge of the Taliban are the military commanders who have been actively waging war for the majority of their lives. These people have a very different mentality to what a person who is more politically minded would.

Once the Taliban have come to power and you see some time pass things may change. Remember, even last time the Taliban, in addition to being inexperienced as a group, were also at war. They hadn't mamaged to fully conquere the country and thus hadn't fully transitioned.

I am hoping to see change once there is peace and a more political leadership starts to emerge. I also think change would start to come once they start dealing with the rest of the world for trade and such.
We need to seal the border before these people spill over onto our side.

Perhaps when Bajwa sahab is done giving clean chits to the Sharifs he can divert his attention to this matter of national importance.
women to not go out

Without a male companion.
women must compulsorily wear the burqa

If "no burqa allowed" can be a rule in western countries which otherwise may warrant heavy fines, jail time and even expulsion from job and college/uni ?

than why there can't be a rule saying "must wear burqa" in Afghanistan.???
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Its funny when france imposes Burqa ban then liberals are like "Their country, their rules" completely ignoring the freedom of choice.

Now the same liberals want to play by "Their country, our rules" philosophy when it comes to Taliban. Though this news could just be pure trash but i am just assuming this to be true.

You have to draw a line somewhere for me everywhere it should be "Their country, their rules"
Dhoomar paan shareer k ley haanikarak hai

Itna chosht Hindi mai kabhi nahi suna....Marhaba!

What do I do with my Hooqah then?

And are the Taliban now more Islamic than Arabs themselves, who smoke Hooqah...?
This article is Western propaganda. They claimed Saddam had WMD's. Are people so stupid?

Taliban have denied these accusations

Itna chosht Hindi mai kabhi nahi suna....Marhaba!

What do I do with my Hooqah then?

And are the Taliban now more Islamic than Arabs themselves, who smoke Hooqah...?

Shrimaan chinta ka vishay yeh hai k yadii is soochna m agr thori c b sachai hai to is parashan ka uttar kahi yeh to nahi k talib Deen ki arrd m apni sanskriti laago krna chahty hain ? @jamahir
you have a weird definition of winning

Stop wasting bandwidth
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