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No Driving License??? No issue at all, at least in Peshawar.

PTI government has given an independent police department to the people of KPK.
This nothing more than a political stunt, to make people get the license you impound the car and put heavy fines and enforce the law. This is not way to do govt business, If they were enforcing the law in last three years then everyone would have gotten a license by now.

If we are talking about 3 years of PTI in KPK then lets talk about 30 years of Punjab by PML(N). Has everyone got driving license out there? But the fact is that in KPK just few years back the manual card system was automated and initially all the cards were printed in Peshawar which would take quite a long time. Then things started to expand and now almost every district is having independent system. So far so that even in far flung areas like Lakki Marwat people are going for licenses as Police has gone quite strict on these things. So rather than trying to find loopholes in shortcomings in the good acts of the ones whom U consider something like enemies, how about take a time and let them do the good work? Banda Keeray nikaalnay pay ayay tu koi b cheez perfect nhi.
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