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No more ‘Present sir’, MP school students to answer roll call with ‘Jai Hind’

Almost all school students say Jai Hind on one or the other occasion every day and it is happening for decades.

In my school when teacher arrives in class we greeted him with Jai Hind and school was under Punjab School Education Board.

Don't react to the things that are published as click baits.

Now do tell us what Pakistani schools do in the morning Assembly?
Saying Jai Hind as a normal assembly greeting is different to forcing it into every aspect

As for Pakistani students, we prefer the logical and direct translation of saying present- hazir

Isn't this a fascism where Pakistani schools teach Children to hate.

Words: 'What kind of big enemy you are? who is even scared of Pakistani Kids'.

Saying Jai Hind as a normal assembly greeting is different to forcing it into every aspect

As for Pakistani students, we prefer the logical and direct translation of saying present- hazir

Not every aspect just 1-6 times a day depending on the frequency of roll call. We said it 6-7 times as we had 6-7 periods every day.

Teacher: 'Dinesh Kumar'.
Dinesh Kumar: Raises hand, 'Jai Hind Sir'
Teacher: 'Javaid Iqbal'
Javaid Iqbal: Raises Hand 'Jai Hind Sir'
Teacher: Jagmeet Singh
Jagmeet Singh: Raises Hand 'Jai Hind Sir'
Teacher: 'Rahul Johnson'
Rahul Johnson: Raises Hand, "Jai Hind Sir'

Kya Khis gya Kisi ka...?

Why this will preturb anyone ?
No more ‘Present sir’, MP school students to answer roll call with ‘Jai Hind’
Students of Satna district in Madhya Pradesh will be the first to say ‘Jai Hind’ from October 1.
BHOPAL Updated: Sep 13, 2017 13:08 IST

Shruti Tomar
Hindustan Times, Bhopal

Students of the Government Ubedia High School in Bhopal attend classes.(Mujeeb Faruqui/ HT Photo)
After compulsory flag hoisting introduced in Madhya Pradesh schools in January, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government will make Jai Hind mandatory for all students from November 1 to mark their attendance.

Satna will be the first district where this practice will be introduced from October 1 — a month before implementing the same in all the schools across the state.

School education minister Vijay Shah said the decision was taken to instill a sense of patriotism among students.

“Jai Hind is acceptable to students of all religions so I have decided to introduce it. We just want to keep our culture alive which our young generation is forgetting,” said Shah.

A section of educationists and also the Opposition Congress leaders say they feel the government should focus more on improving the quality of education and results than introducing Jai Hind.

Madhya Pradesh Youth Congress president Kunal Chaudhary said, “We don’t have any problem with chanting Jai Hind but school education department’s main job is to provide quality education for better future of students and they have failed in their task. Instead of concentrating on what student should wear, chant and which culture they should follow the government should improve the condition of schools and education system.”

MP Teachers’ Association general secretary Ashutosh Pandey said, “The government is instilling a feeling of patriotism forcefully. If they really want that students feel proud on our country, they should provide them best education and facilities. The term is not enough to make students patriotic.”

According to a study by the Child Rights and You (CRY), 94% schools in the state have “significant infrastructural gaps” in compliance of the Right to Education Act, 2009, even six years after the act was implemented.

In a recent example of poor state of education, the National Institute of Open Schooling found irregularities in the results of Class 10 and Class 12 board exams as hundreds of students passed sthe exam without even taking it
@Deino both of these thread has different topics and different content why were they merged together?

No more ‘Present sir’, MP school students to answer roll call with ‘Jai Hind’
Students of Satna district in Madhya Pradesh will be the first to say ‘Jai Hind’ from October 1.
BHOPAL Updated: Sep 13, 2017 13:08 IST

Shruti Tomar
Hindustan Times, Bhopal

Students of the Government Ubedia High School in Bhopal attend classes.(Mujeeb Faruqui/ HT Photo)
After compulsory flag hoisting introduced in Madhya Pradesh schools in January, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government will make Jai Hind mandatory for all students from November 1 to mark their attendance.

Satna will be the first district where this practice will be introduced from October 1 — a month before implementing the same in all the schools across the state.

School education minister Vijay Shah said the decision was taken to instill a sense of patriotism among students.

“Jai Hind is acceptable to students of all religions so I have decided to introduce it. We just want to keep our culture alive which our young generation is forgetting,” said Shah.

A section of educationists and also the Opposition Congress leaders say they feel the government should focus more on improving the quality of education and results than introducing Jai Hind.

Madhya Pradesh Youth Congress president Kunal Chaudhary said, “We don’t have any problem with chanting Jai Hind but school education department’s main job is to provide quality education for better future of students and they have failed in their task. Instead of concentrating on what student should wear, chant and which culture they should follow the government should improve the condition of schools and education system.”

MP Teachers’ Association general secretary Ashutosh Pandey said, “The government is instilling a feeling of patriotism forcefully. If they really want that students feel proud on our country, they should provide them best education and facilities. The term is not enough to make students patriotic.”

According to a study by the Child Rights and You (CRY), 94% schools in the state have “significant infrastructural gaps” in compliance of the Right to Education Act, 2009, even six years after the act was implemented.

In a recent example of poor state of education, the National Institute of Open Schooling found irregularities in the results of Class 10 and Class 12 board exams as hundreds of students passed sthe exam without even taking it

@Deino both of these thread has different topics and different content why were they merged together?
@The Eagle
When I was in school, I and friends used to say "irukkintrom aiyya (or irukkintrom amma"
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