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No free lunches for USA anymore!

BDs strategic importance lies in its geography. It enables us to cut india in two. China and pakistan blocks out india to the west, china and BD can do it to the east. BD completes the string of pearls.

For the Quad india is a weak link. It can not defeat china, it can not defeat pakistan and whilst it might be able to invade BD there is zero chance of it holding it. A friendly BD relieves the pressure on India. If BD is in the Quad india atleast has a fighting chance of holding onto the seven sisters against china if they can move people and armour over BD.

However there is the third position, which is the most important one for us and that is what is in BDs interest. We have zero interest in allowing others to fight their war in our turf. BD gains not a lot by supporting either side. But it does gain a lot by engaging with both side and maintaining balance. As long as both side is assured that BD is not with the other side status quo is maintained. It serves everyones purpose to have a stable BD.
True, and such an endeavour (splitting India) will be valuable to the Chinese. However, the Chinese have an able and willing partner in crime to the west (Pakistan). I think Pakistan will happily pay the PLA's airfare round trip for the joy of splitting India.

For QUAD, yes India is a military and geopolitical weak link. But India does have prime real east in the Indian Ocean. The large mostly uninhabited islands south of Bangladesh (I forget the name) is one such prime location.

On the last part I whole heartedly agree, Bangladesh should stay out of the fray and focus on development. So I'm not sure why some flying the Union Jack on this thread want to make an enemy of the west.

edit: I forgot India has nukes, so any large forces that assemble in Bangladesh with the intention of a west ward advance will be well within range of India's nukes.

Maybe you can persuade Uncle Sam of “Bangladesh’s lack of strategic importance”?

If you succeed, USA’s defence and diplomats would stop arm twisting Bangladesh. They would not utter quad and Bangladesh in the same sentence.

If that doesn’t happen then we will know you are just spouting nonsense!!’
do you have any proof of this alleged arm twisting?
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strategic importance? how is Bangladesh strategically important? Too close to China to host bases besides the US already has several bases in China's soft underbelly. On the flip side Bangladesh is too close to India for Chinese bases, if I remember correctly, Bangladesh is surrounded on three sides by India. Bangladesh depends on India and China for water, most of her rivers originate in China and flow through India. I always thought Bangladesh was strategically vulnerable so it's bewildering to hear you say the opposite.

I haven't taken anything personally, the people of Bangladesh have every right to decide their own fate and choose their own friends. I'm not convinced taking sides at this time is the right call for Bangladesh.
@dbc , I will answer shortly and that is Malacca strait ; the only exit route of China!

If any blockade is imposed their China will be literally taken down on her knees!

Now you check the map of this area and also location of andaman and nicobor Island.

Things will get more deadly towards China.

If usa can get Bangladesh by her side , they can make a base to land it's forces here.

So why Bangladesh? Because you can't convince Myanmar against China, as it's technically an extention of China.

And also if you impose a naval blockade on malacca straight , you can use the land of andaman.

If you can arrange ground force in Bangladesh ( alongside naval base ) , China is doomed.

That's why China will not let it happen , and usa will try it's best to do it.

Now search Google for the importance of malacca strait for Chinese trading.

You surely know that war can't be won by military invasion, but it's depend on economy.

If you impose blockade on malacca strait and can use Bangladeshi land and water, chinese economy will be cripples if there will be a full scale war.

A hostile naval blockade on malacca strait will take down China on her knees within one month.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it , but American authority and chines eauthority both know it.

Why su kiye govt was thrown out and again junta take power in Myanmar?

Because China won't seat hand on hand , when you ( western hegemony)are trying to screw them?

I honestly want us to remain neutral, unless we are given a choice like this , "Either you are with us , or against us" !
True, and such an endeavour (splitting India) will be valuable to the Chinese. However, the Chinese have an able an willing partner in crime to the west (Pakistan). I think Pakistan will happily pay the PLA's airfare round trip for the joy of splitting India.

For QUAD, yes India is a military and geopolitical weak link. But India does have prime real east in the Indian Ocean. The large mostly uninhabited islands south of Bangladesh (I forget the name) is one such prime location.

On the last part I whole heartedly agree, Bangladesh should stay out of the fray and focus on development. So I'm not sure why some flying the Union Jack on this thread want to make an enemy of the west.

do you have any proof of this alleged arm twisting?
You are thinking of Andaman islands. If BD and china bisects india, Andaman loses its value. It would be extremely difficult for india to logistically supply it.

I do not want BD to make an enemy of the west or China. Our aim is economic development and will use both for that.

