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No IMF as Saudi comes to assist Pakistan

Is everything the name of an item?
Where can I get 'everything' from?
Poultry meat (mostly imorted from france)

Yes that's true, but things have to change and we must move towards capitalizing the potential in agriculture sector.
How? U can bribe anyone here

People dont even think commission or bribery is bad
Look at PMLN supportees
mubarak ho :enjoy:

may all the big shots of Pakistan start sending their kids to Saudia in future

and make a law which strictly prohibits Pakistanis to settle or sending their kids in western countries as treason

what you care for isolated Pakistan
Instead of wasting time on PDF you should put some cream on Modi ji's you know where
what you care for isolated Pakistan
Instead of wasting time on PDF you should put some cream on Modi ji's you know where
Never knew that PDF is a waste of time. BTW Thanks for being so concened about Modi ji
Current Pakistani foods I eat imported to the UK;

Red carrots
pine seeds

There could be so much more though.
Well at least fir the sake of argument u have succeeded, it would makr ah huge addition of billions.
He usually is full of shit but even Faisal Vawda hinted at that.
Faisala vada with his loud mouth and bharak behaviour, would be little bad for PTI.
He should not be allowed on shows.
His is promising so many things right left and center , which are not even humanly possible.
And media would eat them alive for their words.
Faisala vada with his loud mouth and bharak behaviour, would be little bad for PTI.
He should not be allowed on shows.
His is promising so many things right left and center , which are not even humanly possible.
And media would eat them alive for their words.

He represent typical youthia.
He represent typical youthia.
Atleast he doesn't represent people like you patwaris who are empty in the upper tower.
He has his priorities right.
Only thing is that one must not shout what plans one has to execute.
Everyone has good intentions but they cannot execute everything at once. There is always a right time for everything.
Atleast he doesn't represent people like you patwaris who are empty in the upper tower.
He has his priorities right.
Only thing is that one must not shout what plans one has to execute.
Everyone has good intentions but they cannot execute everything at once. There is always a right time for everything.

At least he represent poti like you.
There is news that imf has given briefing by asad umer's economic team about mini budget.
They are coming over next week after nod form u.s, to offer 7.5 billion package.
There is news about Saudis depositing 10 billion in our foreign reserves.
And also serious talks about bonds floating overseas.
I think asad umer would go for all the options. He would take imf loan.
He would take 10 billion as reserves from saudiarabia and he would also float bonds of another 5 billion.
He would have enough money in coming months.
But would he been able to pull of the economy....
And to finally dipose the loss making enterprises into the Malaysian khazana model is we desperately seeing.
Training and Advisory ... and force in case of any big Attack from any nation to protect the holy Sites , their demands wont be any different .
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