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No Relief to Pakistan on Dispute Over Indian Power Plant on Cross-Border River

Who's economy? Not Pakistani for sure. You hardly manufacture anything. And about Chinese, again, you don't have enough funds to effect Chinese economy by weapons purchase.

You think China would Stop Pakistan?

In Kishanganga dam security, more than Pakistan shelling, sabotage a concern

Published May 23, 2018 | By admin


In November 2016, as India-Pakistan tensions escalated in the weeks after the attack in Uri and India’s much publicised strike-back, workers at the Kishanganga Hydel Electricity Project in Gurez in North Kashmir experienced for the the first time the dangers of the Line of Control. In all, 18 shells fell from across the LoC, just a kilometre away over the hills, on both sides of the dam, which was then close to completion.

“All of us just left whatever we were doing and ran into the tunnel,” said Sanjay Kumar, an employee of the construction company building the dam.

The tunnel, completed in June 2014, is an integral part of the KHEP — it takes the water from the Kishanganga River in Gurez Valley to an underground power station at Bandipora in the Kashmir Valley. Back then, there was no water in it. According to dam officials, along with the workers, a large number of villagers too, rushed into the tunnel for shelter, and demanded to be evacuated.

“We had to call the Army for help,” a dam official said.

“But that was the first and last time this happened in all my years here,” said Kumar, who joined the project in November 2009.

On Monday, following intelligence reports of cross-LoC infiltration bids in Gurez, the government decided to review security at KHEP. Hundreds of CISF personnel currently guard the dam. An Army camp deployed on the LoC is nearby, providing an added layer of overall defence for the dam. During a recent visit by this correspondent, a row of artillery guns inside the camp was visible from the road, their barrels trained at the mountain.

If India decided to locate the project there despite the evident dangers of the LoC, it could not have been without the confidence that it could handle this challenge, dam officials who did not wish to be named, told The Indian Express.

The biggest defence, said the officials, is that any act to destroy the dam would actually pose the greatest danger to Pakistan — the maximum impact would be felt downstream, across the LoC, in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. As the Kishanganga flows, the LoC is only about 10 km from the dam, and habitation begins almost immediately. The first village in Azad Kashmir, along the banks of the Neelum, as the river is known across the LoC, is Tawbal.

Of the 27 villages in Gurez, only six are located downstream along the banks of the Kishanganga, and all have been shifted uphill due to the dam.

However, even assuming that the dam is targeted, shelling from across the LoC does not pose a real danger, officials said. The dam is located in a gorge, and is not in the direct line of fire. In the event that a shell does hit it, the dam, one official said, “is a heavy structure, and can withstand shelling”.

A more serious concern is sabotage by an individual or groups, said the official. But that too would pose the same dangers of flooding downstream. The river is wide enough to cause flooding at a discharge of about 2,000 cumec (cubic metres per second). The Kishanganga dam has a pondage of about 7 million cubic metres, but how this will translate into water flow will depend on the extent of damage to the dam, and consequently, the time it would take for it to flow out.

The people who live in the villages near the dam site are also thought of as another layer of security. In Kashmir, the people of Gurez are considered pro-India. Many are directly or indirectly employed by the Army.

As for the other parts of the project, the tunnel is bored deep in the mountains, and transports the water of the Kishanganga to an underground power station in Bandipora in the Kashmir Valley. Officials say that these portions of the dam are inaccessible, and would be difficult if not outright impossible to target.
Chinese blocking Indus? Are they going to supply you that water or are they going to consume themselves? Lesser Indus water coming to India means even lesser going to Pakistan. We are OK ... Ask Chinese to block it.

Don't come crying to us after all ... Peeche se hi paani kam aa raha hai...

PAkistan is already receiving less water so its already a serious issue and wll damage india, obviously Chinese would do the needful the way they did after India's shenanigans post-Uri in 2016. If ch**** indians are psuhing China into the scenario by blocking water than Pakistan will act accordingly. Its not very far from LoC, Pakistan has already been shelling the living daylights there, some bakhtar shakan or anti-tank missiles would do the job.
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You think China would Stop Pakistan?
Yes.. actually they can. Situation is an artificial one, it's not actually a problem. You merely need more reservoirs and Chinese see an opportunity for business here. Eventually you will fall in line with Diameter Basha as well, bcoz Chinese can built and better manage your dams than Pakistanis can. It's a win-win for all.

