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No free lunches for USA anymore!

USA cannot attack western China through India. It cannot post soldiers in seven sisters due to supply line issues.
Firstly I'm not at all talking about USA opening bases in India to attack western China..... if you think that then please once again read all my posts on this thread....

I am only saying BD has a zero strategic value to checkmate China if they decide to use Myanmar to access BoB..... in order to block such access India will be far far better option to USA than BD.... but given their naval strength in IOR they may not even require India and BD both.... show me where did I talk about inviting USA to attack western China???

China is moving its strategic assets to the north and west - where it cannot be attacked.

In an all out war - China will just move its military to the seven sisters.

And use Chittagong (provided an alliance exists) to trade.

In an all out war - India will lose the seven sisters and never get it back.

China has its sights on the seven sisters but cannot move until it secures Bangladesh as an all weather ally like Pakistan.

China secured Uighurstan with the help of West Pakistan (gifted a corridor).

China hopes to secure seven sisters with the help of former East Pakistan.

@Homo Sapiens
If walking over and taking seven sisters was so easy China would have done it now..... using Chittagong for trades keep dreaming,..... but anyway this is not the point or argument I got involved in this thread......
I don't know how "strategically important" Bangladesh really is.

But what is true without a doubt is that the US has been paying more attention to Bangaldesh in recent years.

Given the pivot in attention to the Indo-Pacific, Bangaldesh does seem to hold some significance to American plans.

As I see it, what Bangladesh chooses for its MRCA program as well as MMRCA program will be really telling.

Bdesh is biding its time for turkey flagship combat jet. It doesn't want American or euro jets.

It will get Chinese j-10 as cost saving measure for numbers . But ideally it wants Turkish jets that it is not beholden to any western power. Its also buying from key nations ally so no western power can say anything.
In an all out war - China will just move its military to the seven sisters
And that's why they they need a free bay of Bengal! India can't send logistics directly to seven sisters!

That's why if USA ( India's master ) can managed to get Bangladesh by its side , India and USA can supply logistics to NE India!

But our great strategic ally @vishwambhar don't want to accept the reality!

His world always revolve around their wet dream supa pow India.
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Lol some day dreamers here seems to be actually believing as if NE is not connected to mainland India..... let me educate that NE is well connected with mainland India with 22 kms broad land corridor.....

In case if hostile to India government comes to power in BD then India will have anyways no other option but to rely on her share of connectivity with NE..... with BD it will be easier , without BD it will not be impossible.....

India already have a strong military and airforce presence in NE, have strong reinforcement in sikkim, Bengal to keep supply chain running with NE..... not to mention a very impressive air lift capacity in the form of globe masters, Chinook and many other platforms that can avoid BD and travel via silliguri corridor and even use the airspace of Bhutan...... one should have a look at the speed India deployed troops in ladakh LAC when China India tensions were high 2 years back.....

Our master USA need not even please BD to get on our side..... if they too enter with their air lift capacity in India then lesser we talk about BD the better.....

BD access will make logistics movement cheaper but off course not impossible..... stop deluding yourselves.....
Firstly I'm not at all talking about USA opening bases in India to attack western China..... if you think that then please once again read all my posts on this thread....

I am only saying BD has a zero strategic value to checkmate China if they decide to use Myanmar to access BoB..... in order to block such access India will be far far better option to USA than BD.... but given their naval strength in IOR they may not even require India and BD both.... show me where did I talk about inviting USA to attack western China???

If walking over and taking seven sisters was so easy China would have done it now..... using Chittagong for trades keep dreaming,..... but anyway this is not the point or argument I got involved in this thread......

Let’s calm down and have a civilised debate.

America wants to encircle China like it has encircled Russia. Ukraine will have an American base sooner or later.

It’s long term aim is to station troops in seven sisters and supply them via Chittagong.

China’s interior is heavily fortified thanks to Mother Nature but can be exposed via seven sisters. Given a supply route.

For China, North Korea provides a buffer in the east and Bangladesh provides a buffer in the west.
Bdesh is biding its time for turkey flagship combat jet. It doesn't want American or euro jets.

It will get Chinese j-10 as cost saving measure for numbers . But ideally it wants Turkish jets that it is not beholden to any western power. Its also buying from key nations ally so no western power can say anything.

I would love to believe that.

But evidence points to Bangladesh just not caring that much about its military capability.

