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No European country can be 'exempt' from taking in refugees, says French President

That is the number we can accomodate,provide medical assistance and integration into society.Beyond that we're full.That is the case Romania will be arguing to the next European meeting on migration,we are rejecting mandatory quotas.You better brush up on your international law ,these peope are refugees in the first safe country they enter,beyond that they are illegal migrants.It really isn't so hard to comprehend,you just can't argue that fleeing Turkey,Serbia,Greece,etc ,which are safe countries,makes you a runaway from a war zone..
This has nothing to do with my understanding of international law. You mention 3 things: housing, medical care and integration. The first 2 can easily be accommodated, since they are a matter of money, and the EU is in many ways a money pump. As for the latter, really a better explanation is needed. How is it that Romania, with some 18k natives to 1 refugee currently, cannot integrate more? Esp. when most of your neighbours succeed at that much better. See data on total population, refugee population, natives per refugee :

Serbia : 9,850,000 / 70,707 / 139
Bulgaria : 7,364,570 / 5,688 / 1295
Hungary : 10,031,208 / 5,106 / 1965
Slovakia : 5,413,548 / 546 / 9915
Ukraine : 46,029,281 / 3,176 / 14493
Romania : 19,042,936 / 1,005 / 18948
Moldova : 3,567,500 / 146 / 24435

Heck,we fulfilled all Schengen criterias years ago but your country and Germany still denied us acces,contrary to EU law.We have no reason to show solidarity with your politicians..
Oh, so the Romanians just have a chip on their shoulder versus some other EU countries and refuse because of that?
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This has nothing to do with my understanding of international law. You mention 3 things: housing, medical care and integration. The first 2 can easily be accommodated, since they are a matter of money, and the EU is in many ways a money pump. As for the latter, really a better explanation is needed. How is it that Romania, with some 18k natives to 1 refugee currently, cannot integrate more? Esp. when most of your neighbours succeed at that much better. See data on total population, refugee population, natives per refugee :

Serbia : 9,850,000 / 70,707 / 139
Bulgaria : 7,364,570 / 5,688 / 1295
Hungary : 10,031,208 / 5,106 / 1965
Slovakia : 5,413,548 / 546 / 9915
Ukraine : 46,029,281 / 3,176 / 14493
Romania : 19,042,936 / 1,005 / 18948
Moldova : 3,567,500 / 146 / 24435

Oh, so the Romanians just have a chip on their shoulder versus some other EU countries and refuse because of that?

Serbia is keeping them in camps,not sending their kids to school or housing them in buildings.

It's not about a chip but about the fact that some of you ignore EU laws but have the audacity to require certain things from us,things that don't even have a legal standing.When people start coming directly from Syria to Romania they'll be refugees,if they come distributed from Germany they're migrants.

Show me the EU rules that say a mandatory distribution of migrants is legal.Is there a EU law that forces us to have 100 natives per refugee???You're making things up as you go and expect us to play ball just because you're liberal views paralyse you from doing the only logical,legal action:CLOSE THE GOD DAMN BORDERS TO ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.

Well,in that case,keep them to yourself.
Serbia is keeping them in camps,not sending their kids to school or housing them in buildings.

It's not about a chip but about the fact that some of you ignore EU laws but have the audacity to require certain things from us,things that don't even have a legal standing.When people start coming directly from Syria to Romania they'll be refugees,if they come distributed from Germany they're migrants.

Show me the EU rules that say a mandatory distribution of migrants is legal.Is there a EU law that forces us to have 100 natives per refugee???You're making things up as you go and expect us to play ball just because you're liberal views paralyse you from doing the only logical,legal action:CLOSE THE GOD DAMN BORDERS TO ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.

Well,in that case,keep them to yourself.
I am not ignoring anyone or requiring anything from you. I don't make up anything as I go and I don't expect anything from you. You don't know what views I hold (I'm most certainly not going to tell on a public forum).

As if all Dutch are liberal etc.:crazy:
Turkey : 71,517,100 / 1,633,560 / 44
Montenegro : 620,029 / 12,874 / 48
Sweden : 9,292,359 / 86,615 / 107
Norway : 4,834,000 / 40,691 / 119
Germany : 82,046,000 / 571,685 / 144
Switzerland : 7,739,100 / 50,416 / 154
Luxembourg : 493,500 / 2,855 / 173
Austria : 8,355,260 / 47,073 / 177
Netherlands : 16,535,207 / 74,598 / 222
Cyprus : 801,600 / 3,503 / 229
France : 65,073,482 / 210,207 / 310
United Kingdom : 61,634,599 / 193,510 / 319
Denmark : 5,519,441 / 13,399 / 412
Belgium : 10,754,528 / 22,402 / 480
Ireland : 4,422,100 / 8,249 / 536
Bosnia & Herzegowina : 3,767,000 / 6,933 / 543
Finland : 5,343,608 / 9,175 / 582
WORLD: 7,271,700,000 / 10,395,553 / 699
Croatia : 4,435,056 / 2,600 / 1706
Macedonia : 2,048,620 / 1,130 / 1813
Poland : 38,100,700 / 15,847 / 2404
Lithuania : 3,349,872 / 821 / 4080
Czech Republic : 10,467,542 / 2,449 / 4274
Iceland : 319,246 / 58 / 5504
Greece : 11,257,285 / 1,573 / 7157
Slovakia : 5,413,548 / 546 / 9915
Spain : 45,929,476 / 4,228 / 10863
Slovenia : 2,045,249 / 142 / 14403
Latvia: 2,257,300 / 95 / 23761
Portugal : 10,627,250 / 408 / 26047
Estonia : 1,340,415 / 50 / 26808
The UK isn't taking its fair share either, though it isn't as vulnerable to such pressure, although I think we should do more to take in our fair share.