Think strategically. It's agriculture that's going to be your major export to China. You are already a large supplier of IRRI6 rice to China, you can get back your cotton production even

PAkistan is already receiving less water so its already a serious issue and wll damage india, obviously Chinese would do the needful the way they did after India's shenanigans post-Uri in 2016. If ch**** indians are psuhing China into the scenario by blocking water than Pakistan will act accordingly. Its not very far from LoC, Pakistan has already been shelling the living daylights there, some bakhtar shakan or anti-tank missiles would do the job.
Dream on boy .... China did the needful post Uri? Did I miss something man. What did they do?

By the way, do you even know your casualties? Once disclosed I am sure India's will be having the last laugh, that's why they are hiding it.
Yes.. actually they can. Situation is an artificial one, it's not actually a problem. You merely need more reservoirs and Chinese see an opportunity for business here. Eventually you will fall in line with Diameter Basha as well, bcoz Chinese can built and better manage your dams than Pakistanis can. It's a win-win for all.

Think strategically. It's agriculture that's going to be your major export to China. You are already a large supplier of IRRI6 rice to China, you can get back your cotton production even

Dream on boy .... China did the needful post Uri? Did I miss something man. What did they do?

By the way, do you even know your casualties? Once disclosed I am sure India's will be having the last laugh, that's why they are hiding it.

Stop cheerleading the Chinese man. God provides the sustinance not Land or man.

It is in the best Interest of the Pakistani Nation to declare war on India.

We gonna do it. Swear to God
Keep shouting war war war...
Ask your govt or army(whoever runs your country) to start war... Rest will be history
Nothing will happen... Do wake me up when war break out...
Your corrupt politicians Don't have the will...
Stop cheerleading the Chinese man. God provides the sustinance not Land or man.

It is in the best Interest of the Pakistani Nation to declare war on India.

We gonna do it. Swear to God
Aa bhai lad le tu bhi....:bunny::bunny::bunny:
Yes.. actually they can. Situation is an artificial one, it's not actually a problem. You merely need more reservoirs and Chinese see an opportunity for business here. Eventually you will fall in line with Diameter Basha as well, bcoz Chinese can built and better manage your dams than Pakistanis can. It's a win-win for all.

Think strategically. It's agriculture that's going to be your major export to China. You are already a large supplier of IRRI6 rice to China, you can get back your cotton production even

Dream on boy .... China did the needful post Uri? Did I miss something man. What did they do?

By the way, do you even know your casualties? Once disclosed I am sure India's will be having the last laugh, that's why they are hiding it.

Pehle to mujh se tameez se bat karo toiletless ****stani. Say Dream on boy to your pitaji modi.

China grabbed indus cascade [its not only diamer there are around 3-4 dams] and has been negotiating Gilgit assets post-2016. It quadrupled its investment ans since has doubled the loans, go and research about the reasons. What have you got post-URi 250+ dead soldiers and Kashmir uprising which your hindu taliban leader is using?

And I have some personal advise, try to read from sources like books in library rather than relying on google and wikipedia. Only morons without proper citation and education use it.

Keep shouting war war war...
Ask your govt or army(whoever runs your country) to start war... Rest will be history
Nothing will happen... Do wake me up when war break out...
Your corrupt politicians Don't have the will...

Sahi baat hai unlike indian RSS terror. politicians who have incredible will fighting war with indian muslims by raping 8 year old kids in hindu temple.
hit the damn dam

and show us

Hehheeh absolutely this bangla [the war booty of indians rofl] that can't see Pakistan's response as his fellow nationals are butchered by Indians, on the border and indian states [Assam, Meghalaya and West Bengal] with their proxy dalaal govt. not saying a word. I would not have responded but a certified beghairat Bangla jumping in this issue, is little hilarious as what its response is mostly.
Pehle to mujh se tameez se bat karo toiletless ****stani. Say Dream on boy to your pitaji modi.

China grabbed indus cascade [its not only diamer there are around 3-4 dams] and has been negotiating Gilgit assets post-2016. It quadrupled its investment ans since has doubled the loans, go and research about the reasons. What have you got post-URi 250+ dead soldiers and Kashmir uprising which your hindu taliban leader is using?

And I have some personal advise, try to read from sources like books in library rather than relying on google and wikipedia. Only morons without proper citation and education use it.

Chinese grabbed Indus Cascade? Which part?

Chinese can hardly control Pagong Tso, and you talking about controlling Indus. Even if they control Indus, you will find India going even tighter with releasing water. Just wait for Ratle to come up It's 4 times Kishenganga. And the situation going to be even more precarious for you as work on eastern rivers is going to begin too, for which we have 100% ownership.

Keep on negotiating for more loans, but China can't provide you water in those dams.

And rest of all that gibberish you posted about LoC is in fact gibberish.

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