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No difference between LeT and Xe


Oct 14, 2010
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‘Xe behind Baloch insurgency, terror hits’

LAHORE - Blackwater, the CIA’s deadliest sidekick, has launched a massive operation to promote insurgency in Balochistan, especially in the coastal areas, as part of its efforts to destablise the country, it is learnt.
The CIA and Blackwater (now Xe Services) operating from the USA have two major designs in Pakistan – to control the entire business of the Gwadar port and to carry out colossal suicide attacks across central Punjab and north-western areas of the country to tell the world that the first atomic Islamic power is ungovernable.

“They wish to have complete control over the entire Balochistan, especially the Gwadar port, and seize the nuclear assets of Pakistan,” said former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Punjab chief Brigadier (r) Mohammad Aslam Ghuman.

He said the insurgents in Balochistan are Indians operating in connivance with Blackwater. “Pervez Musharraf provided safe passage to the Indian intelligence agency RAW, which has established dozens of consulates in Afghanistan along the border with Balochistan,” he added. The former ISI Punjab chief further said days after the Russian federation collapsed, CIA, RAW and Mossad carried out a comprehensive analysis and recommended launching a major operation inside Pakistan, especially Balochistan, to shake the state. “Yes, the CIA in connivance with RAW and Blackwater is operating in Balochistan and other parts of the country. They cannot absorb any Islamic atomic state,” he remarked.

He urged the politicians especially President Zardari and PM Gilani to shun their silence and “show sincerity to the country”, adding that like in other countries, in Pakistan Blackwater has multiplied its network honeycombed with the CIA, the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Pentagon and the State Department in conducting a variety of terror operations in the country.
Jeremy Scahill, author of a book ‘Blackwater’, in his article ‘The Secret US War in Pakistan’ has already stated: “At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, snatch and grabs of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan.”

‘Xe behind Baloch insurgency, terror hits’ | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Soviet War in Afghanistan ended in 1989 and Now if former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Punjab chief Brigadier (r) Mr. Ghuman is to be believed, CIA, RAW & MOSSAD started destabilization process in Pakistan, (the first Atomic Islamic country and "to tell the world that the first atomic Islamic power is ungovernable") 1989 onwards, after 9yrs of War in Afghanistan but Pakistan itself gone Nuclear in 1998...!!! How long will you be able to fool the Masses is a Million Dollar Question.
^ Not surprised , i do hope ISI succeeds against these morons once again.
conspiracy theories are generated by pakistani govt to take the minds of common people away from the failures of their own policies.

pakistan is in mess today because the mess (read arming of mujahideens and insurgents) was not cleaned properly. the major part of the blame goes to US. but paistani establishment also followed faulty policies after afghan war. arming and helping taliban to capture power was one such policy.

post 9/11 they were forced to take action against their own creations (the talibanis) and not surprisingly the move has backfired in a very big way.
conspiracy theories are generated by pakistani govt to take the minds of common people away from the failures of their own policies.

pakistan is in mess today because the mess (read arming of mujahideens and insurgents) was not cleaned properly. the major part of the blame goes to US. but paistani establishment also followed faulty policies after afghan war. arming and helping taliban to capture power was one such policy.

post 9/11 they were forced to take action against their own creations (the talibanis) and not surprisingly the move has backfired in a very big way.

This is not coming from GOVT but from the intelligence agencies , NOW change your statement :lol:
CIA is in bed with TTP, probably being supported by RAW because of how strategically important Pakistan is to China, and how Israel views Pakistan's nukes as. CIA's support for TTP is clear after the Raymond Davis case and how he was in contact with several TTP members. A superpower will attempt to prolong its status as a superpower and the US is doing exactly that. No doubt sooner or later they will fail and break up into many pieces, and the sooner that day comes the better.
i think by the grace of Allaha almighty we will succed together....infect i am balochi....my ancestors were from balochistan region...
Mix a little bit CIA with a spoonful of RAW, now add the complete mixture with MOSSAD, add ZIONIST AGENDA to taste and serve the dish by garnishing with DANGERS OVER ISLAM and HATERED TOWARDS U.S.A. - a perfect dish of conspiracy theory by governing elite of pakistan for the people of pakistan!!

You will find plenty of pakistanis buying that crap!!

I want to ask what does pakistan has that makes pakistanis think that the entire world is after them??? I bet nobody will find even a single positive point, only negatives. Pakistanis should think that after more than 60 years of independence what mark has pakistan made in this world?? And when you have thought about this then you will realize that pakistan nothing good to offer to the world, only troubles and the vision due to which pakistan was created is now lost.

