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No ground lost in Depsang but India hasn’t accessed large parts for 15 yrs

India has not send patrols to PP10 to PP13 since 10-15 years.
So no ground lost in Depsang in current standoff
Another nice way to fool the dumb indian masses. Blame it on congress. It also shows india have actually given up the territory, this makes the DBO road useless and vulnerable. I guess in the meeting india must have begged china to stop advancing and taking new territory and accept china keeping the territory it already has taken over. Notice there is no more demand for going back to pre April status quo.
Another nice way to fool the dumb indian masses. Blame it on congress. It also shows india have actually given up the territory, this makes the DBO road useless and vulnerable. I guess in the meeting india must have begged china to stop advancing and taking new territory and accept china keeping the territory it already has taken over. Notice there is no more demand for going back to pre April status quo.
DBO road was always going to be the first to get cut off in war with China ... it doesn't matter how good the Indian defenses are, they are just too close to Chinese forward positions and hence can be cut off with extreme ease. It seems that the Indians already know this, which is why the defenses around DBO are still pretty weak.
India has not send patrols to PP10 to PP13 since 10-15 years.
So no ground lost in Depsang in current standoff

In the first tweet, it says India has not lost any area and in the second tweet, it says India did lose nearly 1,000 sq km 15-years ago.

So India has lost that area.

What is your point? Indian Army was sleeping 15 years ago but today it's awake after being pummelled to the pulp by People's Army? Why was the Indian Army pummelled if China already had that area under its control 15-years ago?

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