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No oil hunt in South China Sea without nod: Beijing to Delhi

China can't do anything in SCS. Its disputed and the more they exaggerate their neighbours for this the more the isolate themselves. CCP pretents to be a mature international political body, but they really act like children on the stage and they don't want bad relations with India, but with their support for Pakistan on matters of terrorism and protecting Pakistans ISI assets, they will keep isolated themselves. China in this century would be the greatest let down or potential regional power.
They will increasingly be tied down to issues in the far east, and be chained to it unable to project to the bigger world.
Should be noted, their pathetic attempt to rescue survivors in Nepal, and Philippines despite their bragging of 2 largest military expenditure.

Not quite suire about your statement, we have done more that expectation, we have reclaim more land from the reefs than any south east asians combine together...LMAO which anger US and feel insecure. and tell me a single country trying to isolate China??:rofl: even the so mighty US is still doing business and will have a strategicall dialogue next month ..the so call G2...you Indians are nothing but a laugh stock in the 21st century...be sourp grape of China's rise & economicall development while watching hopelessly not able to catch China up.

And we're not been tied down as you claim, we expand our tie as far as US's backyards and every single corner around the world include artic...and there again you indians are just hopelessly watch our economy ascention and geopolitical gain while corner itself and tie down in South Asia.
What they did not highlight is that CPC failed to get India's support and hence it' ports in its MSR. :rofl:
Also the offer of IOR hydrocarbons was refused.
All the bravado of "we did not give modi concessions" ... well guess what you did not get anything too. But their media will not highlight that.
Joint exp of Hydrocarbon in IOR was a joke,Chinese are not smart enough in that field in fact except for Reverse Engineering they sucks in every thing else.

Look at the success in our Mars Mission, I think we should tie up with US and Japan for joint exploration in SCS and IOR.
And how does Chini stop us with pipe dreams or inferior reverse Engineer weapons




First take your south Tibet then talk SCS

Sorry I forgot

Senkaku :lol:

LMAO...talk like Indians can do anything by themself..even you still need to beg Russia key engine to power up your Brahmos...AS for south Tibet, you Indians can't swallow it so easily without our water...that why your gorvernment negociation have to crawl into the negociation table appointed by Chinese gorverment...I haven't see that Indians dare to NO...not a single time.:rofl:
Joint exp of Hydrocarbon in IOR was a joke,Chinese are not smart enough in that field in fact except for Reverse Engineering they sucks in every thing else.

Look at the success in our Mars Mission, I think we should tie up with US and Japan for joint exploration in SCS and IOR.
The thing is we don't need much assistance in IOR exploration.
We have a large part of tech ready. How competitive that tech is , I don't know, but the tech is there.
I am talking about Gas hydrates.... let me quote from this paper
Gas hydrates in India: Potential and development
The shallow sediments along the Indian continental margin are good hosts for gas hydrates, and the methane within gas hydrates has been prognosticated as more than 1500 times of India's present natural gas reserve. Production of even 10% from this natural reserve is sufficient to meet country's vast energy requirement for about a century. Hence, it was felt necessary to map the most prospective zones of gas hydrates and evaluate their energy potential along the Indian margin
I know people personally that are researching this and we are far far along. That is all the details I can give here.
This + Thorium = Prosperity.
LMAO...talk like Indians can do anything by themself..even you still need to beg Russia key engine to power up your Brahmos...AS for south Tibet, you Indians can't swallow it so easily without our water...that why your gorvernment negociation have to crawl into the negociation table appointed by Chinese gorverment...I haven't see that Indians dare to NO...not a single time.:rofl:

Like u beg or copycat everything from russia !
LMAO...talk like Indians can do anything by themself..even you still need to beg Russia key engine to power up your Brahmos...AS for south Tibet, you Indians can't swallow it so easily without our water...that why your gorvernment negociation have to crawl into the negociation table appointed by Chinese gorverment...I haven't see that Indians dare to NO...not a single time.:rofl:
LAMO a Chinese talking about weapons.. Don't you fell ashamed calling MIG 21 as F 7 so on and So forth :lol:

We still occupy South Tibet and Laddakh region but come back when you take senkaku from Little Japan ,we are too big for you.

So much for Chinese century :lol:
Lol how is the all Chinese ripoff products are out of the world and best of the original ?

Did you even completed its construction ? But your defence experts already branded it as better than Bramos . If just in case tomorrow or in far future when you make UFO you will claim better than Alien technology :lol::lol::lol:

So no problem you can give to Pakistan and we will give it to our deeper than sc- sea strategic partner Vietnam and our friends in scs :bunny:

And how original is your brahmos..it's nothing but a derivatif of Yakhon, Russians have earned a great deal of Indian's money while provided Indian with existing missile concept as Yakhon...LMAO...as Vikramtiya AC, you Indians are just a mother cow...that other nations can milk while the majority of people are still living in hunger and extrem poverty.
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The thing is we don't need much assistance in IOR exploration.
We have a large part of tech ready. How competitive that tech is , I don't know, but the tech is there.
I am talking about Gas hydrates.... let me quote from this paper
Gas hydrates in India: Potential and development

I know people personally that are researching this and we are far far along. That is all the details I can give here.
This + Thorium = Prosperity.
Thanks never Heard about it before,we need exploration expertise and investment to get rid off from coal.
Like u beg or copycat everything from russia !

:rofl::rofl::rofl: go to check yourself into the mirror...Akash missile is true origne of India..or should I said SA-6:lol:, you guys couldn't copy modern tech but something in 1950s tech..you indians really impress me :rofl:
Thanks never Heard about it before,we need exploration expertise and investment to get rid off from coal.
That's because it is , a little more difficult than shale...In shale , the challenge is to drill ... in gas hydrate , it is the drilling + the chemical "decoupling" from water(hence the name hydrate) to obtain gas....we have the tech ... it's just cheaper to buy.... so we wait just like the US till the tech evolves.... See the paper it explains nicely all the things.
Lol... Seriously.. These Chinese are now mere Jokes
That's because it is , a little more difficult than shale...In shale , the challenge is to drill ... in gas hydrate , it is the drilling + the chemical "decoupling" from water(hence the name hydrate) to obtain gas....we have the tech ... it's just cheaper to buy.... so we wait just like the US till the tech evolves.... See the paper it explains nicely all the things.
Where is it deposits, I mean worldwide ?
:rofl::rofl::rofl: go to check yourself into the mirror...Akash missile is true origne of India..or should I said SA-6:lol:, you guys couldn't copy modern tech but something in 1950s tech..you indians really impress me :rofl:

For your information we have imported a copy cat version of spectrophotometer and it works just 2 years and become faulty.Now the customer regret and will never use any chinese junk even though it was cheap compared to original version of unit.This is my experience.
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