I am British Bangladeshi and see India as a primary threat to BDs sovereignty.

Quad is a collection of democracies and whilst BD should be in that group the chinese are here with a chequebook. As I said BD will balance as needed and never be entirely on anyones side as BD interest does not fully align with that of quads or china.

Incompatible priorities of various actors in this scenario facilitates balancing that represents acceptable compromise for all.
True, and such an endeavour (splitting India) will be valuable to the Chinese. However, the Chinese have an able and willing partner in crime to the west (Pakistan). I think Pakistan will happily pay the PLA's airfare round trip for the joy of splitting India.
Karakoram highway is narrow. It can't play the vital role like malacca strait for trading, or direct access to blue water easily through Myanmar!

So if usa get Bangladesh, the bay of Bengal will become hostile to China!

Now pls join it with my old post and conclude. What can usa do to China in a full scale war by imposing naval blockade , and becoming dominant at the bay of Bengal and andaman.

Where China will do then? So China will prevent Bangladesh joining at usa side at all cost!

You are thinking of Andaman islands. If BD and china bisects india, Andaman loses its value. It would be extremely difficult for india to logistically supply it.
Exactly my words! Very well explained.

But if usa can have Bangladesh then it will be devastating for China. From the bay of Bengal to malacca strait, everywhere usa will be ruthless. Result China will become totally land locked.

I've been saying it since ages!
USA has been bleeding developing countries for a hundred years.

It started with world bank and IMF loans to dictators. Whereby loans were given to pliant dictators who put the cash into Swiss bank accounts.

Once these countries got into a spiral of debt - US would give them “aid” - which was used to payoff the interest on the loans.

It’s a scam that lasted for a 100 years until China turned up with actual infrastructure like mega roads and mega bridges.

Bangladesh should never ever fall into USA debt trap.

If USA wants us to “facilitate QUAD” - it must include GSP and cash transfers. Stingy USA needs to match the offers from China.

Is there any data to prove that the IMF & World bank loans are expensive than Chinese loans?
@BananaRepublicUK , now reality is , Bangladesh needs democracy in order to save herself from the prey of usa ( trust me usa can crush the ball of @UKBengali 's mighty land in a blink) , and also we need a balanced govt that is patriot.

If BNP come , Bangladesh will join usa and will be fucked up again like 2001-2006 , for it's anti China policy!

So what's the solution now? I don't think Bangladeshi deep state will let the nation die.

In order to balance , we need a pro Bangladesh govt that will come with a fair election!

Now let's wait and see how they tackle it!

do you have any proof of this alleged arm twisting?
If usa ( or any power ) would leave any proof , I would lose my respect to their ability !
mb444 said:
It enables us to cut India into too.
Provided you have an expeditionary military with unlimited supplies to neutralise India's ever producing stockpile + India doesn't have an expeditionary military to block BD's port & trade and capture it's territory.
Both cases unfortunately aren't there. BD doesn't have a military to keep holding it's territory nor Indian army will have any problem in penetrating in BD's grounds and mangroves unlike hilly terrains of Pakistan. Cherry on top is that neither of US and China can do any kind of shit against India in Bay of Bengal.
mb444 said:
China and Pakistan blocks out India to the west, China and BD can do India to the east. BD completes the string of pearls.
Since China doesn't border Indian Ocean nor has an America like navy concentrated in SCS, it can't block India from Pacific. It's India though which can block them through malacca strait. In case of Pak, no lol, that navy is smaller than Indian coast guards. I remember that Indian navy blocked Pakistanin ports from west, disabling foreign powers from trading with and aiding Pak bringing it to knees in 1971. Pak prefers attrition warfare and small skirmishes with India to polish its image than a full blown war for a reason.

India basically blocks Bangladesh from world except Myanmar which I'm sure is the real enemy of Bangladesh than the wannabe cool BD fanboys created Indian threat.
mb444 said:
For Quad, India is a weak link. It can't defeat China.
Either of Quad countries can't defeat China. Except for US and India, no quad or UNSC P5 member can't even challenge and damage Chinese military directly.
The entire idea of quad is India and US is to open multiple fronts for China while other two play supportive roles.

