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No fighters for pakistan: Russia

Telling you this is only currently the best option we have

Russia knows that if they don't sell weapons to Pakistan they will not have strategic influence on Pakistan what they need now, due to situation in ME and Ukraine, it has nothing to do in respect of India, also China will not let go it's massive investment into drain in Pakistan.

There is a reason China continuously allow PAF access to Su-30s, J10, J-11 and higher jets, they are also continuously sending J-10 & J-11s to Pakistan to test them in our environment, remember Chinese always find a way to do things and if PAF need J-11 or higher then Russia will not be able to stop Chinese.
Look Russians have very claver Business strategy for there defence industry.
Chemezov said that Russia's relationship with India has always remained very strong and fruitful.
For starters Pakistan did not opened any negotiations with Russia for the possible sale of any fighter jets. All there was an interest plus the hype created. So technically Russia isnt refusing Pakistan nothing as Pakistan did not ask for anything yet. Relations between the two sides have improved quite a bit. From cold war adversaries to holding joint exercise, plus russia opening up defensive equipment is a big development. Anything else will come in time. Indians tend to forget that even if Pakistan cannot compete India's buying power, China surely can and if Pakistan really decides to get something from Russia, China will play its hand in convincing Moscow and there isnt a damn thing India could do about it. This is how international relations work and wont be any different between Moscow and Islamabad.
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