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No, Iran Didn’t Just Ban Women From Universities.


Jul 28, 2010
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A good account of how western media distorts a news and reports in characteristic biased manner to suit its agenda.

No, Iran Didn’t Just Ban Women From Universities. « Ajam Media Collective

I awoke yesterday morning to a barrage of excited, fearful, and shocked emails and messages demanding to understand why Iran had suddenly decided to ban women from entering university. Given that Iranian women comprise over 60% of students in upper education in Iran and that women’s rights to education is deeply embedded in both the ideology and the practice of the Islamic Republic (as I have previously outlined regarding Islamic feminism in this piece), the idea that women could be “banned” from universities struck me as quite preposterous. Despite this, these rumors have gained steam, and the outrage provoked among feminists and those concerned with women’s rights in Iran has understandably led to a search for answers.

On August 20, Robert Tait published a bizarrely contradictory article entitled “Anger as Iran bans women from universities” in The Telegraph that suggests that women in Iran will be hereto banned from universities because of the worries of “senior clerics.” The piece’s subtitle immediately contradicts the inflammatory title, reversing the claim that women have been banned “from universities” by explaining that “female students in Iran have been barred from more than 70 university degree courses in an officially-approved act of sex-discrimination.” Tait proceeds to contradict himself again in the first paragraph, where he further explains that 36 universities had decided of their own accord to ban entrance to women in 77 undergraduate-level courses.

This article is the most recent in a series of inaccurate, misleading, and irresponsible articles about Iranian women and the fight for women’s rights in Iran published by The Telegraph. This is the same paper that last spring completely fabricated a story about Iranian women training to be “ninja assassins” to defend their country against invasion (they were actually just practitioners of the Japanese martial art in their local dojo, without murderous intent).

Meanwhile, the University Ban piece has been republished in various forms in other media outlets, like the Daily Beast where it has been given the equally misleading title “Iran Bans Women from College Courses.” This is a shame, not only because Robert Tait intentionally misleads his readers, but also because he uses a series of vague generalizations and bizarre half-truths to spin a tale of evil Iranian ayatollahs attacking Iranian women that bears only a passing resemblance to the reality of women’s education in Iran.

To start off with, the decision of these 36 universities is ridiculous and discriminatory and must be reversed. However, these decisions by specific universities are a far cry from “Iran” banning all women from attending all universities, as the title of the article implies. In fact, the decision of these universities has not been “officially-approved” by any stretch of the imagination, and a Director General in charge of education at the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology has sent letters to the universities (which have private decision-making) demanding explanations for the decisions taken. Although various officials have offered some half-hearted explanation for the decision- mostly focusing around the inability to women to get jobs in the particular fields of study banned- it also appears that the effort is part of an attempt to even the gender imbalance that has meant that Iranian women get accepted into universities at a rate of 60-40 as compared to their male counterparts. Once again, while I reject this logic and oppose any attempts to lessen the amount of women in higher education, understanding the context of Iranian education is crucial to understanding the issue.

Today, Iran has one of the highest ratios of participation of women to men in higher education of any country in the world. Iranian women have entered into many fields across the board in astounding numbers since the Islamic Revolution, struggling against war, economic crisis, and domestic oppression to achieve some of the highest rates of education (and to a lesser degree, workforce participation) in the region. Additionally, the Islamic ideology of the regime has facilitated the entrance of women into education en masse, because this ideology sees women’s advancement and emancipation within an “Islamic” framework as necessary to national progress and views women’s education as central to this project. On one hand, state efforts like the mass literacy campaigns and expansion of education in the 1980’s and 1990’s targeting women helped increase the literacy rate from 29% in 1976 to 87% in 2005. On the other hand, many women in Iran have adopted the Islamic ideology of the state and have developed an Islamic feminism that stresses their rights and the state’s obligations to support them.

Tait’s piece, however, offers us none of this context. Instead, we are told that “senior clerics”- which senior clerics? where? – are “concerned” about the “social side-effects of rising educational standards among women, including declining birth and marriage rates.” I am sure this is a true statement on some level, but to say that “senior clerics in Iran think xyz” is about as precise as saying “politicians in America think xyz,” which is to say that it means about nothing. If “senior clerics” are concerned about women being too educated, where were they when “senior clerics” lent their support to one of the world’s most progressive family planning systems, a system that ensures free access to condoms for Iranian women and men? Did “senior clerics” not also oversee and give religious authorization to the program that led to 74% contraceptive use among Iranians, the highest rate in the region?