Otherwise, as a self respecting nation, I would have expected at least some move to maintain parity with Myanmar in regards to its AF/AD. (No answer for JF-17, Su-30, and SD-10 or R-77)

ESPECIALLY after the humiliation of 2017.

Instead, Bangladesh essentially did nothing.

No new fighter.

No new active radar AAM.

No new SAM system beyond FM-90.

Just alot of mysterious nonsensical speculation on social media.

And I don't count 4 "upgraded" Mig-29s and a tender for R-77s.

You may be forgetting, this is the same nation/air force that allowed gifted ex-PAF F-6 to be destroyed in a cyclone rather than move them to safety.

Absolute incompetence.
is my answer.
as relevant as your questions used as a response to my post.

it is easy to say there are billions of dollars in ill gotten Pakistani wealth in USA without providing any evidence. All I have seen is 200 Papa John pizza franchises
@dbc , I will answer shortly and that is Malacca strait ; the only exit route of China!

If any blockade is imposed their China will be literally taken down on her knees!

Now you check the map of this area and also location of andaman and nicobor Island.

Things will get more deadly towards China.

If usa can get Bangladesh by her side , they can make a base to land it's forces here.

So why Bangladesh? Because you can't convince Myanmar against China, as it's technically an extention of China.

And also if you impose a naval blockade on malacca straight , you can use the land of andaman.

If you can arrange ground force in Bangladesh ( alongside naval base ) , China is doomed.

That's why China will not let it happen , and usa will try it's best to do it.

Now search Google for the importance of malacca strait for Chinese trading.

You surely know that war can't be won by military invasion, but it's depend on economy.

If you impose blockade on malacca strait and can use Bangladeshi land and water, chinese economy will be cripples if there will be a full scale war.

A hostile naval blockade on malacca strait will take down China on her knees within one month.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it , but American authority and chines eauthority both know it.

Why su kiye govt was thrown out and again junta take power in Myanmar?

Because China won't seat hand on hand , when you ( western hegemony)are trying to screw them?

I honestly want us to remain neutral, unless we are given a choice like this , "Either you are with us , or against us" !

Bangladesh is well within range of PLAAF aircraft and PLA long range artillery and missiles. So any US base in Bangladesh will be quite vulnerable.Besides the Andaman island is at the mouth of the Malacca strait, the Indians are already poised with long range anti-ship missiles and aircraft well within reach for an easy blockade.

The Andaman Islands also has the benefit of being out of PLAAF's aircraft and PLA artillery reach. It is still within range of Chinese missiles but USN and Indian forces will be able to defend the island from missiles.

Pakistan is much more attractive for China due to uncontested land and air connectivity and a larger battle tested better equipped Pakistan military to secure the connectivity- period.

Bangladesh may get away with a hostile US but she can't afford a hostile China or India. Best she stays out of this mess.
Let’s calm down and have a civilised debate.

America wants to encircle China like it has encircled Russia. Ukraine will have an American base sooner or later.

It’s long term aim is to station troops in seven sisters and supply them via Chittagong.

China’s interior is heavily fortified thanks to Mother Nature but can be exposed via seven sisters. Given a supply route.

For China, North Korea provides a buffer in the east and Bangladesh provides a buffer in the west.
There's no such source which ever talked about any USA intentions about stationing troops in sisters state...

if USA even then want to encircle China by landing military in India then seven sisters are not the only area sharing borders with China....

USA can use other areas such as Sikkim, ladakh or even siachen to encircle China.... these areas will be infact very good strategically to even endanger CPEC....

NE can be reinforced by the mammoth air lift capacity of USA India combined via chicken neck.... so BD will be useful and cheaper option but if it comes to blackmail us over providing faster route then India or India and USA both can manage without him......
The Andaman Islands also has the benefit of being out of PLAAF's aircraft and PLA artillery reach. It is still within range of Chinese missiles but USN and Indian forces will be able to defend the island from missiles.
Umm , actually that's not a problem since China as Myanmar. China will move it's army and navy through Myanmar in a full scale war. Chicken neck will be wringed ,and India can't save it. If China can control the bay of Bengal India is encircled actually!

Tell me , shall USA take the risk of direct conflict with China? I don't think so .

You see USA isn't directly fighting Russia for Ukraine!