Think about it before criticizing and ranting.
Mix a little bit CIA with a spoonful of RAW, now add the complete mixture with MOSAD, add ZIONIST AGENDA to taste and serve the dish by garnishing with DANGERS OVER ISLAM and HATERED TOWARDS U.S.A. - a perfect dish of conspiracy theory by governing elite of pakistan for the people of pakistan!!

You will find plenty of pakistanis buying that crap!!

I want to ask what does pakistan has that makes pakistanis think that the entire world is after them???

Now give it a little twist. Bring LET in the figure, mix it with China and its string of pearls, sprinkle a little bit of ISI interference cr@p with it. Also include Syed Ali Gilani and Huriyat leadership for further enhancement of taste. Sprinkle some Indian and American media reports over it. And here we go with the desi Bharati karahi of paranoia and conspiracy theory which is ready to be eaten by more than one billion people of Bharat. Now what you about this haan.

A paranoid nation like Bharat isn't eligible enough to teach others about conpiracy theories. We both share conspiracy theories and we both believe in them.;)
Now give it a little twist. Bring LET in the figure, mix it with China and its string of pearls, sprinkle a little bit of ISI interference cr@p with it. Also include Syed Ali Gilani and Huriyat leadership for further enhancement of taste. Sprinkle some Indian and American media reports over it. And here we go with the desi Bharati karahi of paranoia and conspiracy theory which is ready to be eaten by more than one billion people of Bharat. Now what you about this haan.

A paranoid nation like Bharat isn't eligible enough to teach others about conpiracy theories. We both share conspiracy theories and we both believe in them.;)

Compare where india stands in the world today and compare where pakistan stands in the world today. Think of what pakistan is famous for in the world and for what india is famous for in the world. Pakistan is behind in every sphere of life. A failing state like paksitan today stands visionless.
By the time people of pakistan will realize this, it will be too late.
Compare where india stands in the world today and compare where pakistan stands in the world today. Think of what pakistan is famous for in the world and for what india is famous for in the world. Pakistan is behind in every sphere of life. A failing state like paksitan today stands visionless.
By the time people of pakistan will realize this, it will be too late.

It's alrdy late ;)
It would be surprising if Muslims take the help of kaffirs like the RAW and the CIA or even the MOSSAD.

If indeed they do, then it goes against the tenets of the religion or doesn't it?

The common understanding is :

1. It also goes against the fact that Muslims are one.

2. It also indicates that sub nationalism is greater than the religion.

I don't think that any of the above is possible since Muslims will not go against their brothers and that too at the instigation of others or so the posts directly and indirectly indicate.

I believe so, since the posts here and elsewhere indicates that Muslims value the importance of their religion, unlike others, and will brook no nonsense when they are involved.
Compare where india stands in the world today and compare where pakistan stands in the world today. Think of what pakistan is famous for in the world and for what india is famous for in the world. Pakistan is behind in every sphere of life. A failing state like paksitan today stands visionless.
By the time people of pakistan will realize this, it will be too late.

Lolzzz. As I said Bharatis would be the last nation in this world to talk about conspiracy theories because you already have a lot of them back in home.;)

And thanks for the super dooper Bharat and so called failing Pakistan cr@p. As I told you delusional guys like you would be the last in this world to tell us about conspiracy theories. :)
It would be surprising if Muslims take the help of kaffirs like the RAW and the CIA or even the MOSSAD.

If indeed they do, then it goes against the tenets of the religion or doesn't it?

Terrorists are seldom as motivated by their religious convictions as much as they market them. When it comes to attaining their goals, they'll do it by hook or by crook.

Although the evidence against RAW and Mossad is weak and most formerly known incidents turned out to be just TTP and LeJ, the Davis affair has revealed, growing suspicions on the CIA and its sidekick terrorist organization Xe/Blackwater. There is no difference between Blackwater and LeT, in my books.

Before proceeding with business as usual CIA must abandon outsourcing its program to Xe.
Soviet War in Afghanistan ended in 1989 and Now if former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Punjab chief Brigadier (r) Mr. Ghuman is to be believed, CIA, RAW & MOSSAD started destabilization process in Pakistan, (the first Atomic Islamic country and "to tell the world that the first atomic Islamic power is ungovernable") 1989 onwards, after 9yrs of War in Afghanistan but Pakistan itself gone Nuclear in 1998...!!! How long will you be able to fool the Masses is a Million Dollar Question.

Well its from where recently when Taliban's from SWAT start marching towords Islamabad, the whole world was saying that Pakistani is going to under control of Taliban and its Nukes will be high Jacked by Taliban's and who was in front line to make all this propoganda not only in news but also by providing money to those extermists..?? It was RAW, CIA and MOSAD.....
The Money which Pakistan is getting from US in War on Terror its hardly meeting the military expenses which military is spending on operations.
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