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No good news for Pakistan in US new Afghan policy

I am sure Americans knew and had an eye for these mineral resources when they came to Afghanistan. The official line was always 'freedom, democracy, human rights' etc. That is how imperial powers operate - by wrapping up real objectives in dreamy ideals.

Why they are making these thoughts public is surprising. Imagine what impact Eric Prince's 'East India Company' talk and this 'mineral resources' proposal would have on ordinary Afghans. They would see themselves as utterly meaningless to Americans and Afghan pride would take a hammer blow.

And Afghan Taliban's appeal as a nationalistic entity would get a boost. They have certainly made an effort to be seen as a nationalist force. I think Americans are making big mistakes and not thinking things through.

Lets wait for the policy first though....
I am sure Americans knew and had an eye for these mineral resources when they came to Afghanistan. The official line was always 'freedom, democracy, human rights' etc. That is how imperial powers operate - by wrapping up real objectives in dreamy ideals.

Why they are making these thoughts public is surprising. Imagine what impact Eric Prince's 'East India Company' talk and this 'mineral resources' proposal would have on ordinary Afghans. They would see themselves as utterly meaningless to Americans and Afghan pride would take a hammer blow.

And Afghan Taliban's appeal as a nationalistic entity would get a boost. They have certainly made an effort to be seen as a nationalist force. I think Americans are making big mistakes and not thinking things through.

Lets wait for the policy first though....

price of raw materials keeps falling. the old ways of making money off raw materials is over.
Indians and Americans can be brought to there knees by levying passage tax, same as it is levied by Egyptians at canal Suez and Turkey at Bosporus canal.

Actually by not levying tax on American and Indian goods, Pakistan state is doing injustice to local producers!
Indians and Americans can be brought to there knees by levying passage tax, same as it is levied by Egyptians at canal Suez and Turkey at Bosporus canal.

Actually by not levying tax on American and Indian goods, Pakistan state is doing injustice to local producers!
This is precisely why the world moved to maritime trade.
to avoid paying $$$ to a bunch of boneheads
This is precisely why the world moved to maritime trade.
to avoid paying $$$ to a bunch of boneheads

Maritime trade you have to pay by your self, whereas what ever pass through Pakistan is heavily subsidized by state of Pakistan. When your aid will stop, you both will feel the pinch, Americans more when they have to get 100% fuel from Iran.... which would be difficult to hide from the world and American public.
They utter "British", "East India Company" etc. for Afghanistan!!! Have they lost their minds????? Have they forgotten what happened to the British expeditions to Afghanistan??? Even Churchill got injured!!!!! And, they had to pay Afghan warlords for the "buffer" state years after years!!!!! Not to mention the traps Russia/China axis will be setting up for them - once again....

Ahh "talented generals" Ahh!!!! Were the generals during Vietnam/Korea wars less "talented"???? Was the 5-star general McArthur, the hero of the pacific theater, a lesser minion????? Did Robert McNamara and his horde of generals and admirals have less brains?????? Were Presidents Truman, who went up to the 8th grade, and Nixon, who had to feed his family by working at the age of 14, less smart, bold, mean, motivated, determined or ruthless???? They never learn from history....

Has anybody till now made money out of Afghanistan????? Well, drugs may be another story!!! Even Babur Han made Afghanistan a stepping stone to conquer Hindistan!!!!! Fools dare where angels fear....
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ehh no, border control is for Pakistan internal security. Nothing to do with American aid or lack of it.
as long as opium grows in afghanistan some sort of terroism will exist, the solution would be for Pakistan to focus on groups threatening its security, if USA Is going to withdraw its support, otherwise bankrupting Pakistan by spending billion of boarder security/sealment will be a bigger issue, the other solution would be to mine the boarder
All those complaining about trump need to recall the very recent past. obama sent numerous drone strikes on Pakistani territory. Clinton implemented sanctions on us for testing nukes.

Thus far, trump hasnt said much regarding Pakistan... but to jump on the Democrat bandwagon is childish. Did anyone here, that's calling him orange this that, say anything about obama (who was a war monger)?
as long as opium grows in afghanistan some sort of terroism will exist, the solution would be for Pakistan to focus on groups threatening its security, if USA Is going to withdraw its support, otherwise bankrupting Pakistan by spending billion of boarder security/sealment will be a bigger issue, the other solution would be to mine the boarder

Afghanistan must have a Pakistan-friendly regime.
Taking any further bull shoot from Trump on afghanistan is going to be utter and complete failure of Pakistani regime and military.... there is absolute none reason to listen to them strategic or military... I hope pak military express it's disappointments soon after Trump speech tonight...

If NK backed by China can do it... so can we...

NK has total GDP of 3 billion USD
i would ssay criminal negligence was done by Pakistan to provide "free" acess to its use of land infrastructural, there should have been a separate fee for that like all countries do/charge

regarding AID being dropped should be concern, army should reply with decreasing its presence and decreasing the operational cost at boarders , at this moment only 1/3 of operational cost is re imbursed only any way
and focusing more on Pakistani centric problems

i hope whoever gave these bastards free passage gets terminal cancer
as long as opium grows in afghanistan some sort of terroism will exist, the solution would be for Pakistan to focus on groups threatening its security, if USA Is going to withdraw its support, otherwise bankrupting Pakistan by spending billion of boarder security/sealment will be a bigger issue, the other solution would be to mine the boarder

I don't think Pakistan would be spending billions of $ on border management, in any case it will be worth it with reduction of terrorism.
All those complaining about trump need to recall the very recent past. obama sent numerous drone strikes on Pakistani territory. Clinton implemented sanctions on us for testing nukes.

Thus far, trump hasnt said much regarding Pakistan... but to jump on the Democrat bandwagon is childish. Did anyone here, that's calling him orange this that, say anything about obama (who was a war monger)?
Even a cursory look at the US newspapers show that the experts are acknowledging that nothing's gonna change on the ground. Only "do more" for Pak and a signal that the USA is here to stay!!! By the by, that's what the Russia/China axis is dying to hear!!!!!!
We should welcome US setup of mining etc ..... and then wait for a repeat of what happened to USSR's attempt at extracting resources. It'll make China and our job a lot easier down the road, without needing to colonise Afghanistan.

In the meantime, time to charge substantial transit fees for the machinery.
There are so many contradiction in the policy outlined in the article.

This policy of investment should have been a cornerstone. In fraction of money, USA could have bought Afghans and their cooperation and they would have got a lot without spending too much on military. But dont forget US administration is funded by corporations and key fund providers are defense industry giants and military contractors. So its always seen from a military perspective and there lies a failure.
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