In the world of a rising China, declining Europe and stagnant US, they are expecting expanding Indian economy and military to fill that space. India is a weak link because it doesn't regard western interests and keeps it cool with Russia and Iran. It's a weak link but has more power than a Euroepan state. That explains why west is trying to be so cozy to India.
mb444 said:
It can't defeat Pakistan, it can't defeat Bangladesh.
Existence of Bangladesh, status of Kashmir dispute and state of Pakistan is sufficient to some up whether India can defeat Pak or not. Emotional rants and trolling in the echo chamber of PDF, "yindus ugly, Muslims marshall race, Pak can capture India", don't work in real world against statistical realities of economic progress, military power, industrial base and technological knowhow. The individual crime incidences in Pak & BD, religious bigotry and positive news on India just is upside down anywhere out there.

You should have a multifold numerical advantage and excessive strategic capabilities to expedite into and capture enemy territory.

If there was a war between India and Bangladesh who would win it?

And Bangladesh doesn't even count in here. All their comments are mere insecure rants since it is cool to be included as India's enemy in South Asia. Pakistanis are insecure because their country isn't equal to its enemy, Bangladeshis are insecure that they don't have an enemy.

India can't defeat Bangladesh?? That kind of copium isn't even worth commenting.
mb444 said:
What is in BD's interest? It is not in our interest to let others fight war on our turfs.
No one is interested in fighting with you or in your territory either. You are just making up enemies. You are not a military aggressor that anyone cares about. Nor you are a strategic equipment maker/oil producer to become a football between different countries.

BD is a good and peaceful country with no bad relations anywhere. At least value it.

Indian government is friendly towards BD. Insecurities are real threat.
Provided you have an expeditionary military with unlimited supplies to neutralise India's ever producing stockpile + India doesn't have an expeditionary military to block BD's port & trade and capture it's territory.
Both cases unfortunately aren't there. BD doesn't have a military to keep holding it's territory nor Indian army will have any problem in penetrating in BD's grounds and mangroves unlike hilly terrains of Pakistan. Cherry on top is that neither of US and China can do any kind of shit against India in Bay of Bengal.

Since China doesn't border Indian Ocean nor has an America like navy concentrated in SCS, it can't block India from Pacific. It's India though which can block them through malacca strait. In case of Pak, no lol, that navy is smaller than Indian coast guards. I remember that Indian navy blocked Pakistanin ports from west, disabling foreign powers from trading with and aiding Pak bringing it to knees in 1971. Pak prefers attrition warfare and small skirmishes with India to polish its image than a full blown war for a reason.

India basically blocks Bangladesh from world except Myanmar which I'm sure is the real enemy of Bangladesh than the wannabe cool BD fanboys created Indian threat.

Either of Quad countries can't defeat China. Except for US and India, no quad or UNSC P5 member can't even challenge and damage Chinese military directly.
The entire idea of quad is India and US is to open multiple fronts for China while other two play supportive roles.

In the world of a rising China, declining Europe and stagnant US, they are expecting expanding Indian economy and military to fill that space. India is a weak link because it doesn't regard western interests and keeps it cool with Russia and Iran. It's a weak link but has more power than a Euroepan state. That explains why west is trying to be so cozy to India.

Existence of Bangladesh, status of Kashmir dispute and state of Pakistan is sufficient to some up whether India can defeat Pak or not. Emotional rants and trolling in the echo chamber of PDF, "yindus ugly, Muslims marshall race, Pak can capture India", don't work in real world against statistical realities of economic progress, military power, industrial base and technological knowhow. The individual crime incidences in Pak & BD, religious bigotry and positive news on India just is upside down anywhere out there.

You should have a multifold numerical advantage and excessive strategic capabilities to expedite into and capture enemy territory.

If there was a war between India and Bangladesh who would win it?

And Bangladesh doesn't even count in here. All their comments are mere insecure rants since it is cool to be included as India's enemy in South Asia. Pakistanis are insecure because their country isn't equal to its enemy, Bangladeshis are insecure that they don't have an enemy.

India can't defeat Bangladesh?? That kind of copium isn't even worth commenting.

No one is interested in fighting with you or in your territory either. You are just making up enemies. You are not a military aggressor that anyone cares about. Nor you are a strategic equipment maker/oil producer to become a football between different countries.

BD is a good and peaceful country with no bad relations anywhere. At least value it.

Indian government is friendly towards BD. Insecurities are real threat.
India is BDs only existential threat, it is irrelevant whether you accept it or not.

We saw your capacity in srilanka where you turned tail and ran and see your so called control over Kashmir and how much of your resources is devoted to that. We also saw your expertise in warfare with china.

You do not have the capability nor the stomach to invade BD. Lets say you invade do you think a third world country such as yours can hold a territory with 170m people. You dont have the resources.

