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No Doubt! Caliphate will be back again :)

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I don't accept it - it's suspect -- - simply saying that the prophet said it and it is written by someone will not cut it. As a matter of fact all so called hadith are suspect and act superstition and fortune telling as undesirable elements

This has been quoted from Musnad Ahmad

Just imagine the hypcrisy - others are piss drinkers, and idol worshipers and and on and on - but you have to buy into my lit of rubbish about how yabba dabba do said what to whom, recorded hundreds of years later in central asia of all places - silly nuts

See this is what I am talking about. You have no idea nor any understanding about Hadiths of Holy Prophet.
I don't accept it - it's suspect -- - simply saying that the prophet said it and it is written by someone will not cut it. As a matter of fact all so called hadith are suspect and act superstition and fortune telling as undesirable elements

This has been quoted from Musnad Ahmad
U really sound an ignorant guy but no problem its in ur genes.

And for as Capital city is concerned it can be any in Ottoman era ita was Istanbul but future one i guess will be again Medina tul-Munawara.

Man u have to change ur attitude coz some one will give u beat of a life time.

I think he has already had the beating bro. Look at the long well thought out articulate posts he makes!!
what is caliphate ?

God told me and you personally about the creation of the human race and the test that is put on it. He begins with an intention "innii ja3alnaakum minal ardii khaliifa"(forgive misspellings) [Surah Baqarah] - "I will make in the Earth a vicegerent" -. He then created Adam A.S. and had him descend onto it.

So, the human, when in his elevated form, is the viceroy, the right-hand man, the stand-in, the representative for God himself on this planet. It's something to be exited about and be proud of. But this vice-regency is inherited on your quality not through automatic father-to-son inheritance. In the present segment of time, the Last Messenger S.A.W re-established it and it went on for 30 years, and then man disinherited it. A time will come, just before the end, in fact before another Messenger A.S returns that this vice-regency will return to mankind, really through God's grace and design and apparently though mankind's efforts.

So it's up to us - be God's deputy or be the fugitive.
What sacred words?? Who said these are his words?? Only Quran is sacred, Mohammad, the beloved of God was just a man, you understand, just a man -- Muslims are not idol worshippers and if there are any here who are, too bad - learn to live with it.

What the hell Muse,Better keep your mouth shut.
This has been quoted from Musnad Ahmad


See that does not change the whole - xyz said to abc, who heard so and so while sitting with the messenger....

What you people need to do is give up on this fortune telling - it is a evil and idol worship, if that's the way you want to go, is fine, just don't imagine thatwe will buy into this silliness

See this is what I am talking about

Yes, I do, and like I said fortune telling is not for the likes of us.

BTW what will be the capital of Caliphate ..? Islamabad or, Ankara or, Dubai or, Riyadh..? What about Tripoli,Kabul and Dhaka..?

How about Delhi? How about Patna? Or those are only good enough to candidate for useless things like the Olympics?
And shame on you for being stupid enough to think that something recorded hundred of years after the event in cenrtral asia of all places is valid
And were his words sacred before he was a prophet?? Listen here idol worshiper, Muhammad was a man, like any other, and Quran is the only sacred text in Islam - Idol worshipers should be stripped and lashed with a whip for being idol worshipers, don't you agree?

1. By the star when it goes down. 2. Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled,3.Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.4It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:5.He was taught by one mighty in Power.

Sural An-Najm (53).
What do you mean by this? Are sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH not authentic?

Its not that they aren't authentic, its just that some of them could be fabricated, and there are some that are fabricated. And if your going to quote from a Hadees at least put a source citation as well so we can know what kind of hadees it is.
1. By the star when it goes down. 2. Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled,3.Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.4It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:5.He was taught by one mighty in Power.

Sural An-Najm (53).

Did not answer me - were his words sacred before he was a prophet??
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