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No matter how hard the government tries, it can’t sell India’s growth story to the world

India on track to getting record FDI and breaking the 50 billion USD mark this year. Thought I'd throw that out there because BoP wise thats probably the biggest most direct thing attributable to the Modi govt.

There always going to be a media window to vaguely discredit transient markers as structural/permanent....its their job to do so (latch on to whatever dramabaaz cyclic news cycle till it evaporates and some other one starts).

We can easily see who has last laugh in the next few quarters and the year after that. Dunno why people are so impatient one way or the other.

Most Pakistani members posting here for example I would assume do not even know what GCF is and what it has accumulated/integrated to in India's case for the last decade....and the effect of that on long term resilience, floorboard rate of growth and the dual effect of high interest rate + NPA resolution speed....on top of the fog generated by demonetisation and GST (who's positive impacts come much more long term) all combinining and having an effect right now in the short term economic landscape.

What is the long term outlook anyway for nominal size of Indian economy?:


You are preaching to a people who can't even begin to understand what you have posted. :D

I doubt they even know what impact Inflation & GDP have on economy.

They wish the good old liberal seculars of India are in charge. They are seething with anger at BJP killing their bros in Kashmir. They are praying for ScamMohan Singh types back in charge so that they can spread their terror wings.
Their repeated posts on the same topic, despite being proven wrong shows their desperation.
Last/latest 12 months, India's trade balance deficit running into 137 billion dollars = GDP of Hungary.


Under Modi, India is living beyond means, spending by borrowing.
There is a following adage that is unknown to 10th pass PM Modi who is busy following abusive teenager IDs like a teenager:

Cut your coat according to your cloth.

India's external debt is at all time high = 485 billions, well above its FOREX reserves.
India's budget balance is -3.2
Terrorism Index at 7.48
Ease of doing business Index India at 130
Innovation index, India at number 62.
Global human Capital Index, India at 103 behind Uganda & Myanmar.
Internet speed nearly lowest in the world.

Not a healthy soup to slurp, that India is touted to be.
Modi is ruling by fooling the know-nothing, gullible Indians - those who were promised a rose garden.

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Modi government believe more on propaganda than actions, the way things are in India I think his policy is working fine and he will be re-elected due to these few popular beliefs in India.
1. India is the fastest growing economy and will be a developed country by 2030 (new deadline)
2. Pakistan is about to go bankrupt and broken into pieces
3. India does surgical strikes.

Reality is what people believe and Indian media on behest of BJP keeps feeding reality to their gullible people.

Oh we will reelect Modi but these will not be the reasons for that. And I dont think I can ever explain a Pakistani the reasons
High time Modi faces public in real press conference: Shatrughan:

"Hope, wish and pray that our PM will at least once in a while also show that he takes care of the middle class, traders, small businesses all across the country, especially in Gujarat in the wake (sic) of the coming assembly

Shatru Sinha ji Modi is afraid to take tough and uncomfortable questions from the public. Hence hiding behind the microphone = Man Ki Baat.
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