That would be political suicide for Cameroon. UKIP would gain a lot if too many refugees are allowed. UK is willing to take 20,000 but only from refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan etc, which I think is a good step. Those people are really vulnerable.

Bradford has all ready taken around 167 I think. They are being enrolled into English classes and taught British culture.:)
@Penguin Europe isn't in a contest on who has more natives per immigrant. At this point I don't understand what your point actually is. (and Serbia/Bulgaria as examples...sorry, but LOL )
That would be political suicide for Cameroon. UKIP would gain a lot if too many refugees are allowed. UK is willing to take 20,000 but only from refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan etc, which I think is a good step. Those people are really vulnerable.

Bradford has all ready taken around 167 I think. They are being enrolled into English classes and taught British culture.:)

This is true, in fact, it's political suicide for Tories and Kippers. But it's very damaging also to anyone but the Greens.
Still, I said what I said, irrespective of UK politics, it's only fair we take more, and only just, it stand with my principles.

I'd also state at this point that I deeply resent the atmosphere developed over the last few years about immigrants, migrants, refugees and the EU.
Who is twitter-luring refugees to Germany?

Counties mentioned in tweets containing #Refugees hashtag, percent

Analysis of 5704 original tweets containing #RefugeesWelcome” hashtag and a country name lead to even larger gap between Germany and the rest of Europe:

The next step is to study the source twitter accounts
where the hashtag #RefugeesWelcome + Germany originate. Next diagram shows the countries of origin of the relevant twitter accounts (where they could be identified):

As you see, only 6,4% of all tweets with “#RefugeesWelcome”+Germany came from Germany itself.Almost half of them were originated from UK, USA and Australia! Looks like your remote planetmates are blushlessly inviting guests to visit your home without inquiring your opinion beforehand!

Evidently, the logic behind this campaign is to deteriorate social situation in Germany and undermine its economic development. Another target is the social structure of German society. 1 million of refugees coming annually there and supplementing existing 31% of local familieshaving at least one migrant parent, would definitely disbalance the voting structure and secure a loyal leadership in Germany for the decades to come. On the other hand that would instigate ultra-right sentiments within the indigenous population and cause furious clashes between migrants and German radicals. Both processes would result in weakened Germany and diminished EU.

That is the real agenda behind innocent tweeting…

Source: Who is twitter-luring refugees to Germany? | Oriental Review
Germany is gracious :D Country of hitler is not that bad

Serbia : 9,850,000 / 70,707 / 139
Bulgaria : 7,364,570 / 5,688 / 1295
Hungary : 10,031,208 / 5,106 / 1965
Slovakia : 5,413,548 / 546 / 9915
Ukraine : 46,029,281 / 3,176 / 14493
Romania : 19,042,936 / 1,005 / 18948
Moldova : 3,567,500 / 146 / 24435
I dont think syrians even prefer to settle in these eastern European countries . Poor or middle class from these countries even go to germany/uk/norway/sweden etc for work so.theese refugees probably want paper from these countries so that they can travel to wealthy countries of Europe for better life and opportunities
Serbia is keeping them in camps,not sending their kids to school or housing them in buildings.

It's not about a chip but about the fact that some of you ignore EU laws but have the audacity to require certain things from us,things that don't even have a legal standing.When people start coming directly from Syria to Romania they'll be refugees,if they come distributed from Germany they're migrants.

Show me the EU rules that say a mandatory distribution of migrants is legal. Is there a EU law that forces us to have 100 natives per refugee???You're making things up as you go and expect us to play ball just because you're liberal views paralyse you from doing the only logical,legal action:CLOSE THE GOD DAMN BORDERS TO ILLEGAL MIGRANTS.

Well,in that case,keep them to yourself.

If the things keep going on like this then the other European countries will have to take some drastic steps to save the Germans from Germans the third time within one century. Show me the EU laws that allow the illegal migrants to roam freely in the EU states? They are the guests of Merkel, send them all to Berlin. Don't let the Germans dictate you. Do you guys have any transport minister of Yemeni descent who has suggested to print driving licences in Arabic to make the lives of his Arabic brothers easier in Europe?
The US is building military bases in Romania.It doesn't take a genius to see who your real allies are.

Thats good news. So you guy's in Romania are going to be introduced to the wonders of multicultures like this? I guess that is progress. Good ole' US of A. Or are you going to insist no Jamal's or Ali's GI's?

Any idea what size of force is going to be stationed in Romania? My understanding is that 30% of US military is of non European extraction. I am thinking would this go well with the locals?



@Penguin Europe isn't in a contest on who has more natives per immigrant. At this point I don't understand what your point actually is. (and Serbia/Bulgaria as examples...sorry, but LOL )
You think it is a contest? No, it is just pointing out some realities. 1:18000 and then citing integration problems is ... well. Not very convincing.

Germany is gracious :D Country of hitler is not that bad

I dont think syrians even prefer to settle in these eastern European countries . Poor or middle class from these countries even go to germany/uk/norway/sweden etc for work so.theese refugees probably want paper from these countries so that they can travel to wealthy countries of Europe for better life and opportunities
The number are NOT the current influx, they are refugee population already in those countries (to which the new influx would add).
Yee who told that they wil take 800 thousand ... and after some 200 they feel its to much ... Fräulein brainless Merkell should go on here 4 and apologize to EU and those migrants becose shes the main cause here...

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