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No decision yet on 26/11 terrorists' bodies

Jana, i think you Missed This :

Your posts says Pakistan accepted 4 out of 9 who carried out the attacks.

So lets figure out the four persons.

1. is alive and in your custody.

2. The second is Ahmed who is in under investigation.

3. now there remains two (the dead ones)

So you tell me who are the other 5 who were killed there???????
Why cant pakistan accept their own people's dead bodies atleast allow them a burial.
Its the same thing GOP has done regarding kargil insurgents. They only accepted few bodies, others were buried by Indian army.

Those people were not Pakistanies...
India is just making propoganda...
Nobody cares abt that
Your posts says Pakistan accepted 4 out of 9 who carried out the attacks.

So lets figure out the four persons.

1. is alive and in your custody.

2. The second is Ahmed who is in under investigation.

3. now there remains two (the dead ones)

So you tell me who are the other 5 who were killed there???????

Suppose Your younger brother was lost in the crowed Mela... what will be ur priority ?

#1. Get a Detailed report on How many are Lost in the Mela and then analyse your brother's disappearance ?

#2. With a sorrowful heart you search for him and without being bothered abt who else has been lost you simply go ahead, recognize your brother in the "lost ones camp" and Bring Him Back.

Why Bother about if the remaining terrorists were from Mars or Venus ? Go ahead see who are these 2 or even 1 .. ( One "Daniel Pearl " meant a lot for US , provided you care your nationals)

Recognize the 1 or 2 bodies you can and give it to the families.
Those people were not Pakistanies...
India is just making propoganda...
Nobody cares abt that

Yes ofcourse ajmal Kasab is - amar singh
All the dead terrorists were Indians and pakistan accepted them as pakistani's.

Dude you need to update your self with some news other than propaganda.
Suppose Your younger brother was lost in the crowed Mela... what will be ur priority ?

#1. Get a Detailed report on How many are Lost in the Mela and then analyse your brother's disappearance ?

#2. With a sorrowful heart you search for him and without being bothered abt who else has been lost you simply go ahead, recognize your brother in the "lost ones camp" and Bring Him Back.

Why Bother about if the remaining terrorists were from Mars or Venus ? Go ahead see who are these 2 or even 1 .. ( One "Daniel Pearl " meant a lot for US , provided you care your nationals)

Recognize the 1 or 2 bodies you can and give it to the families.

It is very much important to know the remaining terrorists if were from Mars or Venus to know the role of Mars and Venus.
yes indian ABC live .as we know indian mediea.for my own think this matter is nothing but india love to blame again and again pakistan .daed bodes are indian job what they will do with them its not GOP problim.enjoy the blame game our indian members.
Pakistan Backtracks on Link to Mumbai Attacks ( NYTIMES )

Published: February 12, 2009

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that parts of the Mumbai terrorist attacks were planned on its soil and said that six suspects were being held and awaiting prosecution.

The admission amounted to a significant about-face for the Pakistani government, which has long denied that any terrorist attacks against India, its longtime enemy, have originated in Pakistan.

Officials said as recently as Monday that they did not have enough evidence to link the Mumbai assault to Pakistan, and there have been signs of internal tensions in Pakistan over cracking down on Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistan-based militant group that India and the United States have deemed responsible for the Nov. 26 attack on India’s financial capital.

Pakistani officials did not explicitly name Lashkar as the organizer of the attacks on Thursday, but they did single out as suspects two people who are known to be connected to the group.

The formal acknowledgment of a Pakistani role came on the final day of a visit to the country by Richard C. Holbrooke, President Obama’s special envoy to the region, who raised the issue with top Pakistani government officials, according to an official familiar with the conversations.

Though Pakistani officials denied the announcement was linked to Mr. Holbrooke’s visit, the Obama administration has made clear that lowering hostilities between India and Pakistan is a crucial part of a regional solution to the war in Afghanistan.

India called Pakistan’s admission a “positive development,” but said that Pakistan must still take steps to dismantle the “infrastructure of terrorism.” In Washington, the State Department spokesman, Robert A. Wood, said, “I think it shows that Pakistan is serious about doing what it can to deal with the people that may have perpetrated these attacks.”