So now if USA doesn't have Bangladesh , and at least we remain neutral , China have full and secured access of the bay of Bengal. Indian navy is nothing compared to Chinese navy!

Besides , China has port in Sri Lanka. So yes all are secured , unless Bangladesh join USA block!

Pakistan is much more attractive for China due to uncontested land and air connectivity and a larger battle tested better equipped Pakistan military to secure the connectivity- period.
Not period! Pakistan is attractive for them for sure , but this region was most important during Soviet era. Now it's bay of Bengal.

If China don't want a naval blockade at malacca strait,then she must has to secure the bay of Bengal! And they will do so.

if USA even then want to encircle China by landing military in India then seven sisters are not the only area sharing borders with China....
USA can't encircle China through India , as USA doesn't have land border in this region and India is a week link.

A secured bay of Bengal will give China the benefits.

Besides if USA want to deploy troops from uttarkhanda sides , Pakistan , Nepal and Russia isn't going to suck goat dick !

Yes they might not attack directly , but indirectly more harm can be done , and USA knows it's much better than an Indian wet dreamer like you my dear strategic ally @vishwambhar !

You better play the war video games and watch war movies.
Umm , actually that's not a problem since China as Myanmar. China will move it's army and navy through Myanmar in a full scale war. Chicken neck will be wringed ,and India can't save it. If China can control the bay of Bengal India is encircled actually!

Tell me , shall USA take the risk of direct conflict with China? I don't think so .

You see USA isn't directly fighting Russia for Ukraine!

So now if USA doesn't have Bangladesh , and at least we remain neutral , China have full and secured access of the bay of Bengal. Indian navy is nothing compared to Chinese navy!

Besides , China has port in Sri Lanka. So yes all are secured , unless Bangladesh join USA block!

Not period! Pakistan is attractive for them for sure , but this region was most important during Soviet era. Now it's bay of Bengal.

If China don't want a naval blockade at malacca strait,then she must has to secure the bay of Bengal! And they will do so.

USA can't encircle China through India , as USA doesn't have land border in this region and India is a week link.

A secured bay of Bengal will give China the benefits.

Besides if USA want to deploy troops from uttarkhanda sides , Pakistan , Nepal and Russia isn't going to suck goat dick !

Yes they might not attack directly , but indirectly more harm can be done , and USA knows it's much better than an Indian wet dreamer like you my dear strategic ally @vishwambhar !

You better play the war video games and watch war movies.

Haha you're funny.... I thought you to be a serious poster initially.....
Anyways read my reply to @BananaRepublicUK

He was saying how USA had aim of deploying it's military in seven sisters.... I told him there's no such source confirming this aim of America and then as an example I told him that

"still if America seriously has such aim then seven sisters is not the only area that shares borders with China..... if America really wants to encircle China by landing military in India then it can do it from other areas such as Sikkim, ladakh or even siachen as these areas hold more strategic value as they can even endanger CPEC.....

So it was an example I was talking about but seems you have comprehension issues..... so I am not the one who's wet dreaming.....

Wet dreamer here are people like you who think USA will need BD to checkmate China if China starts accessing Burmese ports or how important strategically BD is for America or how BD can cut India into half......
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Sorry for the tagging error.... corrected

I think you are just too emotional.

People with ideas above their station always are.

Try to be humble.

As in most Bangladeshis do not have any geopolitical ambitions. Just want to progress on the economic front.

Whereas most Indians are the exact opposite.
Umm , actually that's not a problem since China as Myanmar. China will move it's army and navy through Myanmar in a full scale war. Chicken neck will be wringed ,and India can't save it. If China can control the bay of Bengal India is encircled actually!

Tell me , shall USA take the risk of direct conflict with China? I don't think so .

You see USA isn't directly fighting Russia for Ukraine!

So now if USA doesn't have Bangladesh , and at least we remain neutral , China have full and secured access of the bay of Bengal. Indian navy is nothing compared to Chinese navy!

Besides , China has port in Sri Lanka. So yes all are secured , unless Bangladesh join USA block!

Not period! Pakistan is attractive for them for sure , but this region was most important during Soviet era. Now it's bay of Bengal.

If China don't want a naval blockade at malacca strait,then she must has to secure the bay of Bengal! And they will do so.

I don't see how BD is important to blockade the straits of Malacca. If the US was so concerned, they would rather seek bases in Malaysia and Indonesia and even in the Andamans.
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