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No good news for Pakistan in US new Afghan policy

Being in bad graces of US wont be good thing for Pakistan. US has large clout. Even China doesnt have it. You cant replace US with China.
so what?

we dont need any help as sir.bajwa had cleared that.

go get the fk off and tell your out of wedlock generals not to visit pakistan after every month.
Being in bad graces of US wont be good thing for Pakistan. US has large clout. Even China doesnt have it. You cant replace US with China.

US know that they can not afford to lose Pakistan due to it's strategic location and Pakistan now have plenty options to survive US backlash, if it has good leadership in charge in Pakistan.

China won't allow US to go after Pakistan militarily and economically China and other countries can provide good trade and business to reduce US pressure, although US currently can hurt Pakistan economically.
Being in bad graces of US wont be good thing for Pakistan. US has large clout. Even China doesnt have it. You cant replace US with China.

Everyone has their place in the order.

Who needs who and what is not easy when all players know their worth
Problem is, Pakistan HAS been doing a very good job of tackling extremism and terrorism, despite what you see in the news. The extremists are all foreign funded, and a stopping of the funding that is used to tackle this extremism could have unkown consequences, especially in Afghanistan. They don't think we're doing enough, because they're getting what they pay for (i.e. chump change). We're not paying out of pocket to stop the extremists for the sake of foreigners...

Who knows, maybe Herat might experience serious terrorism... just saying.
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LOL these stupid rednecks are in for a rude awakening in Afghanistan. Time has come to welcome this orange baboon into Afghanistan and remind him some stark realities.

- Increase the supply line tariffs manifold;
- American officials must be forced to daily remind their people that Pakistan has sacrificed a lot. If not, the supply lines will be completely shut;
- Up the ante in Afghanistan with the cooperation of China and Russia. These two nations won't sit idle when orange man wants to steal from Afghan natural resources.
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LOL these stupid rednecks are in for a rude awakening in Afghanistan. Time has come to welcome this orange baboon into Afghanistan and remind him some stark realities.

- Increase the supply line tariffs manifold;
- American officials must be forced to daily remind their people that Pakistan has sacrificed a lot. If not, the supply lines will be completely shut.
- Up the ante in Afghanistan with the cooperation of China and Russia. These two nations won't sit idle when orange man wants to steal from Afghan natural resources.
Agreed those stupid rednecks are in a real surprise in Afghanistan. Its going to be their graveyard.

LOL the Afghan Taliban has not been defeated.
Being in bad graces of US wont be good thing for Pakistan. US has large clout. Even China doesnt have it. You cant replace US with China.

Will you provide me service for free? I don't think so...

Why should a country like Pakistan, which is poor and third world, provide free service to dozens of richest countries of the world? How will Pakistan compensate for the damages to its highways due to over loaded heavy convoys of these rich nations? Plus these convoys are security risks too, draining already over stretched police force.

So Pakistani government should of course impose service charges.
No good news for Pakistan in US new Afghan policy

ISLAMABAD: President Donald Trump has finally made a decision on his new policy for Afghanistan and the region but is keeping it under wraps, though the White House says an official announcement in this regard will be made shortly.

There is certainly no good news for Pakistan with several US media outlets reporting that officials are speaking about Trump’s strategy which sees sending nearly 4,000 additional troops to Afghanistan while all military aid to Pakistan could also be stopped.

Trump an addict of Twitter through which he announces all major policy decisions said in a Tweet, “Important day spent at Camp David with our very talented Generals and military leaders. Many decisions made, including on Afghanistan”.

However, the Foreign Policy has reported that one of the reasons that draws Trump into this land-locked country is “abundant natural resources”.

The FP speaks about a meeting in July with the head
of an American chemical company that transformed his view of the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Exploiting the country’s abundant natural resources could result in an incredible economic windfall, Trump was told.

The publication points out that it was in this meeting that “Trump learned of the enormous wealth buried beneath Afghan soil: perhaps more than $1 trillion in untapped mineral resources in the form of copper, iron, and rare-earth metals.”

“Trump wants to be repaid,” said a source close to the White House. “He’s trying to see where the business deal is”, notes FP.

According to the publication in May, Erik Prince published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal calling for an “East India Company approach” with a “viceroy” and private contractors.

Prince, whose idea captured the eye of Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and other officials, was invited to the White House to outline his ideas.

Prince has since presented his case to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and in a Washington media blitz, arguing that it’s time for a new model after years of failure and frustration.

The tantalizing idea that Afghanistan’s mineral potential could transform the country and save the fragile Kabul government has proved elusive.

Gen. David Petraeus, who was commander of US-led troops in Afghanistan in 2010-2011, touted the country’s mineral wealth as offering “stunning potential.” But Afghanistan lacks the infrastructure of roads, trains, and bridges needed to extract the minerals, not to mention the security required to ensure private companies can operate safely the report adds.

Coveted rare-earth minerals in Afghanistan are located in Helmand province in the country’s southwest, most of which is now controlled by Taliban.

Moreover, commodity prices for iron and copper have sharply declined in recent years, and the Afghan government has been accused of corruption in some of its mining ventures.

“Whichever military proposal wins out, the mining idea remains a top priority for Trump. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is currently conducting an overall assessment of mining opportunities in Afghanistan, while Tillerson, the former head of ExxonMobil, is looking at whether the country would be stable enough for long-term American investments”, notes FP.

Silver, the chemical executive who pitched Trump on the idea, said Afghanistan’s mineral wealth could provide a similar boost to the one China experienced during the 1990s.

“When China opened to the world in the early ’90s under Deng [Xiaoping]’s policy of global engagement, the sale of minerals formed the backbone of their GDP growth,” Silver told FP.

But the report cautions that though “Trump may want a deal that brings peace to Afghanistan, paving the way for economic opportunities, but it’s unclear how the White House believes it can persuade Kabul, regional powers, and key players — including Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia — to help broker a peace agreement.”

source: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/224737-No-good-news-for-Pakistan-in-US-new-Afghan-policy

The americans have been doing far worst to us since 2001. That's 16 years. Nothing has changed. In fact Pakistan has become more powerful and formidable in that time. Trump is now trying to deflect media attention away from the growing dangerous racial polarisation in american society. Trying to get the public to forget Charlottesville.
The americans have been doing far worst to us since 2001. That's 16 years. Nothing has changed. In fact Pakistan has become more powerful and formidable in that time. Trump is now trying to deflect media attention away from the growing dangerous racial polarisation in american society. Trying to get the public to forget Charlottesville.
Agreed with you brother.

USA has to leave Afghanistan sooner or later.
Agreed with you brother.

USA has to leave Afghanistan sooner or later.

The americans need to start worrying more about civil unrest and a possible race war in their own country. Look at what's happening in Charlottesville. They need to look at themselves rather than worry about Pakistsn or Afghanistan. We can take care of ourselves.
Trump is dumber than he looks and he's not making friends in Washington, Pentagon or Langley.
I have a very strong feeling that the CIA might pull another Kennedy in near future.
Trump will not complete his term.
Where is the bad news in all this? Trump is polarising Asia, with Russia, China and Iran firmly on Pakistans side.
One would think that Americans need an ally that actually borders Afghanistan. Maybe the Indian maps confused Trump.
It seems the USA has not learnt a single lesson from their 16 year occupation, the Afghans will not tolerate Blackwater any less than the Imperial British army, USSR and US armed forces.
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