Both India and the United States have put strong pressure on Pakistan for some concession regarding the Mumbai attacks, which American officials feared were distracting Pakistan from the task of battling militants from the Taliban and Al Qaeda who have bases inside Pakistani territory.

Despite seemingly overwhelming evidence presented by India, with the help of American and British investigators, top Pakistani officials had repeatedly raised doubts about the identity of the attackers and the links to Pakistan-based militant leaders.

Finally, on Thursday, as Mr. Holbrooke left Pakistan for Afghanistan, Rehman Malik, the senior security official in the Interior Ministry, gave the fullest public account so far of Pakistan’s investigation.

“Some part of the conspiracy has taken place in Pakistan,” he said in a televised news briefing. He emphasized Pakistan’s commitment to prosecuting the attackers and, unusually for a government official here, expressed solidarity with India.

But he was also careful to diffuse blame for the attacks, noting that the tools used by the attackers to organize their plot — cellphone SIM cards, Internet servers — provided links to other countries, however ancillary.

“We have gone the extra mile in conducting an investigation on the basis of information provided by India, and we have proved that we are with the Indian people,” Mr. Malik said.

“According to the initial inquiry report a part of the conspiracy of Mumbai attacks was hatched in Pakistan; however links have been found in other states, including the U.S.A., Austria, Spain, Italy and Russia,” he added.

A State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities, called the Pakistani announcement a “political decision” to ease tensions with India.

While saying they did not have enough proof that the perpetrators were Pakistanis, President Asif Ali Zardari and other civilian leaders have expressed a determination to get to the bottom of the Mumbai attacks.

Mr. Zardari even offered to send the nation’s top intelligence official to India after the attacks occurred. But his outreach to India met strong resistance from Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency and the military.

A Defense Department official, who did not want to be named for similar reasons, said the Pakistani decision may have been an effort by the civilian government to “poke a stick” at the Pakistani military and intelligence service, which helped set up Lashkar in the 1980s as a proxy force to challenge India’s control of Kashmir, the disputed border region.

Indian officials have previously blamed Lashkar for an attack in 2000 on the Red Fort in New Delhi, as well as involvement in an attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001. Pakistan never acknowledged any Lashkar role in those attacks. The group is officially banned, though it has continued to operate openly.

Source : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/13/world/asia/13pstan.html

Its Absurd to quote India/Pakistani Media when debating Here.
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It is very much important to know the remaining terrorists if were from Mars or Venus to know the role of Mars and Venus.

So You will first Enquire abt who all were lost to understand the lost case of ur brother ?
Think Practical Maam.
Thinking of Mars and Venus wont help you here on Earth.
My teacher used to Say.. "Making Mistakes is NOT bad rather Not Accepting you Mistake is Bad"
What happened has happened .... Kam se kam Unke Gharwale unke aakihiri Chehere to dekh le.

Just want to know is anybody read this book "Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face of Terrorism in India" by S.M. Mushrif [Former, IG Police, Maharashtra]

published recently.

Lets Talk abt the Main Topic ( 26/11 Terrorists ) ONLY, as like most of the threads this one too will get derailed.
If u want a serioud discussion plz feel free to open a New thread which will ensure a seruious debate/talks on the issue.
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The dead bodies of the four terrorists which the government of Pakistan has accepted as Pakistani nationals should be sent back to them. The rest can be buried/dumped/burned/whatever.
Its easy to wake up some body who is sleeping..But its impossible to wake some body who is pretending to be sleeping
;) yup quite the Hindu funeral way ehh

agreed :agree:

Hindus don't burn their dead bodies with pig fat..it was my opinion about what to do with that bastards bodies...sorry for keep calling them bastards because i cant find any other better word to address them..

Well if your government accept the body of your nationals ,I don't mind how you bury them..You can even give them a martyrs burial because some other thread I saw one of the Pakistani member proudly writing how 10 boys from your country kill 100s of my country men....
Lets Talk abt the Main Topic ( 26/11 Terrorists ) ONLY, as like most of the threads this one too will get derailed.
If u want a serioud discussion plz feel free to open a New thread which will ensure a seruious debate/talks on the issue.

Hey!!! It's about 26/11. :pop:
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