Even more laughable than this vague “senior clerics” term that Tait bandies about is that the title implies that somehow the Iranian government gave its blessing to the recent university courses ban. This despite the fact that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad himself opposed any attempt to impose gender segregation in schools just last year.

The Iranian government would do well to listen to Iranian democracy activist Shirin Ebadi, who has demanded that the universities in question reverse this nonsensical ban on women’s entrance into 77 courses. But the international media, and writers like Robert Tait, would do well to do some research on Iran before they write this kind of inflammatory, misleading nonsense about the government’s treatment of Iranian women.

Iranian women have been demanding for their rights for the last 30 years, in many cases developing strategies of liberation that incorporate Islamic ideology and fighting to a reform a system that is imperfect and oppressive but which has also historically prioritized women’s access to education as a fundamental right. Repeating tired cliches of authoritarian, evil clerics locking Iranian women up in their homes that bears little resemblance to reality only serves to further distort the flawed perceptions of Iran in the Western media. This ultimately does no favors for the Iranian women struggling to secure their own rights.
What subject are you studying?

No one ever said they banned women from university...it was said they were banned from certain degree plans....read for understanding...
No one ever said they banned women from university...it was said they were banned from certain degree plans....read for understanding...

Read the title. It explains in the middle of the report somewhere that women have been banned for some courses. But it has set the biased tone by most of its reporting.
What do you expect when the country is ruled by medieval-thinking religious zealots. A nice column on this backward decision:

Brain Drain

Its latest move to marginalize Persia's women once again shows the essential hollowness and chauvinism of this regime. 

The regime currently presiding in Tehran has once again shown petty contempt for the Iranian people, this time to the female half of the population who are amongst the most intelligent in the world. Iranian women are now -- as you know -- being blatantly discriminated against in the country's education system. They are going to be excluded from courses such as literature, languages, archaeology, nuclear physics, computer science, engineering, business management and several other occupations that they excel. This move shows the regimes disdain for the independence of women. It is also most likely going to further weaken the economy and furthermore see to the further brain draining of the country. It is another reason to lament reader and to reflect upon the fact that Iran, with such an educated population, such magnificent potential is once again being undermined by these clerical kleptocrats. 

Sadly its hard to say that one wasn't surprised upon hearing this news, which makes one even more cynical and paranoid about the future of the country and its inhabitants, many more patriots – the Iranians who are currently holding the country and their lives together, not the ones making threats to other countries and running the economy into the ground – within the country may be forced to leave as a result of these heinously stupid regime-implemented policies. The contempt these patriots are shown, the marginalization they have to put up with are very discouraging and disheartening factors, yet they continue to press for the most basic of civil rights and show themselves time and again to be very civilized and upstanding people in the face of the most uncivilized and thuggish of miscreants, miscreants who have proven they will work in earnest to degrade these patriots, torture them and strive to interfere in every conceivable aspect of their lives.

This development also represents an apt moment to once again show our contempt to the cretinous people who make the lame excuse that these fascistic regime policies are a necessary compromise for the country's independence. One wonders what independence these people are talking about, Iran is a country on the verge of bankruptcy, whose currency has barely any trading power, whose – as is blatantly evident from this latest escapade – intellectuals and professionals in many fields are forced out of work and denied employment opportunities in their own country by these dictatorial thugs. 

In Iran, conservatives and ultra-conservatives prevail in the theatrical parliament there. The kleptocrats who run the show have plundered the country's vast wealth and are doing their utmost to undermine its future potential by actively seeking to suppress the Iranian peoples profound potential for a better future and life, this, a country with a nearly unparalleled heritage of ancient civilization and culture is being degraded to the extent that, instead of being a profound example for the rest of the world is being run into the ground by obscurantist gangsters whom strive to not bring into being a system and society worthy of mass emulation and aspiration on a worldwide scale but instead to tarnish the country's image and reputation by propagating half-baked conspiratorial piffle to the world in that country's name.