Its simple numbers. BD does not fear indias overt invasion, its never going to happen. So yes i agree it is a kind of copium that is not worth commenting upon.

Golden thread. 🤣
Who set off this rumour that USofA wants BD in Quad?
Oh i dont know ...multiple US national advisor..... resulting in extreme reaction from the chinese ambassador ...

Your ignorance does not a rumour make
There's something I want make straight with. Uncle same will never give us billions.

The quad will get us trapped into spending billions on arms. Uncle sam will just give us aid loans which we will have to pay in interest. And get us more into debt.

If we don't take the aid loans, then u.s they will write off the debt and as long as we give them air and navy base in our country.

Australia is spending billions on subs and getting into debt. Money it doesn't have. What for?

Get real here guys
There's something I want make straight with. Uncle same will never give us billions.

The quad will get us trapped into spending billions on arms. Uncle sam will just give us aid loans which we will have to pay in interest. And get us more into debt.

If we don't take the aid loans, then u.s they will write off the debt and as long as we give them air and navy base in our country.

Australia is spending billions on subs and getting into debt. Money it doesn't have. What for?

Get real here guys
BD needs to pass the time.... unipolar world has ended .... multopolar world is forming and BD needs to find its place as a middle power.
strategic importance? how is Bangladesh strategically important? Too close to China to host bases besides the US already has several bases in China's soft underbelly. On the flip side Bangladesh is too close to India for Chinese bases, if I remember correctly, Bangladesh is surrounded on three sides by India. Bangladesh depends on India and China for water, most of her rivers originate in China and flow through India. I always thought Bangladesh was strategically vulnerable so it's bewildering to hear you say the opposite.

I haven't taken anything personally, the people of Bangladesh have every right to decide their own fate and choose their own friends. I'm not convinced taking sides at this time is the right call for Bangladesh.

I don't know how "strategically important" Bangladesh really is.

But what is true without a doubt is that the US has been paying more attention to Bangaldesh in recent years.

Given the pivot in attention to the Indo-Pacific, Bangaldesh does seem to hold some significance to American plans.

As I see it, what Bangladesh chooses for its MRCA program as well as MMRCA program will be really telling.
oh come on.

you know its too obvious

the Jeeewzzz dont you know that?

While Pakistan and other African countries are hurt by corruption and siphoning how does USA benefit ? USA has the ultimate printing press. Why do we care about a few billion ?

How much $$$ do you think Pakistani politicians are in their Swiss bank accounts ? How much $$$ do you think corrupt Pakistani politicians have in USA ?
@dbc , I will answer shortly and that is Malacca strait ; the only exit route of China!

If any blockade is imposed their China will be literally taken down on her knees!

Now you check the map of this area and also location of andaman and nicobor Island.

Things will get more deadly towards China.

If usa can get Bangladesh by her side , they can make a base to land it's forces here.

So why Bangladesh? Because you can't convince Myanmar against China, as it's technically an extention of China.

And also if you impose a naval blockade on malacca straight , you can use the land of andaman.

If you can arrange ground force in Bangladesh ( alongside naval base ) , China is doomed.

That's why China will not let it happen , and usa will try it's best to do it.

Now search Google for the importance of malacca strait for Chinese trading.

You surely know that war can't be won by military invasion, but it's depend on economy.

If you impose blockade on malacca strait and can use Bangladeshi land and water, chinese economy will be cripples if there will be a full scale war.

A hostile naval blockade on malacca strait will take down China on her knees within one month.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it , but American authority and chines eauthority both know it.

Why su kiye govt was thrown out and again junta take power in Myanmar?

Because China won't seat hand on hand , when you ( western hegemony)are trying to screw them?

I honestly want us to remain neutral, unless we are given a choice like this , "Either you are with us , or against us" !

So you are trying to say that if in future China try to use Myanmar to get access to globe via bay of Bengal then in that case Bangladesh strategic location is important for USA where she can make military bases to prevent or deter China???

If that is the case then why Bangladesh?? Why not India only who is already a QUAD member shares maritime boundary with bay of Bengal and land border with Myanmar, who is already an official enemy of China and can provide much larger strategic depth to USA military bases from Chinese attacks compared to very small Bangladesh??? Not to mention andaman and Nicobar Islands chain that too can be used for a potential blockade from maritime traffic coming out of BoB???

You are under a very false impression that USA will need BD location that badly to checkmate China in BoB if they want to use Myanmar....

For that they have another powerful fleet in Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia and India too can offer what BD can offer..... In fact with much higher strategic depth due it's sheer size.....

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