If one ever wants to diminish and trample upon ones spirit all one has to do is to look around and see that the common perception of Iran is one formed mostly by the regressive traits of this regime, rather than one of an upstanding proud people with a heritage worth being proud of, one that is the Persian peoples gift to the world, the world that has – to a very large extent unknowingly – derived several of the main pillars that represent its civilization directly from Persia. The civility that the international community proclaims to practice has apparently convinced them that they have license to proclaim themselves to be on the moral high ground, due to their stated goal of promulgating concepts such as human rights to 'benighted' societies and peoples, concepts that are not only thousands of years old, but were invented in Persia in the first place. With this perception of themselves the 'civilized' countries of the world accordingly patronize Iran on simple moral issues as if the Iranian people don't see the regimes various practices and outlooks on matters to do with morality as reprehensible. It is disheartening to realize this when one looks at the supposedly "enlightened" west and the manner in which it perceives Persia and has for a large part taken the regime and its outlook on the world to be that of the Iranian people.

The regimes latest move to marginalize and discriminate the country's women represents a perfect time for the feminist and human rights groups of the world to offer their support and solidarity. However this author is palpably disheartened by commonly held western perceptions of Iran, such petty misconceptions need to be debunked and discouraged by more in-depth views of Iran and her people. Hence a good education is an essential commodity to move forward and to build a better world for the mutual benefit of all, something this regime have proven it fears and will actively do all it can to prevent.

Uskowi on Iran -
What subject are you studying?

IT ..... in one branch of Payam Nour university ( شناخته شده با نام پیام گور )


again this Surena come and saying nonsense .....
Didn't these same Western newspapers gleefully report that Iran had made a law to force Jews and Christians to wear yellow stars and crosses on their clothes? Then they ran with their tails between their legs. I have no reason to believe the Western media after that and numerous other incidents.

Aside from that,

I believe in one thing:

If the form and philosophy of Islam practiced in Iran was practiced all over the Muslim world, then the entire Muslim word would be a superpower comparable to any other superpower in the world.
Didn't these same Western newspapers gleefully report that Iran had made a law to force Jews and Christians to wear yellow stars and crosses on their clothes? Then they ran with their tails between their legs. I have no reason to believe the Western media after that and numerous other incidents.

Aside from that,

I believe in one thing:

If the form and philosophy of Islam practiced in Iran was practiced all over the Muslim world, then the entire Muslim word would be a superpower comparable to any other superpower in the world.
Shia Islam you mean?? I have heard that's just 10% of Muslim population?? I'm not sure.
There is no fixed thing as "Sunni Islam" and "Shia Islam" - both forms have continuously evolved, and are still evolving. Iran is a country where Shia and Sunni, Zoroastrians and Sikhs and Christians all live as patriotic citizens, without any bombing in mosques or beheading civilians after kidnapping them from a bus, like in Pakistan.

Iran is "Islamic Republic of Iran" not "Shia Republic of Iran" and all of its leaders have said they do not differentiate between "shia" and "sunni", and are in favour of Unity. So their form cannot be limited under such labels of shia or sunni.

But the current form of Islam practiced in Iran is the best model for any Muslim country.
There is no fixed thing as "Sunni Islam" and "Shia Islam" - both forms have continuously evolved, and are still evolving. Iran is a country where Shia and Sunni, Zoroastrians and Sikhs and Christians all live as patriotic citizens, without any bombing in mosques or beheading civilians after kidnapping them from a bus, like in Pakistan.

Iran is "Islamic Republic of Iran" not "Shia Republic of Iran" and all of its leaders have said they do not differentiate between "shia" and "sunni", and are in favour of Unity. So their form cannot be limited under such labels of shia or sunni.

But the current form of Islam practiced in Iran is the best model for any Muslim country.
the best model is secularism. The reason there are no beheadings and secterianism in Iran isn't because of the form of govt, it's because of the mindset of Iranians. For one, we've lost our tribal/secterian way of like COMPLETELY (there are no clans, tribes etc...) and we're also very mellow and easy going people (and this attitude washes off on our religous nut jobs so they're comparatively less nut than their counterparts in surrounding countries). The opposite is true about arabs, Afghans...

Iranians would like the country to become a secular nation actually. 2/3 of Iranians living in Iran today were born after the revolution and even the 1/3 that were alive during the rev mostly regret it. But we're also not the type to go out guns blazing arab spring style. Things will change with time.
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